
The One With Jerk Zayn.

Dinner came and went with brief interruptions from fans asking for photos. The two newlyweds attempted to have light conversations, keeping it to small talk about their careers in case someone overheard.

Rory learned that One Direction were currently writing their own songs with the help of Ed Sheeran for their third album and Louis learned that Rory had just finished up filming Avengers 2, her playing the role of the Scarlet Witch.

After dinner paparazzi got plenty of shots with the two celebrities hand in hand and Rory glancing at Louis with seemingly loving eyes. She was an Oscar nominated actress and she was going to be damned if her reputation was going to be ruined because she couldn’t hold her liquor one night.

Getting back into the hotel room, another problem reared its ugly head: sleeping arrangements.

“Louis, it is fine. I can take the couch for two weeks. I’m not even stressing about it,” Rory laughed.

“It wouldn’t be the gentlemanly thing to do. I’ll take the couch, you take my room,” Louis was adamant.

“Or, you could take your bed and she can sleep in my room,” Harry butted in with a smile on his face.

“I’ll take the bed.”

With that Rory was in the second bedroom on the right with the door shut tight.

“Looks like Haz doesn’t have the game he thinks he does,” Liam said walking into his room laughing.


The next morning the five males woke up to the sound of metal hitting tile and a loud “SHIT” echoing through the suite.

Liam was the first one on his feet and into the kitchen with a worried look on his face. “Are you okay? What happened? Is someone trying to attack you?” As he was rushing questions out of his mouth Harry and Louis walked in.

“What the hell are you wearing? Is that mine?” Louis sounded irritated.

“Uh, yeah. I went to make breakfast for all of us this morning and you guys didn’t have any food. I had to go to the store, but I couldn’t find a shirt so I took one of yours,” she rambled blushing a bit.

“You can’t just go in my drawers and just take m-. Wait, you’re making breakfast?” Louis was no longer annoyed, but thrilled that he would have a home cooked meal on the road.

“Uh, yeah. I hope you guys like Mexican food because I’m making Huevos Rancheros. Shit, the tortillas!”

“Huevos Rancheros? Is that like Spanish or something? I didn’t know you were Spanish,” Liam muttered.

Rory was about to correct him when Harry did, “She’s not. Her mum is Mexican.”

“Right. My mom was born in Mexico, and my dad’s dad was from Honduras,” Rory stated while taking the tortillas out of the oven.

“I didn’t know your dad was Honduran,” Harry stated quizzically.

“Well, yes. That’s because I don’t talk about him in interviews. I haven’t spoken to him in almost a decade,” the girl said avoiding eye contact with the other three, especially Louis who seemed to be looking into her soul. “Liam would you be a dear and dip the tortillas that are still in the bag in cooking oil and placing them on the baking sheet? Harry, do you know how to make eggs sunny side up?”

“Uhm, yeah. I can, uh, I can fry eggs,” the boy stumbled over his words.

“Uh, Lou, will you go wake the other boys up? It’ll be ready in ten minutes and Paul says you guys have soundcheck for the benefit in about an hour,” she said heating up the salsa.

“Sound check already in an hour? How did I sleep in until ten? I never sleep this late, Rory, I’m sorry,’ Liam was now freaking out.

“Liam, do you not remember we were all sat around the tele last night watching old cartoons?”

“I’ll admit it wasn’t my best idea.”

A few minutes Rory heard feet shuffling as she was placing the last of the food on the plate. After placing handing each of the boys a plate, she joined them.

“So, Nicola and someone from your management team are going to meet us at the soundcheck for the benefit and discuss what we’re going to do and how we’re going to deal with this mess we’ve gotten ourselves into now that we know the public’s reaction,” Rory said making eye contact with Louis.

“So you’re going to be cutting into our rehearsal time to sort out your bit of drama? A bit selfish to drag all five of us in when you’ve already ruined one of our reputations, don’t you think?”

Rory dropped her fork and looked at the boy with wide eyes. “Zayn, that’s a bit rude. It’s every bit of Lou’s fault as it is Rory’s here,” Liam tried to defend.

“No, Liam. It’s okay. Zayn, you’re right, it shouldn’t be taking place during rehearsals, but it wasn’t my idea. And I’ll be damned if your moody ass takes anything out on me because this is ruining me as much as it’s ruining Louis and more than it’s ruining the other four of you. Now, I’m sorry if I inconvenienced you by making breakfast for you, but I’m going to go call my mother because she still doesn’t know I decided to drunkenly marry a British boybander with an asshole for a friend.”

After her little rant, Rory got up and walked into Louis’ bedroom making sure to slam the door. Louis looked up from his plate and shook his head at Zayn. “As if I hadn’t got myself into enough shit already, now I’ve got to go comfort a crying bird.” With that Louis followed her and rounded the corner to his bedroom.

He was about to open the door when he heard the girl on the other side’s voice through tears, speaking in Spanish.

“Hola mama… No, estoy bien. Te lo prometo. … Cometí un gran error, mamá. … Prométeme que no se va a enojar … Me casé. … Su nombre es Louis Tomlinson. Es un cantante. … Estaré en Cincinnati la próxima semana. Puede encontrarse con él entonces.”

With his brows furrowed, Louis knocked on the door. A second later he heard the reply of, “Usted puede entrar en. Shit! You can come in!”

Opening the door slowly, he walked in and faced the girl that was sitting on the bed. She had her knees pulled up to her chest and was staring at him like nothing had even happened.

“I’m not even going to lie about it, I was eavesdropping on your phone call. The only words I understood, though, were my name and Cincinnati. Would you mind telling me what’s going on?”

“I was speaking to Nicola earlier and she let me know that since you guys are done with the Make A Wish Benefit next week we can make time between that and whatever we decide to do today so you can meet my family.”
♠ ♠ ♠
oh my God, i suck so bad. This sucks so bad. I am so sorry. College is a bitch and I'm on break now, so I'll try to update more.

Rory's date night outfit..
Rory's morning after outfit..
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