Hope and Her Gift

Hope: An Interesting Encounter

"I haven't even finished pulling..." Michael was interrupted by the sound of my door slamming. "in." He finished. I have to imagine that he turned to Anya and complained, "I still don't know how I'm related to her. Jenna and Ian, are good little siblings. They don't get into trouble. But Hope." and then sighed. " I love her anyway. Let's catch up to her." I can't guarantee that's what he said, but that's probably how his complaint went.
Meanwhile I had run up to the door and straight into a boy about 17, which means we weren't to far apart in age. Not sure I've explained this yet, but I was 16 when this all went down. Once we had apologized for running into each other, he looked intently at me. "You look just like her."
"Just like who?" I asked. My eyebrows went up.
"Like the girl in all the pictures and newspaper clippings my dad keeps on the pin board in our house." The boy answered. "Only, you are younger then she is, because his pictures are from 20 or so years ago."
"Oh." I said. "Well," Hope began, but was interrupted.
"Maybe you would know her."
"Know somebody who looks exactly like me? I don't have a twin."
"Somebody who looks exactly like me." I said with my arms crossed, looking up towards the sky. "Oh, I know. I look exactly like me." I pointed to myself.
"No. Those pictures are 20 or so years old."
"Well,aren't you cute thinking someone from 20 years ago looks exactly like me." I patted his shoulder.
"Yeah, the girls back home think I'm cute too?" He answered.
It was a question not an answer. "I mean cute as in funny." I rolled my eyes.
"Thank you." He said.
"Well anyway, you have a nice day." I patted him on the shoulder.
"Thanks. You too." He held out his hand. "I'm William Reinstein."
"Hope Scavinsky." I shook his hand. Then William walked away.
"Reinstein, Reinstein." The name struck a cord in my mind. "Where have I heard the name...REINSTEIN!" At that moment Michael and Anya walked up. "Reinstein! Michael! I have a feeling Reinstein is the reason Anya and I had a knife thrown at us yesterday!"
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This is a sequel to another story. But it can make sense on it's own.