To Know You're Alive

It was obvious from the very second of his capture, life would be much different and much more challenging. What awaited him at Asgard? Flogging? Inprisonment? Both? It was unknown and left Loki on edge as he grabbed the other end of the tube containing the Tesseract. Loki looked up at Thor as he turned the handle and the portal opened. The next thing they knew, they were flying through space at an outragous speed. There was still enough time for Loki to think about and anticipate the events that were about to unfold.

After about a minute. everything slowed as the two landed on the iconic rainbow bridge of Asgard. Loki had closed his eyes seconds before and didn't ave the heart to open them yet. Thor took the case from Loki and held it at his side. "Come on brother." he said, firmly as he began walking down th bridge. Loki looked up, ever so slightly then down at his cuffs. After a moment of hesitation, he followed Thor to his fate.

The brothers finally made it to the palace. Their walk had been silent and without conversation. Thor paused in front of the palace doors and looked at Loki. "Brother, it is never too late to turn back. Whatever happens in the next hour, let it be the end of it." He said, his tone softer and more begging then before. Loki just glared at him, expressionless, his gag hendering his speech. Even if he could talk, he would not know how to reply. Maybe Thor was right. Maybe it was time to move on. Had he gone too far? The only thing he had ever wanted was to feel worthy. But he only made it harder for himself by invading Earth.

Thor studied Loki's face for a moment. Seeing absolutely no emotin come from Loki, he turned to the doors and pushed them open. Loki hesitantly walked into the large reception room. Standing before him in front of the glorious thone was Odin and Frigga. Odin's expression was unpleasent, full of agony and fury as he stared down at his son. Loki locked eyes with him and did his best to remain cool but felt tears begin building up. Loki just wanted to please his father in return for acceptance. Was it too much to ask for? Loki broke the gaze and looked down.

"Thor, remove his bonds." Odin ordered. Thor did as he was told and removed Loki's cuffs and muzzle. Loki took a deep breath and rubbed his wrists, still avoiding eye contact. "Am I to be banished?" he managed to say without looking up. Odin looked down upon him, watching closely. "No. It would be unfit punishment. Instead you shall recieve thirty floggings." Loki looked up in astonishment. Only thirty? Was that it or was there more on the list?
"Only tirty? Why not fifty or a hundred even? Would that not be correct punishment?" He asked.
"I believe you have realized your mistakes, Loki, and have acknowledged them. Even so, there must be a punishmment. " Odin replied, his tone much softer now. "Loki, no matter what you do, we are still your family. We thought we lost you forever, but I believe you shall return to us. Your place is here."
Loki blinked back tears as he lsitened to Odin. He looked over at Frigga ,who nodded in agreement with Odin. Loki looked down at the floor and closed his eyes. He gathered himself then looked up at his family. "Please forgive me. I nver meant to hurt you....I just wanted to feel accepted but instead betrayed your trust and love. I don't expect your acceptance now, after what I have done, but I beg for your forgiveness."

The room fell silent as everyone stared at Loki. After a several moments of silence, Loki hung his head. He had expected this. Frigga slowly decended the steps that led to the throne and walked towards Loki. She stopped in front of him and put her hand on his cheek, lifting his gaze. She smiled then pulled him into her warm embrace. Loki slowly wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair, closing his eyes as he did so. Frigga smiled and pulled back and looked into his eyes. She smiled and put her hand on his cheek then turned back to Odin and Thor. Loki smiled slightly then watched her return. His gaze shifted wearily to Odin, waiting for his orders. Odin nodded at two guards and they took Loki's arms firmly and led him away.

Thor walked down the steps and followed at a distance, leaving his parents to talk.
"Do you think he will get better?" Frigga asked her husband in a worried hush.
"We will see. Loki is unpredictable." Odin returned in his usual tone. "I believe he has realized his place. He has realized that we still love him and welcome him with open arms. Forgiveness is all he wants." Odin paused and stared after Loki and Thor. "And forgiveness is what he shall recieve."
  1. To Know You're Alive; Chapter 2
    Loki's punishment begins.
  2. To Know You're Alive; Chapter 3
    Loki's punishment.