Status: It may be a while before the next chap, I'm headed home for winter and I'm not sure if I'll be able to post.

Without You It's Hard To Survive

You're the best girl friend my life mate could have...

Cam had talked me into staying with at Bilko's for a couple days till things cooled down at my house. Apparently after I left everyone, including Cam, exchanged a few words with Damien and Cam's facial bruises where the result of holding back Tiffany and her accidentally head-butting him in mouth. Cam didn't say what him and Damien “talked” about but I'm sure it didn't end pretty because he kept reminding me that he never hit Damien even though he had never wanted to kick someone's ass so bad before in his life.

Cam was curled up under the covers sound asleep beside me while I played a game on his phone. Last night was another sleepless night for me, I just couldn't stop thinking about what happened. I was about to put Cam's phone back on the night stand when it started to ring loudly as his alarm went off, I turned it off the alarm but not before Cam groaned and rolled over stretching a long muscular arm over my lap to grab his phone. I smiled leaning back against the headboard and chuckled, “I got it. Want me to wake you up in a bit?”

Cam huffed then groaned again as he nodded his head yes and pulled the covers back up to his chin. I giggled at this sight, he's just so cute when hes sleeping but so damn grumpy when he wakes up. I scooted down under the covers snuggled up to him, I only had about fifteen minuets left with him before he had to be up and getting ready to leave, I slid my arm over his waist but quickly moved it higher when his face twisted in pain and grunted from what I was guess was me hitting the bruise I left from elbowing him. I whispered an apology and left a soft kiss on his cheek.

The swollen corner of his lips twitched in a sleepy attempt to smile as he draped his arm over me mumbled what I think was, “it's okay.”

We laid there like till I heard a thump off somewhere in one of the other rooms of the house, I assumed that it was Bilko waking up to get ready so I took this as a sign to try wake Cam. I sighed loudly and propped myself up on one elbow, “Cam you gotta wake up and get ready.”

Cam just groaned lightly but didn't move.

“Cam...come on, wakey wakey,” I giggle as I shook him lightly getting him to roll over on his back.

He huffed loudly and pulled the covers up over his head, “but I don't's too damn early.”

I pouted and slowly tugged the covers down to revile his face, “I know...I don't want you to go either but you gotta go home and see Dennis. I'm sure he misses you a whole lot, plus your mom and dad...I'm sure Mic doesn't really care but little ole Huds probably misses his Uncle Cam.”

He groaned finally opening his eyes and glared at me, “but it's so early.”

I smiled and carefully placed a kiss on his mouth, “not my fault, I'm gonna go to the bathroom and when I come back your ass better be up...kay?”

I giggled as I crawled out of bed leaving Cam to curl back up under the covers. I made my way to bathroom but saw nor heard any sign of Bilko. Shrugging it off as I re-entered Cam's room after finishing my business I awed at the sight of Bilko snuggled up to Cams side with a goofy grin on both their faces as Bilko cooed words I couldn't hear into his ear.

“Awe, see Cam, Bliko is totally your life mate. Only a life mate could wake you up with out you getting pissy,” this brought them out of their cute moment as I giggled and sat on the bed beside Cam, putting him between Bilko and I.

“Of course I'm his life mate, I've been waking his grouchy ass up for years,” Bilko kissed Cam's cheek and laughed.

Cam groaned but chuckled, “don't encourage her mate.”

“I already told him that I'd be here for the both of you if ever decided to have kids and needed a womb to store the little monsters,” I laughed laying down on my side so I could be eye level with the both of them.

Bilko laughed as Cam rolled his eyes and tried to go back to sleep again, “you would be perfect cause Cam could just knock you up since me and you already look alike!”

Cam's eyes shot open as he laughed and looked at back and forth between Bilko and I, “no! You two do not look anything alike.”

“Yeah we do Cam...we both have dark curly hair, brown eyes, we have the same face shape and everything,” I chuckled as Cam shook his head no while Bilko and I nodded yes.

Bilko laughed then raised an eyebrow at Cam. “I thought that's why you started dating her in the first place.”

I laughed and agreed, “yeah me too. I bet you two went through a whole list of people that had similar traits to Bilko's looking for someone you could knock up so it would like you and Bilko had kids together...sneaky little devils you are.”

