Status: I will update as often as possible

Self Destruction

Chapter 15

Emmie's POV
The next few days go by relativly normal. The guys play as we travel from state to state. They were all happy to know that I said yes although I don’t know why. I’m not that special. It made me happy to know they cared so much. We are in North Carolina for a show. Ben kisses me as they head out for soundcheck.

“Baby, please come with us. I hate leaving you alone here. You worry me.”

“I’m so tired boo. I can hardly function. I’m just gonna stay here and take a nap okay? I’ll text you later. Don’t worry about me sweetheart, I’ll be fine.”

“Okay… You better text me or call me if you need anything. Actually, I’m going to text you when we get there. If I don’t hear anything back I’m sending someone to look for you.”

“Don’t worry. I’m just going to go sleep okay?” I laugh and kiss his cheek. “Love you.”

“Love you too.” He hugs and kisses me then heads off. I chuckle as I close the bus door. I check my phone and see 1 missed call. I call my voicemail.

Emmie, run. Or lock your doors wherever you are. He’s coming. He knows where you are. He’s angry, angrier than I have ever seen him. Be careful. I love you Emmie.

And the phone clicks. He’s coming. He found me. How? I dial the number I know so well. She picks up after the first ring.


“Mom? How did he find me?”

*Your phone. He called the company and they found you. I want you to be careful. I know I haven’t done anything before but if he gets to you, he will kill you. That’s how angry he is. I can’t lose my little girl.*

“You already lost me mom. You have never cared. You stood there and watched him beat me until I passed out. Even then you didn’t even bring me to the hospital. He did to make sure I wouldn’t die just so he could do it again.” Tears come to my eyes and I try to brush them away. “I don’t want him to kill me.”

*Then run. Go somewhere else. Turn off your phone. Do something.*

“I can’t. I can’t leave Ben.”

*Who’s Ben?*

“My boyfriend.”

*Take him with you. Or don’t leave his side. Anything Emmie. Please.*

“I have to go.”

*Okay. I love you Emmie. And I miss you.”

“Love you too.” And I hang up. My tears are flowing non-stop now. I call Ben.

*Hello love.*

“B, Ben? Can you come get me? I’m scared.”

*What happened?*

“Just please come get me. I can’t be here alone.”

*I’ll be right there.*

“Thank you.” He hangs up and I go to lock the door. When I get to the door I see that it’s open. I thought I shut it. I closed it then locked it and went to sit on the couch. I put my head in my hands and start to cry. That’s when I hear a glass break. Fuck. I look up.

“Hello my little slut. Can’t run away now.”