
[Chapter 1]

Chapter 1:
My name is Lucinda. My dream, ever since I was a little girl, was to blossom as a beautiful singer. It pains me that I will never be able to follow my dream. ‘Why?’ You ask? Because I am mute. I can not speak. I can listen to to everyone else’s ravishing voices, but no one can hear mine. I’m also terrible with people, the only person that accepts me for who I am, besides my family, is my best friend Melina. Melina is like a knight and shining armor to me. Melina found me when I was lost, when no one else was there for me. When we were little, Melina came up with the idea that I should write down what I say, so i can communicate with people. I know you are all probably wondering ‘why write on paper? why not use sign language or something if you can’t speak?’ I didn’t want to learn sign language. I thought if I didn’t communicate with anyone, which annoyed my parents to no end, that I would get use to being mute faster. My decision probably only made it harder in reality. But hey, I was just a kid then.

I was sitting on a stool in my mom’s bakery, doodling into the purple and white stripped note book I always wrote in. Sometimes I help my mom with customers, and most people that normally come here already know i’m mute, others look at me funny when I ask them things by writing them on paper. My notebook looks so worn out on the front, but looks good as new on the inside... I don’t know how that is, but whatever. Suddenly, a familiar voice called out to me as I heard the bell on the door jingling.

“Luci! C’mon!”

I looked up to see a red headed girl, with emerald green eyes, and freckles on the bridge of her nose. Melina. I quickly wrote down on the paper: ‘Go where?’ “The book store down the corner! C’mon Lucinda! you’ll have fun there, ‘kay?” I sighed in defeat, and obviously Melina knew that meant I would go. “Hurry up slow poke!” I shook my head, and put my pen and notebook into my gray shoulder bag. As a habit, iI flipped the ‘open’ sign to ‘closed’ since my mom was away for the day, and I could just open it up again when I got back.


When me and Melina got into the bookstore, she told me she wanted to get some coffee, and that she would get me some as well.

“Since I’ma get us coffee, just go look around, and i’ll find you afterwords!” I smiled and her and nodded, and she gave me a huge goofy grin back, as we went our separate ways. I like books store, they are very quiet and peaceful to me, and I like things that way... I loved tis bookstore the most in particular. From its mocha brown walls, to its shelf’s after shelf’s of fascinating books, just waiting to be read. I went to the closet shelf to me, and picked up a Sherlock Holmes book. I had always meet to read one, and my Dad loved them, it was one of the few book series he actually liked. Looking around, a spotted a lush red chair in the corner, among it were a few small tables, and some more chairs. I made my way to it, and plopped down, setting my bag on the floor next to me, and opening up to the first page of the book. Sadly, I hadn’t even gotten to the second page, before I heard a group of noisy boys laughing and carrying on from behind me. Turning around, I looked at them, and gave them all a stern look as if to say ‘hush, i’m reading over here!!’ I guess it only spiked their interest, because they all walked this way. I expected to get cussed out, or made fun off, but they just sat in the chairs around me and smiled. My attention turned to one boy in particular... he had light brown hair, and his eyes... his eyes were absolutely the most beautiful I had ever seen...

“Whats your name, love?”

I blinked, and looked at the curly haired boy who had said that to me. Frowning, I held up my finger as if to signal I needed a minute, and pulled out my pen and purple and white striped notebook. This made all the boys raise their eyebrows. As I started writing something, the blonde boy said “May I ask what your doing?” I felt my heart drop down to my stomach, and stopped writing. “She’s mute.” I heard Melina’s voice come from behind the boys, making them turn around. The blonde’s eye’s widened, and he turned to me quickly “Oh, i’m sorry...” I finished the sentence I was writing and smiled, holding the notebook up.

‘My name is Lucinda’

Suddenly smiles spread on all the boys faces, and I realized who they were. It was One Direction. Why in the world were they talking to me? Melina must have realized this too, and a huge grin spread on her face, as she hopped up and down “One Direction is here!!!” she said full of joy, and silently. I assumed to not attract attention. Shaking my head I smiled at Melina, and wrote something else for the boys to read. ‘Excuse her, she’s a huge fan, and just excited’. All of the boys smiled and looked at both of us.

“Well it’s nice to meet you both.”
♠ ♠ ♠
It might not be that great... but heres the first chapter.
And this is what I picture Lucinda to look like: