Status: It may be a while before the next chap, I'm headed home for winter and I'm not sure if I'll be able to post.

Without You It's Hard To Survive

Australia...even when the critters aren't there they try to kill ya.

I was out in the barn the next morning finishing up my chores, yeah I said chores, I have to keep things in shape around here, just cause it's called a barn doesn't mean it has to be a pig sty. Cam had already left to go riding about an hour or so ago, I could hear Wes out side playing with the dogs, Damien was in the house playing games probably. The day was looking good so far, we had all sat down and ate the breakfast I had made this morning, Tiffany and Ashton were due home tomorrow, I've been in a good mood all morning due to that fact that I woke up in the arms of a sweet Aussie hunk.

Pulling my phone out of my shorts pockets I sat down on a large box only to end up dropping my phone be hind the box. Cursing I reached behind to pick up my phone, I felt a tickle on my arm and quickly pulled back my hand only to find a huge ass spider I stood trying to swat it from my arm then let out a blood curdling scream as a rush of pain ran through my arm. The spider landed at my bare feet along with a few drops of my blood, I began to cry as ran towards the door and into Wes.

“What happened?!”

I could hardly speak but uncovered the spot on my arm,”I got bit by a fucking spider Wes, it hurts.”

I was bouncing lightly and cried harder as he rushed me into the house,”do you know what kind it was?”

“No, it was big and nasty and it hurts, really, really, really, bad. I smacked it off me, oh my god, make it stop please,” I rested my head on the counter as he stuck my arm under the sink and ran water over it and yelled for Damien.

Damien ran into the kitchen and looked at me,”oh my god, what happened?!”

“A spider bit her, I'm gonna take her to the hospital just in case, can you lock up the house grab her stuff and meet us in car,” I began to drop to knees but Wes pulled into a chair. Damien ran off as Wes pulled a dish rag from a cabinet then tied it just below my elbow, I cried out in pain when we tighten it.

“I'm so sorry Shelb, come on.” He helped me out side, since my I could hardly walk from the dealing with the fact something from my nightmares just bit me and the pain was excruciating, even for me and I have a pretty damn high pain tolerance.

He opened the door to van and put me in the back seat,”keep your arm up, we'll get there as soon as possible.”

I just kept crying and tried to hold my arm above my head as Wes got into the drivers seat and started towards the end of the driveway then stopped and honked the horn. After a few moments Damien appeared in the passengers seat, he looked back at me with a sympathetic look. He knows I'm in pain and I can tell that hurts him and Wes, we've all been through so much together and it kills us see one another hurt. It was about a thirty minute drive to the hospital, once we reached the hospital Damien helped me from the back,”you don't have any shoes.”

“I don't care, just make it stop,” I kept my hand arm raised as the walked me through the doors of the emergency room.

Damien works here so he went with me to the desk and spoke the lady, she handed him the paperwork then placed a bracelet around my left wrist, which was the one that wasn't bit or swollen. They took me back in wheelchair since I had no shoes. After about an hour I was settled into a bed, due to fact I had puked multiple times and passed out. Wes and Damien pulled back the curtain some then stood by my bed, Wes held a camera in hands and pointed it at me, I was laying on my left side with my covers pulled up to my chin, I was freezing and my arm still hurt.

“Feeling any better,” Damien looked down at me a smiled.

A few tears escaped as I shook my head,”not really, my stomach feels awful, I'm freezing my ass off, my hand and wrist are swollen, and it still hurts.”

“Hey at least you can add this to your list,” he chuckled some trying make me smile.

It worked, I smiled a little and looked at the camera,”why are you filming this?”

He smiled and shrugged,”well I figured....maybe someday...we could all show this to our kids to show them what a bad ass you are.”

I smiled at him,”how very thoughtful of you.”

“Yeah, so show us your battle wound,” Wes flashed a cheesy smile at me.

I groaned and pulled my arm out from under the cover, “this hurts worse than anything else that has ever happened to me.”

Wes and Damien both made an eww face at me making me frown, Wes chuckled,”oh god, it's....not that bad...looking?”

“It's fucking gross, it's all purple and blue. I can't even wiggle my fingers,” I sighed and tried to move my fingers but it only caused me more pain.

“It reminds me of that guy from one of Scary Movies,” Damien laughed and stepped back.

Okay that kinda hurt my feelings. I put my arm back under the cover and sighed,”thanks jack-ass, cause it's not like I'm already in enough pain already.”

He frowned,”sorry.”

Wes laughed and started asking me question as if we were in tv, most of them were silly and were there to make me laugh. I'm that they're here, I just hope they haven't told Cam, I don't want him here freaking out over me, this is nothing compared to what he's been through. Wes finally put away the camera, I was tired from crying, plus the pain and everything else so I fell sleep in no time.

I woke up to the feel of someone sliding there hand into my left hand, I opened my eyes to see Cam sitting by me in full riding gear,”how ya feel?”

He brushed my hair out of my face sending me a comforting smile, I pulled my hand away from his then looked away from him and pulled the cover closer to me,”like crap.”

“Damien left me a message telling me what happened, I came as soon as I found out,” he reached for my hand again pulled my hand under the cover before he could,”what wrong?”