“You figured us out Shelbs, I even thought about trying to hook up with Cams old girl that way I'd actually have a kid of my own cause her and him have that blue eyes, light hair thing going on,” Bilko tossed a hand up in surrender.

I laughed harder but Cam didn't think it was funny as he grumbled, “good luck with her, evil bitch.”

Cam rolled onto his side facing Bilko and huffed making us laugh and let out an, “ohhh.”

Bilko and I made a pouty face at each other then snuggled up against Cam wrapping him in hugs. I rested my head on his shoulder and went to say something when I felt my boob be pinched when Bilko went to rub Cams back, “ow! That's my boob Bilko.”


“You have to get out of bed Cam...I'll even make you breakfast before you leave that way you don't have to eat some shitty fast food on the way there,” I tried to bribe Cam but he just laid there, Bilko on the other hand shot up when the words “make you breakfast” left my mouth.

“Will you make me some too,” Bilko put on a puppy face as he asked peeking over Cam's arm at me.

I giggled and nodded at how cute and childish he looked in that moment, “I'll cook for you everyday, clean your house, and even do your laundry if you get him out of bed.”

Bilko's face lit up instantly with a huge smile while he leaned over Cam to hug me, “deal!”

Cam pushed Bliko off him and cursed at us, I really hated that he had to leave but he needs to go back home to his family. I hopped off the bed and headed down stairs to the kitchen to hunt through Bilko's pantry, seeing he had milk, eggs and bacon in the fridge and flour in a cabinet I decided to make them a good old fashion batch of gravy n' biscuits with bacon and eggs. I began my search for the pans when I had thumping and yelling from up stairs.

I went to go check the boys when Bilko came running down the stairs laughing, “got'em up! So whatcha fixin me?”

I laughed at him as he followed me back into the kitchen, “umm...figured I'd fix you guys some gravy and biscuits and some eggs and bacon. That okay?”

He nodded taking a bottle of water from the fridge he started back for the stairs so he could change after we heard the shower turn on. I laughed as he skipped up the stairs humming a tune leaving me to cook. I had just sat a plate on the table when Bilko came bouncing down the stairs and took the seat in front of the plate.

He shot a big goofy smile at me and giggled like a kid, “you made it a smiley face!”

I laughed and nodded, “thought you might enjoy that.”

He giggled again doing a little dance in his chair then jumped up and gave me a tight hug, “you're the best girl friend my life mate could have!”

I laughed and hugged him back then wheezed trying to get a breath of air, “Bilko...I kinda need to breathe.”

He let go of me and sat back down to eat, and few moments later Cam cam down the stairs carrying a couple bags and sat them by the door with the rest of this stuff. This sight made me sad but I forced a smiled as I sat another plate on the table then went back to fix my own.

I smiled as Cams arms snaked around my waist and pulled my body gently against his as he rested his chin on my shoulder and began to whisper, “only a couple weeks and you'll be chillin out in Australia with nobody to clean up after or cook for. Just you and me.”

I couldn't keep my smile from growing as I giggled and turned to face him, “and Dennis, you can't forget your dog, he's very important.”

He chuckled before kissing me then rested his forehead against mine, “and Dennis.”

We stood there for a couple minuets sharing kisses until I heard Bilko's chair scoot, “you better get in there and eat your food before he does.”

Cam laughed in agreement and lead the way back to the table, I took a seat beside him and watched as he laughed at the creation on his plate, “really Shelby...a smiley face?”

“Hey, Bilko liked his I figured it'd help you lose that grouchy morning attitude you have,” I pouted but laughed as Cam shook his head and Bilko raked his fork on his plate to get the rest of the gravy off. This made me chuckle a little as I mimicked Cams head shaking, “Bilko, sweetheart, there's more than enough left in the kitchen. You ain't gotta lick the plate clean, if you're still hungry go help yourself.”

Both of them laughed when I let a little of my country accent come through on the word “sweetheart”, I can't help it just happens sometimes. Bilko stood up and walked towards the kitchen but not before walking past me trying to speak in a think southern accent, “well okay, if you say so...sweetheart.”

I rolled my eyes and blushed lightly. After Bilko helped himself to seconds and almost thirds it was about time for them to leave. While they packed Cam's bags into Bilko's van I ran upstairs to grab Cam's phone for him, but instead of bring it down to him right away I decided I'd leave him a note in his phone for him to find after he leaves. I'm such a sweet girl friend aren't I?

