
The One With Starstruck Niall.

Attempting to roll over the next morning proved to be difficult with someone’s arm wrapped around Rory’s waist. Confused, and still slightly drunk, Rory opened her eyes to stare at a mess of dark hair covering the top half of a face with a muscular jaw line. Looking around, she noticed the room she was in wasn’t her own, but seemed to be in the same hotel.

“Shit. Shit. Shit. Fuck it all to hell,” she mumbled under her breath. Climbing out of the king sized bed she grabbed her panties and a random stripped shirt she found lying next to them slipped them on and took her phone in her hands. Whoever this room belonged to needed to clean. Trotting over to the door, Rory slipped through it slamming it as hard as she could before she ran to the bathroom across the hall.

Rory was successful, for the man snapped his blue eyes open at the sound of the door. Not seconds later, the door opened again to reveal a brunette boy with puppy dog eyes.

“You alright, Louis? I heard your door slam and you’ve slept past noon,” Liam said, worry evident in his voice. Scanning the room, his eyes widened seeing pumps and a dress that he prayed belonged to a woman, not Louis. “Aye, mate. You’ve got women’s clothing lying around. Meet me in the living area so we can talk about this?”

Liam walked out of the room and Louis decided he’d better do what the younger boy said, fearing if he didn’t, Paul would come and force him to do so. Rummaging through the mess on the floor, he found a pair of sweats that hung low on his hips and he walked out of his room towards the one where the rest of his band mates sat.


Glancing at the screen of her iPhone, Rory saw she had four missed calls and five text messages all from Scarlett.

Deciding that if she didn’t leave a voicemail, the calls were unimportant, Rory read her texts.

From Scar:
Where’d you go babe?
Sent: 1:15 AM

From Scar:
Really, Rory. Where are you?
Sent 1:37 AM

From Scar:
I turn around to grab a napkin and you disappear. Please text me back.
Sent 2:05 AM

From Scar:
Rory, this isn’t fucking funny anymore. I’m going to call Nicola and tell her you fucking disappeared if I don’t get a call from you soon.
Sent 2:48 AM

From Scar:
Okay. That was not the kind of phone call I wanted to hear. Ew. At least I know you’re safe, though. Please don’t be in public doing whatever it is you’re doing. If the paps catch you, Nicola will have my head.
Sent 2:53 AM

Even more confused than she was last night, Rory dialed Nicola, her publicist/manager’s number and sat while it rang four times.

“Rory Alicía Luz Scott, I am going to kick your ass for that stunt you pulled last night. I can’t believe you of all people have put me in this position. What were you thinking going out and get-”

“Dios Mio. Nicola. I know the drill, get him to agree that he won’t tell a soul what happened and be on with it.”

“No, Rory. You don’t underst-” Hanging up on her manager, Rory quickly dialed Scarlett’s number, waiting for her to answer.

Just then the door opened to show a blonde boy with wide blue eyes staring at the girl. Although her back was to him, through the mirror he was able to make out her identity. As quickly as he rushed into the bathroom, he quietly rushed out.


“Lou got lucky last night! High fives all around, lads!” Harry cheered with his signature shit eating grin on his face.

“Harry, this is really not the time. I’m freaking out. What’s Eleanor going to think? Shit. I’ve got to call her; she’s going to be so mad. She’s…”

“Louis, you and El broke up months ago. You’re free to do whatever, or in this case whoever you please,” Zayn said with a sly smile on his face.

“Guys. Why is America’s Sweetheart in our bathroom wearing nothing but a shirt and knickers?” Niall’s voice sounded completely confused as he walked into the living area of the suite the boys were sharing.

“What are you going on about now, Niall,” Liam questioned.

“Rory Scott is in our bathroom. Wearing nothing but a striped shirt and little black lacey knickers. Not that I’m complaining that I almost got a free glance of her ass, but I’m confused as to what she’s doing here,” Niall rambled.

“OH MY GOD. LOU SLEPT WITH RORY SCOTT,” Harry whisper shouted, excited as all hell.

All five boys swung their heads away from Harry to the entrance of the room. Behind Niall stood in all her five foot glory, America’s Sweetheart.

“Guys, I don’t mean to bother you, but I need to speak to the man I woke up next to this morning,” Rory said timidly. She was intimidated being in a room with five men, all extremely good looking. And with accents nonetheless.

“That would be him,” Liam pointed out Louis to the petite woman.

“Uhm, well, I guess I’ll have to address this to all of you then. If you guys know who I am, please don’t disclose any information to the press about the details of last night and this morning. I’ll go get dressed, then I’ll be on my way out. Please and thank you,” she recited, eyes closed. She’d only witnessed Scarlett do that once, never actually having to do it herself.

A chuckle brought her back to reality. When she opened her eyes she looked around with a questioning stare. “Why would we want to release the details of last night to anybody? That would ruin our image, too.” Ah, Harry. Ever the arrogant one.

“Excuse me?” Rory was becoming used to the confused state she’d been in since waking up twenty minutes ago, but that didn’t mean she liked it.

“We’re One Direction, lass.”

Realization rushed over the girl’s features as her phone started ringing. Looking at the screen, she read Nicola. Deciding it best to answer it, she excused herself back into the room she woke up in and slid the unlock bar.

“Rory. I’m not kidding. This isn’t just a one night stand. No. Of fucking course the one time you act like a Hollywood starlet you have to go to a cliché as hell chapel with a boybander and get fucking hitched.”
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