story of my life

the night before

my uncle belted out the words to queen as the lyrics flew across the screen. my mom joined into the chorus. bohemian rhapsody, on rockband.


my boyfriend jacoband i sat on the couch watching as my uncle and mother multitasked, my uncle played guitar asmy mom pounded on the fake drums. out in the kitchen her boy hunter, whom she had known since wensday spoke with sammy, my uncles girlfriend of two years.. as they sipped on monster and vodka.

"Alright, its time to go home" my mom declared, still quite drunk, it was now 3:45 am, so we gathered our things and hopped in the old 1994 lumina, my mom at the wheel, she swirved across the empty highway when hunter yelled.

"stop the fucking car!!!!! let meout!!!!!" we pulled over and they switched places, my mom a drunk bundle of tears, jacob and i snuggled sleepily in the back seat, we dropped him off at home, before going to our house.

"alrighty Annie, when we get home, you go to bed" my mom slurred, i rolled my eyes, great, i knew what that ment.

i stepped out of the car, walking up the walk to the door, waiting for her to unlock the door, once she did so, i snatched up the laptop running it back to my room. i felt in no way comfortable with going to bed with my mom in this condition, she hadnt gotten sleep in two nights. and when ever that happened, it was never a pretty turnout..

so i started watching a movie, plugging into my headphones still keeping a close ear on my mom like i always did, but still jamin out, and the movie was about halfway through when my mom popped her head in.

"Annie, will you please go to sleep? i want to watch a movie with Hunter" she slurred, this was odd, she never stayed drunk for long, she had had a surgery that caused her to absorb things quickly. that wasnt the reason she had gotten the surgery, i guess you could say it was a side effect, something was off, i could tell, but i didnt want to be awake when they wanted to.... ya know... so i unplugged for a second.

"okay mom, i love you" but she was already off into the living room, i tried yelling it again, but no answer, i decided to leave it at that and just watch the movie until i fell asleep. it was probably around 4:30 am ish before i actually passed out. all snuggled in my mountainous tunnle of blankets, ear buds cranked up, blocking any unwanted sounds coming from the living room.
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this is a true story, names have been changed blah blah blah, this is the story of when my mom died, yes all of it is true. first story... anybody wondering what the movie was? it was mallrats fyi :) please comment, lemme know what you think, im open to critisism, but be atleast a little nice. thank you for finding my story interesting...

also, yes i said this was a true story, but i will chang it after the important part to make it a little more interesting...