Status: Sorry if this story and my others r updated late im busy :/ - Fxoxo

My 'Secret' Life

Work Ruines Everything......

wow! This is amazing!” I was looking at one of the canvas pictures Gerard had finished earlier on today if was full of the things he loved “really? Thanks I think I could do better though that is one of my rubbish pieces” my eye widened I couldn’t believe Gerard let him self-down like that he had an amazing talent “really this is one of your so called rubbish ones if this is rubbish then your good one should be even more amazing” Gerard gave me a warm and thankful smile “so.. How do you known Ray?” I said whilst sitting beside him on his bed “Well…me and Ray met in a music studio he had a guitar lesson and I had a singing lesson after both of us were done teaching we went for coffee started talking and I needed a place to stay after my so called boyfriend kicked me out because he said I was too involved in my stupid art and music…and yeah Ray let me move in with him and we’ve been friends ever since” ”awesome…wait what” “what?” Gerard looked at me confused “I don’t know it’s just your amazing and you have so many talents you inspire me”” thanks Frankie but I’m not good at anything really I can’t sing or draw my art is shit I’m shit at everything even at love” he took a deep breath and sighed “what!?! Gerard are you fucking insane?” he looked even more confused now “you are amazing at what you do your amazing and your ex is so stupid seriously to be honesty with you its his loss seriously your better without him in your life his not worth it its he loss remember that okay?” Gerard just smiled big and nodded “Good” I said happily and smiled big “music? “Okay what you got?” I asked questionably “erm….I have the used,LeATHERMOUTH,Panic!at the disco..” “any I don’t mind” Gerard took a CD out and slid it in the CD player and pressed play I watched him as he strolled back over to the bed and sat back down next to me Blood On My Hands started to blare out of his speakers “OMG! I love this song!” we both just smiled at each other for a while “Frankie?” “Yeah?” “How do you know Ray?” “Well me and Ray use to go to college together we’ve been best friends since high school” I said smiling remembering all the good times we’ve had “awesome so what so you do for work? “I suddenly felt sick to my stomach I what was I going to say I didn’t want to lie to him I didn’t want to lie to Ray but I did “I …er..” “FRANK, GERARD PIZZA” “coming Ray” Gerard shouted I let out a little sigh of relief thank god the pizza was here me and Gerard made our was to the huge electric blue and black kitchen “hey guys! Help your self’s anyone want anything to drink? “Me and Gerard nodded Ray got some glasses and poured out coke into two glasses and handed them to me and Gerard “thanks Ray” we all sat on one of the kitchen surfaces I was eating my pizza whilst swinging my legs of the edge “So Frankie boy! Hows life” “erm…it’s okay” “awesome I wish I could see you more but whenever I call your always working” “ I know I’m sorry ray but we all gotta work right?” Gerard and Ray nodded in agreement “Frankie would you like to stay tonight?” “Well. I...” “It’s find you can have the room you use to stay in it’s no problem and I have clothes for you if you want to” “I...” I was cut off by my ringtone yet again Take me, I'm alive never was a girl with a wicked mind but everything looks better when the sun goes down…..You make me wanna die I'll never be good enough you make me wanna die.. “Shit sorry I’ve gotta take this” I said whilst taking out of my pocket Gerard and Ray nodded and continued eating there pizza “hello?” “Is this Frank?” “Yes this is he who is this?” “meet me at the Harrison motel in 20 minutes don’t keep me waiting you want your money right” I sighed “yes okay ill meet you there in 20” with that he hung up my heart just dropped I’ll have to leave and go and work “What’s up Frank? Are you okay?” “Huh? Yeah sorry I have to go to work if I have time after I’ll come back if not ill just stay at a motel for the night and maybe see you tomorrow” “okay Frank no problem” Ray said understandably.