
The One With Jealous Nick.

“Hah, what?”

If Rory’s face didn’t match her hair at any point in the day, it did when Harry inquired about her ‘oral skills’.

“Harry! You can’t just ask a lady that! Don’t pay attention to him. We can go into my room and try to get to get the basics of each other down, just in case we’re questioned,” Louis stood up, walking towards his wife.

“That sounds wonderful. I’ve already experienced more embarrassment today than I’m used to.”

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, children!”

“Harry, shut up. She’s practically American royalty,” Niall whispered.


“Well, if I wasn’t completely mortified when I was standing in front of four really attractive men ever in my underwear, I am now,” Rory said laughing off her embarrassment.

“I am so sorry about that. Er. Wait, four attractive men? One Direction has five members. Which one of us do you think is unattractive? It’s me isn’t it? Shit, I would marry a woman who doesn’t find me attractive.”

“Are you done with your rant, Louis? Because in all honesty, I find you the most attractive. Maybe not necessarily the type of man I usually go for, that would be Liam. You know he’s got that whole brown eyes thing going, but yeah, you’re the most attractive,” Rory rambled, blushing yet again.

“Oh. Well that’s relieving. Who don’t you think is attractive?”

“You’re going to hate me for this,” Rory said seriously. “Actually most teenage girls will hate me for this, but Harry. I mean, I guess he’s alright. I just don’t find him attractive… that’s why I didn’t respond to any of his ‘looks’ all week. Shit! Don’t tell him I said that, he thinks I didn’t even notice him!”

“I never thought I’d live to see the day a lass thought Harry was the least attractive,” Lou chuckled. He couldn’t help to think how disappointed his friend would be when he found out the girl he’d had a major crush on since the age of fourteen didn’t even find him attractive.

“S’alright, Ror. Won’t tell him a thing.”

A semi-awkward status settled over the room before Louis spoke again.

“So how should we start this, I’m not really sure what to do,” he was nervous. He just married a random broad who happened to be one of the most sought after women in the world while attempting to get his ex-girlfriend back. Well, at least she thought him attractive.

“Well, I’ve never really been the center of a Hollywood scandal before. Well, is presumably sleeping with a man ten years older than you a scandal? No, it can’t be,” the young woman rambled, a habit of hers when she got anxious.

Rory was talking about Ryan Gosling. Louis knew this. Being a member of a world famous boy band meant learning not to read gossip magazines, but being friends with Harry meant seeing many magazines with Louis’ new bride on the cover at least once a week.

“I think it counts. When Harry was with Caroline, everyone saw it as a scandal, granted she was almost fourteen years older.”

“Oh, well if it counts… When that whole ord-”

“Did you?”

“Excuse me?” Rory was definitely not expecting this question. People had learned that she danced around the issue and never gave a direct answer, so they had stopped asking.

“I’m not going to run and tell the media, I’m just curious. Harry’s got a bit of a crush on you, and I just want to know,” Louis wasn’t afraid to throw his friend under the bus, because he was honestly just curious about the answer.

“Well, yeah. We filmed a movie together and we became close. We’ve only actually had sex like three times, and it stopped. He’s still one of my best friends, though… Back to this whole marriage thing; how do we make it seem like not a drunken accident?”

“Lay down,” Louis said, an idea popping in his head.

Rory gave him a questioning look, but did as he said. Louis climbed into bed, still shirtless from earlier in the morning. Grabbing his iPhone from the nightstand, he opened up the camera app with a “say cheese.”

Rory smiled and Louis snapped the picture and sent it out into cyberspace with a caption added.

“What did you just do,” the girl said, always the curious one.

“I just tweeted, no big deal.”

Unsatisfied with the answer, Rory took her phone and opened the Twitter app, refreshing her timeline.

“My name is Louis-underscore-Tomlinson,” he stated with a smirk on his face.

“No, shit Sherlock. I’ve been following you for like, years,” she replied with a roll of her eyes. Honestly, she told him and the rest of the band that she was a fan. Obviously she followed them on Twitter. She may not have always paid attention, but her fans were always curious who she listened to, so she followed them. Finally seeing the latest tweet, she smiled.

@Louis_Tomlinson: just hanging out with my beautiful bride @RoryScott. Happy I get to share her with the world.