I sighed and shrugged, “I didn't want anyone to tell you.”

I gave me a puzzled looked,”why?”

“Cause this is nothing compared to what you've been through and I didn't want you worrying or freaking out,” a few tears escaped I looked away from him and to the I.V.bag.

“A spider bite isn't any less serious than what's happened to me. I know the risk I'm taking every time I get on my bike, you had no clue that this might have happened. When I listened to that message I could hear you crying in background, there is noway that after hearing that I wasn't gonna come and make sure you were okay for myself,” he wiped the tears away with the pad of thumb then rest hid hand on my hip.

I sat up but kept my wounded arm hidden under the cover then wiped away a couple more tears and sighed,”I'm sorry.”

He smiled at me the kissed my forehead,”it's bad is it?”

I shrugged and made a face as a pain shot up my arm,”it hurts, and it's swollen and ugly.”

“Can I see it,” he raised an eyebrow and smiled.

“If I show you please don't say it reminds you of something from a movie....or anything at all for that matter,” he chuckled and nodded as I lifted the cover and lifted my multicolored and very swollen arm.

He winced and groaned,”aww, I'm so sorry this happened babe.”

I bit the inside of my lip as I laid my hand in my lap, “I would rather be bit in the face by a snake than be bit by any kind of spider.”

Cam laughed and grabbed my good hand,”it should be fine in no time, you'll have me and the guys to take care of you tonight.”

“I think I'd be safer with another spider,”I raised my bad hand and laughed.

Cam made a shocked face and gasped,”ouch.”

I laughed and swung our hands,”I'm kidding, I trust you all....just not with my babies.”

Cam laughed and gave me quick kiss as the curtain pulled back and the doc stepped in,”I see you're awake ya feel?”

“It's still hurts like a...I don't know what, and my stomach still feels upset but a lot better than a couple hours ago,” I smiled at him then held my arm out towards him.

He nodded and poked around on it making me moan and wince,”well what bit you was a black house spider, nothing too bad. It'll stay pretty sore and swollen for the next couple days, try not to use it, have someone change your bandage at least twice a day, got some ointment here for ya to put on it, ummm, other than that you're all good to go.”

Cam took the small box from the doctor then smiled at me,”thanks doc, I'll make sure she's all taken care of.”

The doc smiled then left, Cam looked at the box then chuckled,”you got bit by something from Australia you know that right?”

I scoffed and threw my head back,”you're kidding right? Why me, I go out of my way to protect the little bastards even though I hate their guts and they pull this. I'm not sure how I feel about moving to Australia now, even when the critters aren't in Australia they still try to kill you!”

Cam laughed and moved out of the way so the nurse could take out my IV, he helped to into the wheel chair then walked beside me as we made our way outside. Cam ran off to get his truck then pulled up in front of me and help me into it then started on the way home.

“Why don't you have any shoes on?”

I giggled and shrugged while wiggling my toes,”I hardly ever wear shoes.”

He nodded and laughed at me, when we reached the house I went in and started going through the cabinets in the kitchen. Wes and Damien walked in and stared at me with their hands on their hips, I turned and placed my good hand on my hip,”what? Unless you two plan on cooking supper I suggest you leave me alone.”

“I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be resting, you look like shit,” Damien walked over and closed the cabinets behind me.

I gasped lightly ad turned to him,”wow Damien, that's the second time you've insulted me today and actually hurt my feelings.”

“Sorry,” he laughed then sat down in a chair as Cam walked in with Bilko.

“What do you think you're doing,”Cam walked up and closed another cabinet door that I just re-opened.

I huffed and put my good hand back on my hip,”I can't let my boys go hungry so I was gonna fix a little something to eat.”

He escorted me away from the kitchen,”no, you're gonna sit and let us take care of ya.”

I scoffed and sat on the couch, they don't realize how much this is gonna kill me. Rift jumped up in lap and laid down, I petted on him for a while till Biko came in a sat beside me.

“Nasty bite ya got there, really scared Cam when he got the message,” he petted Rift.

“I didn't want anyone to tell him till after I got out,” I rested my head back on the couch then looked to him.

He smiled and shook his head,”trust me, it's better to have him worry a little than be pissed that you waited till you were out to tell him.”

I smiled back cradled my arm as it started to hurt a little,”I guess so, and just so ya know, I'm not one of those bitches that think just because she's dating a guy that they should spend every moment with them. He was your friend first and I'm not gonna try to do anything to come between that, unlike most people I really do think of other people before myself and I put myself in others shoes. So please don't think I'm trying to steal your bro from you cause I'm not and I'm not out to use him or anything like that.”

“No worries, I trust ya” he winked at me then stood up join the rest of the guys in the kitchen.

I laid out on the couch and began to fall asleep again as the boys loudly made a mess in the kitchen. I don't know how I'm gonna handle not being able to do anything for the next little bit, I have a certain way of doing things and I have a feeling the boys are gonna mess up. I love them to death but there's just no hope for Damien and Wes can do okay, but I wouldn't be surprised if buttons get pushed.
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This wasn't meant to be so long but it is, sorry.