Sequel: Unhinged

All of Me

I Wish You'd Make Your Move

I looked at the clock, 11:45 pm, I sighed. I couldn't get her out of my mind. I picked up my phone, and I hit call.

“Hello?” Her sweet voice said.

“Hi Kelsey.”

“It’s late, what’s up Nick?”

“I just wanted to talk to you; I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”


“Mhmm, I was just wondering if you’d want to go out tomorrow night.”

“I’d like that.”

“Okay, I’ll give you a call tomorrow Kelse.”

“Goodnight Nick.”


I ended the phone call and smiled. I had only been dating Kelsey for a few months but it really felt great to have a girlfriend. You know a real girlfriend.


I opened my eyes; I didn’t even remember falling asleep last night. It was a Saturday so I was able to sleep in.

“Nick!” My Mom yelled, “Come downstairs for breakfast!”

Okay, maybe I wouldn’t get to sleep in but I had a date with my beautiful girlfriend tonight and that made this day one hundred times better. As I was about to leave my room, my phone rang. “Hello?”

“Hey Nick.”

“Hey D, what’s up?”

“I was just wondering if we were still hanging out tonight.”

“Uh, what?”

“Are we still hanging out?” She asked.

Oh shit, I completely forgot I had plans with D.

“Um, what if you just came to hang out now?” I asked.

“Nick, I told you I can’t, my mom is out of town and my dad has chemo and then my sister has dance practice. I also have a few errands to run."

I sighed.

“Rain check?” I asked

“Why not tonight?”

“What if I just drove you to your dad’s doctor’s appointment and your sister’s dance practice, that way you’d still get to see me?” I suggested, D's mom was out of town for business so I figured I could give her a hand.

“Sure, whatever, be here in fifteen minutes.” I agreed and ended the call.

I got dressed and told my mom I’d have to skip breakfast this morning and headed straight to D’s house.

‘I’m here’ I texted D.

I was met by D, her father and sister and they all piled into my car.

“How is everyone today?” I asked.

They all responded “Fine”. Everyone seemed in a mood, great. We dropped Kayla, D’s sister, off at dance practice and headed to the hospital. D’s father was being seen while we were in the waiting room.

“So, why can’t you hang out tonight?” D asked.

“Just busy.”

“We did have plans tonight Nick.”

I looked at her. “Aw, I completely forgot. I’m sorry.”

“So what is so important tonight that you're ditching me for?” She asked.

“I’ll let you know later.”

She sighed, “Nick, there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you.”

“Lay it on me.”

“Well-” The nurse cut D off before she could say anything else.


“Yes?” She said as she stood up.

“We’re going to have to keep your Dad here a few nights; he isn’t responding well to the chemo and he seems to be getting worse.”

D took a deep breath in, “Will he be alright?”

“We’re doing everything we can. I’m sorry; you can go see him now.”

I waited 20 minutes for D to return; when she did she took my hand and led me to my car.

“Everything okay?”

She nodded, “Just fine, my dad just has to stay here for a night or two. Nothing to worry about.”

We got into the car but before putting my key in the ignition I turned to look at her.

“What were you going to tell me in the hospital?” I asked.

She stood quiet, “Forget it, it’s nothing.” She gave me a faint smile.

I put my key into the ignition, “Nick.”

Before I turned the key, I looked at her and before I knew it her lips were placed on mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Can't wait for this story to unravel!