Conflicting Souls

Chapter 2

After class, Jayde and I were going to Lord Death's room/office/cloud thingy. I was skipping on the way there, and Jayde walked at a laid-back pace. Teehee, she's so lazy. Then suddenly I heard something, so I looked up. "I think that thing is talking to me." I said pointing up.

Jayde looked up, we both saw a guy with spiky blue hair yelling at us. Hehe, I wonder if he will fall...OH! Maybe he can fly! Like a penguin! Jayde shook her head, "Whatever. Let's just see Lord Death so we can go home." She said.

"Okay!" I smiled continuing to skip. "We're off to see the wizard!" I started to sing.

"He's not a wizard," Jayde called out to me.

"He should be! That would make him the Wizard of Death!" I smiled as I continued to skip while humming that song.

Lord Death was waiting for us when he got in his room/office/cloud thingy. "Hiya!" He said raising his abnormally large hand.

I stood at attention, my hand on my forehead in salute. "Scythe Meister Kimiko reporting for duty!" I said smiling. Hehe duty.

"What's up?" Jayde said.

"How was your first day?" He asked.

"Awesome!" I yelled.

"It sucked."

"The teacher is amazing! I learned so much!"

"I learned that he's a sick, crazy person who enjoys dissections way too much."

"And the students are so nice!"

"They are not!" Jayde exclaimed. "The guy I sat next to was trying to tell me what to do, the zombie is a friggin' pedophile, and some girl was trying to make fun of Kimiko." Jayde said, describing her day.

Lord Death's weapon, Spirit came out of nowhere and said, "What girl? I'll tear them to pieces for making fun of Kimiko!" I looked at the floor sadly, Spirit was good friends with my dad. My dad died when I was younger, so then Spirit tried being the familiy figure in my life.

"Some girl with pigtails." Jayde said, which made me look up.

"Maka?" Spirit said in a small voice.

"I don't know her name," Jayde said.

Then he started wailing. Hehe whales. "MAKA!!"

Lord Death Reaper Chopped him. "You are annoying." He murmured. Then he turned to us and said louder, "Well, Kimiko-I'm glad you had a nice day. Jayde-I'm sorry your day wasn't as good. Hopefully tomorrow is better."

"Sir," Jayde said "I don't think it will be. I would rather be out there collecting souls."

"I'm sorrying you think this is a waste of time but it's necessary." Lord Death said.

"Is there anything else you wanted?" I asked trying to leave, I was getting uncomfortable with Spirit still in the room, even though he was knocked out.

"Yes there is. The school is holding a mini tournament tomorrow where the students can fight each other and find out who is the strongest. You two don't have to do it if you don't want to." he said. Jayde and I looked at eachother and we grinned. Then we both turned to Lord Death still grinning, probably scaring him a little.

"We'll do it!" I said smiling. Jayde chuckled inwardly. "Well, I'm glad to hear that. Make sure you get to school on time tomorrow girls. I wouldn't want you to have another run in with Sid." He said. Haha, the pedo is a tattle tale. We left Lord Death's room, and we were free to go home.
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This is Just Alice's and my story about our charcters in the DWMA. Kimiko is my charcter and Jayde is Just Alice's.