I was finishing up typing when I heard foot steps coming up the stairs and Cam call out for me as he entered the room, “hey Shelb-...what are you doing?”

I quickly typed the last couple words, saved the note then locked his phone, “just sending myself a reminder from your phone that way when I get back to mine I can read it, don't worry I didn't snoop. I'm not that kinda person, I don't care who you talk to or what you say.”

He nodded walking over to me and took his phone when I handed it to him, “alright...well we gotta get going.”

I pouted as I moved around on the bed so I was standing on my knees, eye level with him, “I'm gonna miss you.”

He pouted back then smiled as we shared a tight hug, “me too...only for a few weeks though. Then you'll be with me, in Australia, just like you've always dreamed.”

“I don't remember you ever being a part of the dream but Australia I can't wait for,” I giggled teasing him then moved in for a kiss that turned into a make out session.

After we parted his smile quickly turned to frown, “maybe while I'm gone you and Damien will working things out and we can all be friends again.”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes at the mention of Damien's name, “yeah right, Damien's an asshole and had no right to say any of that, he really hurt me and I'm not gonna let him get by with it by just saying sorry. I could've handle him telling you about my father but he brought you into it and that's taking it too far. I just wish I could leave with you right now and never have to think about last night ever again.”

He pulled me back into a hug and rubbed my back to calm me when he saw I was getting upset over it again, “hey, I know last night was rough...not just for you either, everyone had it pretty crazy. He's your best friend, he may be really fucking stupid at times but, he's just trying to look out for you.”

I backed out of the hug and looked at Cam in shock, “are you seriously sticking up for him after what he said?! Cam he pretty mu-”

“I'm not sticking up for him, he really pissed me off too but after you left the real truth came out and the both of you need to talk about it. I'm not gonna fight with you over this, Shelby, just trust me. Stay here for a little while then go back home and do whatever you two need to do then when you fly down with guys we can talk about it,” I sighed in defeat knowing he was probably right.

I grumbled out a, “fine,” then fell back into the hug before Bilko yelled up the stairs that they needed to go. I teared up as Cam let go of the hug and brushed my hair to one shoulder, he frowned as a few of the tears escaped but wiped them away with the pads of his thumbs.

He cupped my face and flashed smile, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I smiled back after a sniffle before we shared a few more quick kisses.

I sat on the bed and cried for a little while after I heard the van pull away from the house. I needed to go get some things from my house since I was still in the clothes I left the house in last night, which was a Dirty Heads tank top and a pair of sweat pants, I didn't even have shoes. I cleaned the kitchen up as I waited for a safe time to leave came along, everyone was at work when I got to the house so I took a quick shower then packed my things. I crammed it all into a duffle bag since I'd only be at Bilko's for up to a week. After packing I did some quick chores the left back for Bilko's.

Despite how dead tired I was when I got back to Bilko's I cleaned a little. There surprisingly wasn't a whole lot to do in the first place, which was a nice change from having to clean after four people and a bunch of animals. When Bilko came bouncing through the door I was fixing hamburgers and folding his laundry.

“Whoa, you look really...umm...nice,” Bilko's face said other wise though.

I chuckled through a groan and rubbed my tired, sore eyes with a warm towel I was folding, “I look like shit and I feel like shit.”

Bilko nodded reluctantly but smiled, “at least you don't smell like shit.”

I laughed putting his folded clothes and things back in the basket, “touche.”

He followed me into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge then twisted it open, “so what have you done all day?”

I thought for a moment as I checked the burgers then turned off the stove, “I...went home, got some stuff, did a couple chores there, came back here, cleaned your bathrooms, vacuumed, swept, mopped, did laundry, and fixed burgers for supper...oh yeah, and I managed to cry some more.”

He looked impressed and saddened while pulling me into a quick hug. After eating we made our way into his living room to watch some tv but I fell asleep quickly. Bilko pulled me up from the couch and helped dragged my ass up the stairs and into my room. I flopped onto the bed not bothering to change cause I was too tired. Bilko did pull my shoes off for me though and put a blanket on me, the boy can be sweet when he wants but I'm not gonna get my hopes up on him staying that way.
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