Everything About You

The Truth

Nicola avoided Zayn successfully the next day. She kept herself busy with cleaning her guitars, smoking more often, or writing lyrics while listening to music. Nicola was regretting signing up. She didn’t fit with these boys and she never will. Of course they’re sweet and all, but Nicola wasn't. She was a troubled young lady. Her emotions got the best of her and had a bad temper. She shouldn't be with these boys.

As Nicola sat at a local café in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, she wrote furiously on the paper before her. Her mind was beginning to feel swamped and she needed a release. She had built up anger and stress. It felt like she spent hours writing.

Her phone broke her out of her trance, “hello?”

“Hey, Nicola,” she recognized the familiar Irish accent.

She smiled, “Hey Niall.”

“Where are ya?”

“At a café not too far from the venue.”

“Well, you got an hour to get back here. The crew is going insane because you’re gone.”

She sighed, rubbing her thigh as a chill washed over her, “Niall,” she chewed on her thumb nail, “they do know that all they have to do is call me, right?”

“Apparently not,” he chuckled.

“Alright Ireland,” she nodded, “I’ll be there soon.”

Nicola hung up while putting her things into her messenger bag. Nicola was already ready for the show. She didn’t think she needed to rush, but of course the people that work for One Direction were not the brightest of people.

On the way to the concert venue, Nicola tried to collect her thoughts. She just wished she didn’t have to see Zayn. Nicola had to though. She toured with him, stayed in the same bus, and hung out with his friends. It was nearly impossible to avoid him forever.

Climbing the steps to the bus, she bumped into to somebody. She mumbled a sorry and went over to her bunk, disposing her bag onto it. She checked her reflection in the bathroom mirror before heading out to the building. Of course, with her luck, she saw Zayn by the entrance. He had one hand in his pocket, while the other held a cigarette.

Nicola took a deep breath and continued to walk to the entrance of the venue. She tried concentrated on the task at hand. She had to get in without anything happening. When she got closer and closer to Zayn, the boy she had been kissing just the night before, her heart began to race. She could still feel him on her. She could still feel her fingers gliding through his perfect hair. Nicola could still taste his plush lips on hers.

She gnawed at her lip in frustration, and she must have looked it, because she was stopped.

“Nicola?” his voice rang in her ears.

“What?” she seethed through clenched teeth.

“Are you alright,” he blew out the smoke, “you look pale.”

“I’m great.”

“You sure,” his eyes scanned her body.

She started to feel hot. Her body heated up and felt like fainting. How can someone affect her so fluidly? It was like it was easy for him. He was Mr. Smooth British boy.


Nicola turned on her heel to see Niall jogging over to the duo. His face changed when he took in Nicola’s expression. He rushed over and escorted her into the building. Her breathing became calmer and vision was clear. The rage left her body, along with the lust.

“Damn,” he hugged her closely, “you don’t look so good.”

Nicola wobbled over to a chair nearby and sat down. She tried to catch her breath and calm herself down.

“I know why I’m so affected by Zayn,” she looked up, sadly at Niall.

“What? Affected? He affects you?” he said sarcastically.

“Niall,” a groan escaped her lips, “I’m serious. This is serious!”

“Okay, okay,” he chuckled lightly as he sat next to the girl.

“Well, I think you should know what happened last night first,” she shook her leg nervously.

“Last night? When you ran off?”

“Yes,” she turned to see him clearly, “Zayn didn’t hurt me. He never even really said anything rude until I cussed him out. And I mean cussed him good and hard,” her eyebrows rose, “well, we ended up kissing.”

“Ki-” Niall’s face changed drastically, “you two kis-”

“Yes, we kissed, Niall. Now get over that,” she shivered, “well it got a little heated and it all started out with a fight. It’s just weird. He makes me feel. I never had emotions like this before. You know,” she rubbed her hand on along her arm, “I was a drug addict and feelings were kind of, not really there.”

“Emotionless,” he nodded.

“Well, yeah. We fought then kissed, then you came and the anger returned.”

“I wonder what would have happened if I didn’t come.”

She gasped, “Oh my God Niall! Thank you so much for intruding!” jumping on him, she hugged him tightly.

“Oh no,” he sagged in her arms, “I didn’t need to know that.”

“I didn’t say anything to you.”

“But, I kind of figured out what you mean.”

“Whatever, Niall,” she sat back down, “getting back to my story. I like him,” Nicola blurted out.

“You like-,” his eyes seemed to bulge out of his sockets, “you like Zayn?” he seemed to shout.

“Who likes-” it was Louis who rounded the corner of the darkened room.

“Damn Niall! Shut it. You’re so loud!” her voice rose in aggravation.

“Nicola! You like our little Zayn Zayn!” Louis cooed.

“Shut up!”

“Wow,” Nicola heard another voice.

“Harry!” she shouted, “go away!”

“I gotta tell Liam!” he laughed.

“I got the news,” Liam came into the room.

“Fuck it all,” she gritted my teeth, “Okay, yes! I like a member of your band. Why? Fuck, if I know! But, I like him. I like Zayn Malik and it fucking scares me to death!”

She saw the boys look at her with wide eyes. But, that’s not what she was worried about. Her eyes were glued to the dark shadow by the door frame of the room. His eyes sparkled under the terrible lighting of the back room. His hands were shoved in his pockets and he stood still. She couldn't read the expression on his face. She could not tell what he was thinking. He was a damn mystery and she hated that about him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Nicola's Outfit

Yeah, I've decided to get on with the damn story line already. Or whatever. Shit is about to get real guys! I need me some feedback!
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X Dani