Conflicting Souls

Chapter 4

The next morning, I was putting my hair in it's usual spiked ponytail, and then Jayde walked in. "What are you doing up before 6:50?" I asked.

"Today's the tournament and I don't know about you, but I am so ready to fight these spoiled brats," She said putting her charm bracelet on. It was gold, and had 3 charms. One was a J for Jayde. Maybe jelly? Or jam? Or maybe even Jaws! There was also a red little kishin soul, and a scythe that almost looks like her.

"It's going to be so much fun! Who should we challenge first?" I asked. Jayde grabbed her black hoodie and followed me out of the door. Hehe I'm walking backwards!

"I'm thinking that blonde with the pigtails," Jayde said as we got on her motorcycle and she drove us to school.

"Maka?" I asked her.

"I don't really care what her name is," Jayde said. "I just care about beating her ass."

"That should be interesting. She's a scythe meister too. You know that guy she was sitting next to?" Jayde nodded. "That's her partner, Soul," I told her.

"How do you know so much about her?" Jayde asked.

I looked down a little, and my voice hardened as I said, "She's Spirit's daughter..." She didn't respond so I didn't say anything else...Oh! Look a dog!

At the school, everyone was gathering in the area right above the stairs. Some people were talking to each other, and a few other people were stretching. I looked up at the sky and noticed a cloud that looked like a unicorn that was breathing fire. I looked back down at the people streching. "Should we be doing that too?" I asked as I pointed at them.

Jayde shrugged, and put her hands in her pockets. "I guess if you want to."

"Okay! I will!" I said before I reached down and touched my toes.

The creepy teacher man came rolling out and called our attention. "Who wants to go first?" he asked.

"I DO!" a voice said. I looked at him. It was that one guy with the blue spikey hair who was yelling at us before.

"Black Star, why am I not surprised?" the teacher man person said a little amused.

"And I challenge you!" he screamed pointing at me.

"Dude, you don't have to yell. We're right here." Jayde said, popping her ears.

"Do you accept the challenge?" the teacher asked.

The 'Black Star' guy laughed. "I wouldn't be surprised if they're too scared to fight a big star like me."

"Yeah, let's do it!" I said smiling.

We stood on opposite sides of the area and everyone else moved. Black Star was partners with a tall black haired girl. The teacher person was the referee. "The battle is over when the meister and their weapon are both down. No one is allowed to help them. Take your weapon forms," the teacher said loudly so everyone could hear. The black haired girl turned into a chain scythe, and Jayde changed into her scythe form. Black Star didn't even wait until the teacher said go before he charged at us. I took a side step and Black Star shot past us. I'll wear him out a little first. He tried running at us again but I dodged it again.

"Come on, Kimiko. I kind of want to get this done before lunch," Jayde said.

"I'm just trying to wear him out a little," I whispered to her as I dodged him again.

"It'll take too long," Jayde complained. I looked at Black Star, he didn't look tired at all. Oh well, I swung Jayde at Black Star, missing a only by a little. Look! A duck!
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Sorry it's been a while, but here is Chapter 4!