Status: It may be a while before the next chap, I'm headed home for winter and I'm not sure if I'll be able to post.

Without You It's Hard To Survive

We're A Family

“Are you ready to go? Damien just text and said they'd be here in like twenty minutes,” I pulled my duffel bag over my shoulder and turned to meet Wes in my bedroom door way smiling. “Yeah buddy, gonna grab the pup on the way out,”I giggle from the excitement that's been swarming in my belly all day. Wes laughed and closed my door for me as we walked to the front of the house,”this is kinda exciting. Is this what you, Tiffany, and Damien felt like when I asked you to prepare the backyard for me and Ashton?” I nodded quickly and sat my bag down,”yeah, even though there's really nothing to be excited for cause we knew Ashton would say yes, and we all know Tiffany will yes, but I guess it's just that fact that they'll will be getting hitched, and you will be having little Wes and Ashton's, they'll be having hopeless skinny sticks that'll need protection all the time because they'll be weak....maybe Tiffany shouldn't marry Damien.” I made a dramatic worried face but laughed with Wes. “I got the booze, movies, games, AND I found this piece of hot Aussie ass just wondering around,”Ashton came dancing into the kitchen with a bag in each hand and guy fallowing behind. He stopped in front of me when Wes moved and fallowed Ashton outside, CAMMY I giggled and jumped into the opened arms of Cam Sinclair, “Oh my gosh dude! I've missed you.” Probably more than I should have too, you're taken and live almost on the other side of the world. That is till we save up enough money to ship our butts over seas and live in the “Land of OZ” too.

“You better have, I read somewhere that you are tired of being alone, so I thought I'd see you,”I sighed and stepped out of the hug and picked up my bag. “Yeeaah, I forget you follow my twitter. It's nothing really, just a case of “always the brides maid but never the bride” type thing. I'm fine though,” I smiled at him weakly then called for the boston terrier puppy we call Rift. Cam draped his heavily tattooed, muscular arm over my shoulders, “I'm not convinced you're fine...with the being sad thing that is.” I laughed at him as we walked out of the door behind Rift, “you're funny Cam. I'm okay though, Tiffany will say yes to Damien, then I'm stuck helping planing another wedding, probably taking pictures at said wedding. Oh then , and this is my favorite part, I'll get stuck working my ass off once again when we move because they'll be having babies and I'll be all alone...a fifth wheel...for the rest of my life.” Cam stopped walking and pulled back on my shoulder to keep me from walking,”see, I knew you weren't okay. I tell you what, Deegan is having a cook out so how about you go to it with me and let your favorite mate take care of ya?” I picked up Rift and shrugged, “go to cook out where lots of people will be there with their lovers and get stuck in some shitty conversation with women that think I'm gay but have a lot of free booze and food, or go to our house boat with two people I really like even though I'll be the third wheel but have booze, junk food, and video games...boy this is a toughy. No matter which one I choose, I'll be lonely. I might as well spend the night in the barn with Murphy watching shitty horror porn movies.” Cam laughed, “hey, I'm all for the barn idea, We don't even have to watch the porn if you don't wanna.” I laughed at Cam,Oh don't tease me, it's probably best that we're never left alone with each other...again.

“Get in loser, we're going shopping,” I gave Cam a weak smile and laughed at Wes who was hanging out of the passenger side window of our green Volkswagen hippie van, sporting a large hair bow to pin back his curly hair and a pair of even larger bug eyed sunglasses. Cam and I laughed as we walked over to the van,”I'd love to go and spend time with my favorite hunk of hot Aussie ass but, I'm gonna go with these two dorks to the S.S. Kick-ass, get wasted, try to play video games, cry cause I suck at them, then watch movies. Cause I'd rather be stuck with a couple I love than be stuck in a crowd of couples I hardly know.” He opened the side door for me, I put Rift in the seat and sat my bag in the floor then turned back to Cam,” oh I see how it is, you just don't wanna spend time with me anymore. You don't love me like you used to, that's all you had to say Shelby. Don't lie, I can take it, I'm strong you know.” Cam crossed his arms and stuck his nose in the air dramatically. Wow Cam, way to make me feel better! If you only knew how much I do love your crazy ass. I rolled my eyes and smacked him in the chest,”you are so not funny.” He laughed at himself and rubbed his chest,”yes I am and you know it. I'll let you be on your way, but we are going to hang out while here.” I couldn't help but to smile ear to ear hearing that, I blushed lightly as he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. He let go of me and I turned then stepped into the van, before I could turn back and sit down I felt a hard strike against my ass causing me to yell out of surprise. I sat quickly and shot a dirty glare at Cam as he closed the van door but it didn't keep me from yelling at him,” that hurt, you jack ass!”

Ashton started to take off as soon as the door was shut then looked back at me through the rear view mirror, “dude you two should totally just screw and get it over with. We totally wants a piece of that.” I blushed hard and rubbed my butt where had Cam had smacked me,”well he just bruised a piece of this.” I buckled my seat belt then petted on Wink, Wes' beagle hound, who was in the seat with me. The ride to the lake was loud and kinda scary, Ashton's driving makes any other motor sport look like it's for babies.

Once we finally reached the lake we got our stuff unloaded onto the boat, it was after dark so we decided to just stay docked till Damien and Tiffany showed up to join us tomorrow. Being on the boat did make me feel better, it reminds me of all time we had spent at the lake back home in Kentucky every summer. So many good times that will always hold a place in my heart, I can't lie I really am happy with these four, plus Jacob even though he's back in Kentucky, I'd be so lost without them. They're my real friends, people I love and can always count on. We're a family, simple as that.
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Guys I'm so sorry this is short, I had a pretty darn long one written up but I my computer shut completely off and only half of it got saved. I was too upset to rewrite it, so I just wrote this instead but I promise lot of action in the next chapter. Trust me ;)