Status: I will update as often as possible

Self Destruction

Chapter 5 (Emmie's POV)

I wake up in a strange, well lit room. I wonder where I am. I look around and notice that I am in a hospital room. How did I get here? That's when I notice Ben Bruce asleep in a chair. Ben Bruce! Did he bring me here? He wakes up and jumps when he sees me.
"You're awake! How are you feeling? I was so worried." I can't believe he's here right now.
"Did you bring me here?" I just want to know.
"Yes, I did. When I found you you weren't conscious. You looked pretty beat up. I just wanted to make were okay." Aww. He was worried about me and brought me to the hospital. I can't believe this.
"Thank you Ben. I can't believe you did this for me. You don't even know who I am. I was shocked enough when you gave me that note. Shit, I never even read that. I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry sweetheart. You were there anyway. I still got to meet you. Well, kinda. What's your name beautiful?" He called me beautiful. I felt the heat rise to my face. I looked down and smiled.
"Emmie. Emmie Reese. And I can't look all that beautiful right now so don't lie."
"I'm not lying dear. Its the truth. Now, the doctor said that once you woke up you can leave. Would you like to stay with me?" Oh. My. God. He's really asking if I want to stay with him.
" I'd love to. Thank you."
"Its nothing sweetheart. I just want you safe. Now I'll leave for a little bit so you can get back in your clothes. I'll be back in 5 minutes okay?"
"Don't leave me Ben. I don't think I can be alone right now."
"Then I will be here."