Status: It may be a while before the next chap, I'm headed home for winter and I'm not sure if I'll be able to post.

Without You It's Hard To Survive

You Think I'm Pretty?!

I sighed dramatically opening the fridge to hunt for something to fix for me and the guys to eat since Tiffany and Ashton are gone for the next couple days for work. I should be getting ready for the Metal Mulisha dinner that Cam asked me to go on tonight, it'll be our first official date I guess...and the first time I've seen him about a month due to him touring around the states these past couple weeks.

“What are you doing? Don't you have a date with Mr. Saucy Pants tonight,” Wes came up behind me and grabbed a drink out of the fridge.

I shrugged then closed the doors,”yeah, but I don't think I'm gonna go so I figured I'd cook us something to eat.”

Wes sat his drink on the counter hard and gave me a stern look,”like hell you ain't goin, why don't you wanna go?! We all like him and we know you really like him, so what's the problem?”

“I don't know, I'm just sure if I wanna go and have supper in some swanky restaurant with the people he works with slash his friends. Plus Murphy is acting weird today so I'm worried about him, you and Damien have already busted my face up in the pool, I don't have anything to wear tonight, and I just really don't wanna mess this up,”I groaned and pointed to my slightly busted but clearly blue and purple mouth.

“Shelby. You are going on this date, you are going to have a nice time, yes you will probably spill water everywhere and drop food down your boobs, but you do that everyday. Murphy will be okay, and Damien will help you find something to wear....we'll try,”Wes had one hand on his hip and the other pointing at me.

“Whoa, me and Damien will do what?”

Wes and I laughed at Damien as he gave us a scared look. Wes pushed me towards my room,”we're gonna make Shelby look like a girl and then she's going on that date with Cam.”

Damien and I both groaned but continued to walk down the hall and into my room. The boys walked over to my dresser and closet and opened them then Wes turned to me,”okay, you go shower and don't even back sass me girl. You have been outside all day, ain't nobody like having a date that smells like hay and dirt.”

I laughed and grabbed some underwear out of my dresser then headed to the bathroom. I took a semi-quick shower then slipped into my bra and panties before re-entering my room with my towel wrapped around me. Clothes were strung all over my bed in piles, I gasped then picked up a few from the floor and tossed them into the building pile.

“Dudes, what the hell?!”

“Don't look at me, it was all Wesley,” a muffled voice came from under some of the clothes.

Wes stepped back from my closet with a couple dresses on hangers,”do you have dresses that aren't from the fifties....or look like you robbed a hippie campsite?”

I laughed and sat on a small corner of my bed,”umm...doubt it. I hardly ever wear dresses, those are just for modeling.”

Wes held up a short black dress...well actually it was more of a shiny black rag than a dress, it didn't leave much to the imagination. I shook my head and Damien laughed,”she's going to supper, not a strip club.”

I giggled as Wes held up a strapless bright yellow dress,”umm, no. You are a human, not a flower.”

Wee laughed at himself while holding up a black dress in each hand, “hey guys, I can't decide, should I wear the little black Gucci dress or the little black Gucci dress?”

I snorted loudly then stood up to fix my towel,”oh I know, how about the little black Gucci dress?!”

Damien shook his head us then pointed to the dress that Wes held in his right hand,”what about that one?”

“Put it on,”Wes tossed the dress at me hitting me in the lip.

“This is why I don't wanna go, the dress is even telling me this is a bad idea!” I touched my lip lightly to make sure it wasn't bleeding then went to the bathroom again. I pulled on the dress then looked myself over in the mirror, Not bad, not bad at all.

I walked back into the room to see Wes and Damien hovering over my dresser moving what sounded like my makeup around,”how's it look to you guys?”

They both turned and smiled,”fucking awesome dude, you look more like a girly already. Why did you even have this dress if you've never worn it before?”

I sighed and sat at the foot of my bed on an old chest, “I got it when I was supposed to go out with that Charlie guy.”

Damien chuckled then held up some brushes,”I fell weird for saying this but that dude totally missed out.”

I couldn't help but to blush, we never really compliment each other in the house,”thanks...I think?”

“Now lets paint yer face on,”Damien smiled then handed me my foundations.

I took them then look at him and Wes questionably, “why do you...know-”

“Don't ask questions unless you really want to know the answers,”Wes crossed his arms and stood in a “manly” pose.

I giggled but applied the foundation anyway, being careful of the swollen bottom right corner of my mouth,”so there's noway I'm gonna be able to hide where you two abused me.”

“He-he-he, sorry about that, we can't help it if your face is a ball magnet,” Wes handed Damien a stick of something then Damien leaned towards me.

I learned away from him,”whoa, what are you two going to do to me?!”

“Nothing crazy, just trust us,” Damien pointed a finger at.

