Status: I will update as often as possible

Self Destruction

Chapter 19

Ben's POV
It’s been 5 days since her father came after her and she still won’t wake up. I sit at her bedside and just cry day after day. I try to be strong but I can’t. I continually whisper in her ear just as the doctors asked me to trying to pull her awake. So far it hasn’t worked. I miss her. I miss her warmth beside me. I miss her playful smile especially when its for me. I miss the laughter that comes across her lips. I miss her beautiful green eyes looking at me. I miss everything. I try again.

“Emmie my love, please come back to us. We all miss you. I miss you so much it’s crazy. I need you here. I don’t know how long I can do this for before totally breaking down. I’m crying Emmie. I never cry. That’s how much I love you. Please come home.” My voice breaks and I start to cry again. I feel movement. I look over to her and I see that the hand that I’m holding as well as the other one is moving. Not much but it is. I call to the doctor.

“This is actually good news Ben. It means she might wake up soon. The hands are the first thing to move. If you keep talking to her like you have been she should wake up. But take a break for lunch. I’ll call for you if she wakes up.” I nod, kiss her on the forehead and leave. I turn on my phone when I get out of ICU and see that I have 4 missed calls. All from the band. I call my voicemail. The first is from Danny.

Benny boy! How is she? Is she awake yet? Call me back goddamnit. Don’t be a bitch. I care too you know. The next is Sam.

Ben! Any news? I think I might come in later to check on the both of you. Call me back and we’ll talk. I know you’re worried. I’m here to help. Then it’s Cameron.

How’s everything mate? Call me back and let me know. I’m worried Ben. We all are. James just happens to be last.

Hey! I miss my two best friends. I hope she wakes up soon. I’m sure she will. I’m gonna come in no matter what you say. I wanna see my friend whether she’s awake or not. Call one us back mate! I decide to call Danny back and talk to them all at once.

*It’s about time! What’s going on?*

“Look, You guys can all come in. The doctor thinks she’s going to wake up soon.”

*Good! We’ll be there soon.*

“I’ll meet you guys in the cafeteria” They hang up and I go to get my lunch only to cry more when I sit at the table.


The guys and I head back to ICU after lunch and find out that only 2 people are allowed in the room at a time. I offer to stay out so they can go in but they all deny saying that if she wakes up I will be the first person she will want to see. They will just swap one by one. Danny comes in first with me. I sit in the chair that I left by her head and hold her hand again. Danny goes to the other side. I try to talk to her again.

“Emmie, baby, please come back to me. I miss you. We all miss you.” I feel her hands move again and I keep talking. “I miss you so much sweetheart. When you wake up I’m going to kiss you so hard. It’s been so long since I’ve felt your soft lips.” I see her eyelids flutter a little. “Emmie, please just come home to me.” I start to cry and Danny just looks down. He doesn’t know what to say. Then I hear him gasp. I feel a tightening on my hand. I look up to see the beautiful green eyes that I missed so much.

“Ben my love, don’t cry for me.” I smile and kiss her.

“I love you so much you know that right?” She nods and I kiss her again. “You better.”