Status: Now writing.

(It Started At) Straight Pride

Garden of Eden, The Dawn of Time

The Genesis states that in the beginning, on his sixth day of work, God made men. He made two, one he named Adam, the other Steve. From these men he created women, one called Ava, the other Eve. God was proud of his work. He said to them:
“A family will consist of only a mother or father and their same-sex partner. They may have children. Children will be conceived by goodwill and a helping hand from your neighbor. Remember to love thy neighbor.”
God left for a while, and the humans decided to follow his orders. Adam was in a committed relationship with Steve, like Ava was in a committed relationship with Eve. Later, they had children by helping each other out. Just like God intended.


America, 1700s

The slaves were harvesting under the rules of their owner. The man was tall, strong, high in power, and gay. Unlike the slaves. Each of the slaves was there for one reason they couldn’t control. They were straight. They lived in a Christian country, under the rule of Christian men, who believed wholeheartedly whatever the Bible said. And the Bible said that straights were wrong, so here they were.


America, 1960s

“We deserve equality!” screamed a white man.
“Jesus was black, so if you are not black, you are not a first class citizen. We live in a Christian country. The logic is there!” said the mayor into a microphone.
He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. A white person having the same rights as everyone else was a preposterous idea! They had a leader, too. Michael Lucas Senior was speaking out for white people all across the country. It had to stop!
The crowd began fighting. Police, all black men, were stopping the white rebels. It was like a horrifically realistic chess match. A full on battle had started out. People were screaming for equality and order.
A man stood at the back of the audience, which was still quiet. He had a tear in his eye. If white people were finally getting equality, why not give the straights equality too?


America, Modern Day

“I love this woman!” screams a man. “And I want to marry her! You have no right to force your religion on me! My religion may have the same name, but I am an individual with my own beliefs, and I believe that straight people have the same right to get married as everyone else!”
A cheer erupts from the crowd. He is part of a group protesting against the ban on straight marriage. Meanwhile, a group of Christian protesters scream the opposite argument. They hold signs saying:
I hate that word. Planker. It sounds rude, and it is. It’s an offensive word for a straight person. Why can’t people just let people be themselves? Society is beyond messed up.
“Ollie! Hey Ollie!” my friend screams my name over the crowd.
“Straight Pride is starting downtown. You wanna come?”
So I go to straight pride.