Heroes of Olympus

New weapons. Old problems.

We went back to camp.
"I really don't think coming here would be good." Hazen said.
He's never liked camp he'd rather be in the underworld with Dad.
"I don't see why you don't like it here. There's girls and you'll have the cabin to yourself tonight."
"Wait what do you mean I'll be by myself." I looked over at Jason.
"Oh," Hazen exclaimed, "Well have fun." He walked into our cabin and for some reason it got darker when he walked in the door.
"Zachary!" Piper screamed as she saw Jason, Percy, and I. I missed my sister i was very happy to see her. Not to far from her were Leo, Frank, Hazel, and Annabeth.
"So new quest or just stopping here fr the night?" Piper asked.
"Ummmm both. I also need something room my cabin."

I looked over at Leo. He knew what i was going to ask him. "Are they perfect? Did you make sure that they work? Well?"
"Everything is good that's actually why i was coming to your cabin." Leo said. Then he pulled out a package out from his coat. As we walked into my cabin I took the hundred dollar bill off my bed side table and gave it to Leo and he gave me the package in return then left.
"What's that?" Questioned Jason.
"My new weapons. I had Leo and some of the kids in Hecate's cabin make them." I explained. As i picked up my celestial bronze and imperial gold zais i felt strength and power. All i could think about was killing something. "They also have titanium in them so they keep their shape."
"Well don't those look amazing." Hazen said sarcastically.
"Look other than my dagger that dad took from me i have no other weapons. So leave me alone!"
I stormed out as Jason followed me close behind. "Why do you let him get to you?"
"No idea but im calm. I have to go to Aphrodite's cabin."
"Ok i'll wait for you at dinner." I gave him a kiss then started to walk towards my cabin. When i walked in all i could smell was perfume and cologne. Obviously my brothers and sisters had already gotten ready and left. Something felt weird i knew all my siblings had left but someone else was there i looked around then i saw her. My mom (yeah that's right Aphrodite was there) came out of one of the rooms. "Hello my son."