Sequel: Crash

Always Yours

November 15th, 2012

I changed into a sweater and some bleached shorts then walked downstairs, scratching my covered wrist lightly. I walked into the cool air-conditioned living room and laid on the couch, turning the tv on. I flipped through the channels until I was satisfied and set the remote next to me. I watched tv for about half an hour until there was a knock at my door. I sighed, getting up and pulled my sleeves down and walking into the foyer then opened the door to a smiley John.

"Morning sunshine." He smiled at me and kissed my cheek as he walked in and to the living room. I followed him, sitting on the couch beside him and he wrapped his arm around me. I felt the burning sensation again but I ignored it.


He got up under me and looked down, "Hungry?"

I nodded and stood to my feet then we walked into the kitchen and he looked through the cabinets for things. He turned around, setting the bowls down on the counter of the island and opened the fridge, getting milk then the cereal. He made my bowl and pushed it toward me then made his. I ate slowly and he sat beside me. Once he finished, he took my bowl and put them in the sink then turned around.

"What is that?" He asked, pointing.

My heart stopped when I took my chin from my hand and looked to where he was pointing. My wrist. I hid it behind the counter and slipped my sleeve over it.

"Nothing," I looked up at him. I backed away from him when he stepped toward me and looked down at my feet.

"Markie, what the fuck was that?" I heard anger in his voice. I shook my head and turned to walk upstairs. I sighed when he followed me up and repeated his question when we were in the hallway.

"Nothing." I still held my sleeve down over my hand. He took my shoulders lightly, careful not to hurt me and turned me around to him. I tried to object his pulls at my hand and I hissed when he touched my wrist. He stopped then and I could feel his eyes on me. I stared down at my sleeve with his hand on it and he pulled slowly this time when he recovered. I gave up on objecting and I closed my eyes and he pushed my sleeve up and he positioned his hand so he didn't touch the gauze over my wrist. Tears were threatening me but I didn't open my eyes. But they opened anyways when he pulled me into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. A sob almost escaped my lips when he took of the tape and unwrapped the gauze. I moved my watery eyes to watch him when he revealed my wrist. His eyebrows creased a little and his lips parted slightly. I looked down and saw the dried up blood, then looked away and bit my lip to stop from crying.

"This is why I didn't want to leave you alone," he whispered.

I saw him look up at me through the corner of my eye and he took my chin, turning it toward him. I looked into his hazel eyes with my blurry ones and closed them when he connected our faces together by our lips. He kissed me hard like he was trying to tell me something, but I didn't know what. A tear slipped down my cheek and I felt his thumb wipe it. I squeezed my eyes shut when he pulled away.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight now," John whispered again.

I wiped under my eyes and he moved me to the sink to clean my wrist. I watched his face as he carefully wrapped it up in clean gauze and taped it closed. "Thanks", I mumbled.

"What made you do it? You seemed fine when we came back."

"I found a scrapbook in my mom's room, and it just made me frustrated."

He pressed his body against mine in a hug. "Call me next time if I'm not here. Please." He kissed my forehead. I knew that he was mad, he just wasn't showing it as much as I thought he would.

"I'm sorry," I squeezed him against me and buried my face in his chest. "I didn't mean to do it."

"It's alright. Just don't do it again and talk it out next time," he rubbed my back lightly as he looked down at me. I nodded up at him and reached my hands up to pull his neck down. I kissed him lightly and he smiled at me when I pulled away.


"What if Kennedy finds out John?" My eyes widened a little as I looked up at him on the couch.

We've been like this since earlier today and I was sat on the carpet, doing my homework on the coffee table while John sat on the couch behind me and played with my hair.

"Then you're in deep shit." He smoothed my hair back.

I erased an answer on my paper, "I'm serious John. What do you think he'll do?"

"Well, since it's Kenny, I think he'll support you no matter what and he'll want to make you better. He loves you, Markie." He moved his hands down onto my shoulders and pressed his thumbs into the centre of my shoulder blades. I felt a shiver go through my body and goosebumps appeared over my arms. He kept massaging me and my eyes rolled back into my head, my head hanging forward. I snapped out of it soon and wiggled around on the floor.

"Let me finish my homework," I smiled.

After doing my science and english, I moved onto my math that was only four problems. I guess you could say that I was good at math but I wasn't a try hard to be a perfect student, it was just how I was in school. I packed up my binders and shoved them in my bag then got to my feet and set my bag in the foyer. I walked back into the living room and laid down on the couch, putting my head in John's lap.

"Ow," I moved around so I wasn't leaning on my wrist and itched under the bandage. I sat up then, looking down at my wrist and itching it again, feeling the burning sensation.

"Don't itch it," John's hand appeared over mine and he squeezed it. "Do you want anything to eat?"

I shook my head, "Just sleep," I smiled at him. He nodded and turned the tv off quick and the lights. He put his arm under my knees and his other one behind my back then lifted me up. I put my arms around his neck as he carried me up the stairs and my hand twitched with a fire in it. I was put onto my feet and John leaned down to kiss my forehead quick before I got my pyjamas and moved into the bathroom to change. As I was taking my shirt off, the door opened and John stepped in. I put my shirt back down quick and looked at him.

"Go ahead," he shrugged, pointing toward my shirt. I laughed, rolling my eyes and took my shirt off over my head and switched it with a different one. I wasn't really uncomfortable with John looking at my chest or seeing me half naked. I still remember the day he walked in on me as I was changing and I stood there like a deer in headlights as he stared at my body up and down.

I took my bandage off and threw it away in the trash. "Why are you taking it off?"

I looked at John through the mirror, "Because it needs to breathe. And I can't just suffocate it with the gauze."

He nodded and we moved back into my room. He tore his shirt off and closed my door before he walked over to me in front of the bathroom door. I smiled up at him and let out a small scream when he bent down to grab behind my thighs and lift me up. He laughed at me and I put my arms around his neck again. He put his lips on mine in a slow kiss and I tightened my arms around him. I felt him turn around and move to the bed and I felt the soft cushion under me as I was set down. He crawled over me and kissed my cheek.

"I really hope you're not trying to seduce me this early," I looked up at him.

"Would it work out?" He teased.

I rolled my eyes and pushed his chest lightly. I got under the covers when he moved off me and he followed. He kissed my forehead and looked over at me as I rubbed his cheek with my thumb. He slid his hand down from my fingers and took my wrist lightly. He brought it by his mouth and kissed over my cuts lightly.

"What are you doing?" I smiled.

"Just letting you know that I still think you're beautiful."

I smiled again and moved closer to him, bringing my leg up over his waist and playing with his hair until his eyes closed.
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter kinda reminds me of the beginning of Pierce The Veil's Hold On Till May. and I love that song more than I can say.

Thoughts on this or comments?

RIP Mitch Luckerā¤