Status: I will update as often as possible

Self Destruction

Chapter 23 (Ben's POV)

I can’t help but be worried about Emmie while she’s back at the bus. I never want to leave her alone. I mean I know that Sam’s there but still. Like I trust him and everything just, I don’t know. I can’t help but feel like something’s going to happen. So I decide to head back to the bus from the mall. Just to check on her.

When I get there Sam’s in the living room playing video games which is odd. Usually he plays in his room.

"Where’s Emmie?"

"Sleeping in my bed"

"Uh why?" I’m slightly worried now.

"I was playing in there and she hopped in when she woke up. So I stayed in there with a while and talked to her while continuing to play. She ended up dozing off again so I came out here so I wouldn’t bother her."

"Oh.. Why didn’t you call me when she got up like I asked?"

"I was going to mate but I figured she wouldn’t want to know that you wanted to know everything that happened so I didn’t call when I was around her. I was going to when I like went to the bathroom or a smoke or something but I didn’t get the chance before she dozed back off. Sorry."

"Next time I ask you to do something, do it. And preferably keep her out of your bed. It makes me uncomfortable."


"I’m gonna go see if she’s awake then I’m probably gonna head back to the mall." He nodded so I headed to the back of the bus. I shouldn’t be this angry about this. I don’t know why I am.

It looks like she’s still asleep so I walk over and kiss her on the forehead telling her that I love her. She wakes up and smiles at me.

"Hello sweetheart."

"Hey love. How’d you sleep?"

"Alright I guess. As good as I could without being able to move that much."

"Well that’s good I guess. Do you want to get settled back in our bunk?"

"You don’t want me in here do you?"

"Not exactly. It makes me feel weird."

"Then sure. Help me?"

"Of course." She holds her arms up and I pick her up, carrying her back to our bunk. "Call me when you wake up again babe okay? That way I know when to come back."

"Okay. Will you bring me more meds?"

"Yeah." I run to the kitchen grabbing her pill bottle and a bottle of water. I bring it back to her only to see that she fell back to sleep. I smile setting the bottles next to her then kissing her on the cheek. I close the curtain and head back out. I think I’m going to get her something special.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys.. Sorry I like disappeared off the face of the planet. The end of the last school year was really tough on me so I've been trying really hard to make the best of things and be happy. So.. I haven't had any time. Lots of changes! Moving, changing schools, boyfriends, girlfriends, moving AGAIN! But I'm gonna try and focus more for you guys. I know how aggravating it is when things don't get updated.