“How cheesy, Louis. Really, the most cliché thing ever,” Rory giggled, surprised that she was actually having a decent conversation with a man she had only just met. “Your turn! Smile big”

@ Rory Scott: Say hello to Mr. @Louis_Tomlinson and his wonderful bedhead. How adorable is that?

“And I’m cheesy?” Louis questioned.

Just as he asked the question replies came pouring in on both of their accounts and then Louis’ phone started ringing.

“Bloody hell, it’s my mum. I’m going to get an earful,” Louis blurted out. “’Ello mum… No mum… I don’t know… we haven’t figured that out yet…”

Not being able to hear both sides of a phone conversations was another thing Rory could not deal with, along with clingy as fuck ex-boyfriends. Deciding to not let it bother her, she scrolled through her twitter mentions, most were asking questions about her and Louis. Getting bored of that, she checked her timeline, looking at tweets by people she actually cared about. Two from the same person caught her eye in particular:

@NickJonas: The woman that I would try is happy with a good guy

@NickJonas: I’m just saying you could do better; I’ll start hating only if you make me.
@Drake describes my life

Panicking, Rory dialed the familiar number.


“Rory?! Please tell me this is a joke. You broke up with me because “we were getting too serious”, then you go and marry someone else. Please tell me this is a joke, Ro. Please,” Nick sounded so heartbroken, almost the exact same as he did six months ago after she broke his heart.

“I’m so sorry, Nicky. I love you, I do. I just needed to do this…,” Rory had no idea what she was supposed to say, so she went with that.

“Right, you love me… whatever, Ro. I’ll talk to you when I talk to you.”

And that was that, the phone call ended. With a dropped mood, Rory looked at Louis. He was still on the phone with his mother.

“When we figure out what we’re going to do you can meet her, mum…”

Those words sent fear through Rory’s body. She was never good at meeting the parents. Nick’s parents absolutely hated her when they first met, calling her crude and accusing her of corrupting their son. She laughed internally at that, Nick wasn’t as virginal as they had thought, and if anything she’d just improved his skill.

Louis brought her out of her thoughts when he inquired, “So, who’d you call?”

“Oh, uhm, Nick.”

“Jonas? Your ex?”

Rory nodded.

“Well, why’d you call him? If you don’t mind me asking, that is. I know we don’t really know each other, but I am your husband.”

“Well, he was tweeting lyrics to Drake songs. They were obviously about me… Well, you too, I guess. It doesn’t matter, though. I only made it worse. He hates me now,” Rory mumbled the last bit with tears in her eyes.

“Oh. Were you on friendly terms when you broke up?”

“I guess, I mean, it wasn’t messy. We still communicated a bit. His parents and friends hate me. I can see why, though.”

“Oh?” Louis was curious again. When Nick and Rory broke up, it was all Harry could talk about. Apparently there was no evidence of their end and neither one of them had given any clues as to why they’d split. Very uncommon with girls who had failed relationships with the Jonas Brothers. (READ: TAYLOR SWIFT, MILEY CYRUS)

“Well, you see, Nick was ready to get married… To say the least, I wasn’t. Hell, I didn’t even want to get married ever, but whatever. He planned this big thing where we went to a Dodgers/Reds baseball game. Because he’s a Dodgers fan and I’m a Reds fan.”

Louis shot the girl a confused look, not understanding what she was talking about.

“Oh. They’re baseball teams. I’m a really big fan. Anyway it was the end of September, almost playoffs. He decided to take me to the game, then back to his place and propose. He fucking proposed. I was twenty. Why would I want to get married? And when I said no, he was obviously devastated, but we decided to try to work it out. As you can tell, it didn’t. We had four months of fighting nonstop, even while I was on set filming the second Avengers movie. So I ended it."

"What's that got to do with me?" Louis asked, not grasping the full concept.

“Basically he’s pissed because I told him commitment made me ill, then I went and got hitched to you… He's going to want some sort of revenge. even if it's just a song trash talking you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
And now you know why Rory and Nick broke up...

Uh, this is a really horrible chapter. But I love the comments I've been getting. :D

Thank you to all who are subscribed and especially thanks to those who've been commenting.