My 8th Grade Journal

I walk down the hall to the consoler's office.

"Sit down honey". Honey. I cringe. I hate it when people call me that.

"So what am I here for anyway?" I say rather rudely.

"Well. Some of the teachers and I think you might be a little depressed."

"Depressed huh? Well, Why would they think that?"
"One of the teachers saw your wrist. May I -" I pulled away.

"What the hell kind of right do you have trying to touch me like that?!?" I said panicking.

"I just want to see."

"NO..." I screamed.

"Its either let me see or I will have to refer you to a psychiatrist"


"You don't want to ruin your life do you?"

I give her the biggest evil glare I had ever given someone. "WHAT FUCKING LIFE?"

"Well the life you have"

"Like I have a Life."

"Well, lets get back to the real reason you are here. Depression-"

"You think I'm DEPRESSED? I'll show YOU DEPRESSED." I picked up a vase and smashed it up against the wall. Then I punched out the window. I turned to the consoler.

"That good enough for you?"

I ran out the door beginning to tear. I looked down at my hands and the knuckles were bleeding. Then out of no where Jackie appeared and hugged me tight. I was hoping she wouldn't notice my hands. Then I began to cry. We fell to the ground, her holding me and I, crying. Mentally Breaking down. Pretty soon the whole school was out of their classes and surrounding us. Watching like the little fucking vermin they are. What the hell did I care.

She was my BFF and nothing could ever change that. I wouldn't even change it for the WORLD, but that would all change soon enough.

Jackie's side is discontinued. She has up to chapter 4.
To Read Jackie's Side OF The Story,Click Here