I sighed then tried to relax as Damien pulled at my bottom eyelid to apply eyeliner. He moved on and told me to close my eyes, I felt pressure on various places on my eyelid, then after a few minutes I felt my hair being pulled and tugged at. I heard the boys clear their throats. I slowly opened my eyes and looked into my dresser mirror across from me, wow.

I smiled at both of them and giggled,”wow, you two did pretty good. Better than what I do anyway, I can't lie though, it kind of concerns me that you two know how to do all this.”

They both laughed at me then acted like they were flipping their hair. Damien stood up and moved everything he used back to my dresser then pointed at my bare feet,”shoes?”

I stood up and walked to my closet when our door bell rang, we all gasped and turned to each other with wide eyes. I shook my head no repeatedly and walked back towards my bed only to blocked by their arms,”I can't do this guys, I can't do it”

Wes grabbed my shoulders then looked me in the eyes,” yes, you can and you will. We've worked over two hours on this and now you are gonna put on a pair of shoes and march your ass out there.”

I looked to Damien with a look of help me but he just gave me a stern hard stare,”fine, okay.”

They both smiled and walked towards my door to leave then Damien turned around and pointed at me,”if you come out of this room in a pair of boots, flip flops, converse, sandals, or no shoes at all... I will kick your ass Shelby.”

I nodded then walked to my closet as he left. I looked down at the rows of shoes in my closet floor, I'm gonna die tonight, I just know it. I slid on a pair Iron Fist heels and took a deep breath then let it out slowly. I quickly changed the case on my phone, turned it on vibrate and shoved it in my bra so I wouldn't have to carry anything.

“Dammit Shelby, their shoes not to the key to Atlantis,” Wes must have been getting impatient.

I laughed as I adjusted my boobs,”I fixing my boobs so hold your damn horses!” I put in a different pair of plugs then headed out my door and into the living room where I could hear the guys laughing and Damien say,”well hell, we'll be here forever.”

“Hardy har-har Damien,” I laughed as I walked into the room, only to have them not saying anything but stand there staring with their mouths gaped open a little making me feel uncomfortable,”what?”

They all smiled and did a weird mixture of a shrug and shaking their heads. I put my hands on my hips and raised any eyebrow,”well then why the hell are you three looking at me funny?!”

“It's look amazing babe,” I blushed as Cam walked over and placed a kiss on my cheek then hooked is his arms around my waist as Damien and Wes high-fived each other.

“I feel kinda bad for ya Cam,”Damien laughed and got a weird look from us all,”Shelby looks fucking sexy and you're not gonna get any dude.”

I blushed and laughed at the stunned expression on Cams face, then gasped loudly,”Damien! You just said I was sexy!! That's like the nicest thing you've ever said to me.”

Wes laughed as I squealed childishly the hugged Damien tightly,”you think I'm pretty!”

Damien tried to pull free of my grip and push me away,”get off me, it'll never happen again.”

I let go of him then walked to Cam, “I'm gonna hope you're gonna be a wake when I get back, so please don't lock the door, and can you two clean up the mess you made in my room? Cause chances are, when I get home I'm just gonna strip down and become dead to the world.”

They nodded and laughed then Wes pulled out his phone,”can I get a picture of you, cause I think we all know the girls aren't going to believe us.”

I groaned but then Cam smacked my arm playfully,”fine.”

Cam stepped away from me and Wes sent me a look that said, “smile or I'll kill you,” so I forced out a smile. He took a couple pictures then pointed at Cam then me, we both laughed and stood by each other, “I feel like I'm back in school.”

I laughed then shrugged,”I wouldn't know what you're talking about cause I never went out or did anything like this. The only guys I ever went any place with is those two, Jacob, Taylor, and Dustin, and those always ended with me hurt.”

Damien laughed then sighed,”ahh, the good ole days.”

I shook my head at him then l grabbed Cam's hand as we headed towards the door. We said bye to the boys then got in Cam's truck. Once we were both inside Cam leaned over the middle console and kissed me softly on the lips making me wince and pull back.

He gave me a worried look and sat back,”what's wrong?”

I giggled and touched my swollen lip lightly then pouted,” Wes and Damien nailed me in the face like thirty times with those squishy water ball things in the pool today so now my lip is busted.”

He sent me a pouty look back then chuckled, “you poor thing.”

I nodded in agreement as he started to drive,”I truly am, I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into sir, I get hurt everywhere I go. I never fails so I'm just gonna apologize ahead of time for what chaos I may cause tonight.”

The rest of the truck ride conversation consisted of us catching up on the past couple weeks on what we forgot to talk about over the phone, Cam telling me not to worry and that tonight would go fine.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is gonna be in two parts cause I didn't want to post a long ass chapter.