All Shall Be Revealed


I had managed to get the insanely gorgeous girl out of my head after a few days, only just though. I had honestly never seen a more beautiful girl in my life, she just captured me completely. Get a grip Draco, you saw for ten seconds.

It was time for me to return to Hogwarts today. I was hesitant on returning this year because I knew this year would be so different nin what way I had no idea, I just knew it would be so different, with the Dark Lord returning.

I was vacant the entire journey to Hogwarts, I barely responded to Pansy throwing herself at me, which wasn't really like me at all. It was only when we were seated at our house tables in The Great Hall I started being aware of my surroundings.

I looked around Crabbe and Blaise were sat left of me Pansy across from me to the left a bit. I looked towards the giant doors at the back of the hall and noticed someone walking into the hall. Intrigued I stretched my head up a little so I could see better.

The almost black brown hair was sat in loose curls that rested below her chest and the large eyes surrounded by the make up that had been perfected. It was the girl from my house.

Her black suede heels clicking on the ground had captured the attention of everyone in the hall. As she walked down the middle of the tables I could tell by her face she wanted to smirk, she liked attention very clearly. She looked around slightly and her eyes landed on me. As her eyes met mine I smirked at her, simply because her eyes landed on me out of everyone else in the room as they all watched her in awe and jealously. At first the looks of jealousy were given just by the girls but when all the guys noticed she had caught sight of me the girls were joined by the guys in jealousy.

She continued to walk to the front of the hall and stopped at Dumbledore. He smiled and greeted her and spoke to her quietly before turning to the rest of the school with her stood beside him. She held a innocent expression as she faced all the students in the hall, I laughed to myself a tiny bit seeing straight through her already. I received questioning looks from Blaise, Crabbe and Pansy, I only smirked in response, this year might be a little fun after all.

"Attention all," Dumbledore requested silence. "I would like to introduce you all to a returning student, Aquila Stone, she has returned to Hogwarts to continue with her studies so welcome her home warmly." He smiled at her and she began walking towards the Slytherin table.

Returning student? She was here before? How did I never notice her? She was in Slytherin? I was confused.

I watched her make her way towards me. She sat down about a foot away from me and was quiet. I noticed Pansy glare at her evilly. I cleared my throat.

"Excuse me gorgeous, care to introduce yourself?" I asked scooting next to her. She turned and looked at me smiling. Something about her said her smile held some evil meaning behind it.

"Aren't you a gentleman Mr Malfoy?" She said with slight playfulness to her voice.

"See you know my name," I pointed out, not being able to contain my smirk.

"And I believe Dumbledore just informed everyone in this room of my name," She turned towards me a little more. I laughed a little.

"Well then, Miss Stone, maybe I could help you catch up on your studies?" I offered.

"Maybe Malfoy," She winked at me before standing. It was then I noticed some students started leaving. She bent down and put her lips next to my ear. "Nice meeting you Draco," She cooed before standing back up straight, sending me a smirk and turning on her heel, walking towards the doors of The Great Hall. I couldn't help but watch her hips sway side to side and notice how her jeans hugged her curves perfectly.
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