Status: Enjoyy

I'll Wait an Eternity for You

ch 7

Remus looked at it"No...bloody hell no"I said and we ran to Remus"Remus u havent taken the potion?!"I said as Sirius & I held him down"You know the man u truely are Remus.This heart is where you truelly live.This heart here"Sirius said"Sirius its no use he's gonna turn!"I said as he held onto him.Remus yelled in pain.Remus dropped his wand.I glanced back & saw Peter pick it up but Harry knocked it out of his hand.Peter turned into a rat and ran off"Damn it!"I yelled.Soon,Remus started to turn and his deep warewolf voice took place.He began to roar"Run!"I yelled"Run!" Sirius yelled but they werent listening!"Sirius it's too much we have to let him go and we have to get out of here!He'll be fine by the morning!Just let him into the Dark Forest!"I yelled"He could get killed Jess!"Sirius said"Damn it all!"I yelled but yelled as Remus threw us back.Sirius and I tumbled onto the ground.I groaned"Jessica darling,are you alright?"Sirius asked.I nodded"Yes but we must save Harry and the rest!Lets go to animagus form and try to slow him down"I said"Right"Sirius said and we both went to our forms,me a big wolf,him a big dog.Remus howled loudly and started to walk twords the kids.Snape came out but got knocked down.He went to slash them all but Sirius and I jumped on him at the same time to make a bigger blow,biting the warewolf to slow him down.Sirius and I got thrown off and soon we were standing there growling,the warewolf growling back.Then the warewolf charged and Sirius and I charged too.We both bit him but he bit me and clawed Sirius.I cried in pain but ignored it,still fighting him.He threw us off and tried to get the kids and Severus again but we both bit an arm.Sirius barked to me I knew what he meant,lure him away is what he said.So when the warewolf looked back we ran off but not fast enough to where he grabbed my tail and threw me into a tree.I yelped and turned back into a human and coughed up blood"Shit"I said.Sirius got thrown,we both were VERY weak"Well this certainly means we got our asses kicked by our best friend"I said in pain"C-Come on..."Sirius said"Where to Sirius?If we cant beat him.Severus can use a spell"i said as Sirius helped me up"I-if we're going to die it might be somewhere better then this"Sirius said as he held onto me but I gasped as we tripped on a root and went tubbling down the steep hill....up until we stopped...right before the lake"I think I broke a rib"I coughed up some more blood and crawled to the lake"Ow"I said as I sipped some of the lake and panted"Sirius..."I said turning to him but gasped seeing him unconsious"Sirius no...darling are u alive"I said feeling his pulse...he's alive..but barely even close...I coughed up some more blood and felt myself get weak"I....."everything went black......(later)When I woke up i was in a cell"What...what's going on?"I asked"We've been caught...we'll be getting the Dementor's kiss love"Sirius said.My eyes widened"No...No it cant be...we're to be killed for nothing?!"I said angrily"Im afraid so...we're going to die"Sirius said.I sighed sadly curling up to Sirius.I palced my head on his shoulder wrapping my arms around his waist"Then we'll die together.We'll be with Lily and James"I said looking up at Sirius"Yes.If Im dieing atleast Im with u"Sirius said and i smile at him"I love you Sirius Black"I said"I love you Jessica Reinhardt"Sirius said kissing me deeply.I smile at him but stop hearing what sounded like Hermione and Harry.I gasped seeing them at the cell door.Hermione blaseted the barred door open and we ran out.With that we flew on the Hyphagryph named Buckbeek and flew to a different part of the castle.We got off Buckbeek and walked to a stone bench while Buckbeek drank from the fountain"We're forever greatful for this" Sirius said"I want to go with u"Harry said looking at us.I looked at Sirius,he looked at me"One day perhaps Harry.Life can be to unpredicatable"I said hugging Harry tightly.He hugged me back till I let go"And besides,u're meant to be here"Sirius said"But you're innocent"Harry said"And you know it.And for now that'll do for me.I expect you're tired of hearing this...but u look so like ur father.Accept ur eyes.You have-""My mothers eyes"Harry said smiling. Sirius and I smiled"Its cruel I've had so much time to spend with James and Lily and so little with you.But know this Harry,once love is really can always find here"Sirius said holding touching his chest where his heart is"We have to go.Feel free to write...oh"I formed up his permission slip for Hogsmade"Mcgonnagol can kiss my ass Im ur bloody guardian & I will sign it"I said winking at Harry as my wand turned to a pen.I signed the paper "There u are mate.Enjoy.Dont get into as much trouble as we did.It'll be bad"I said giggling as I kissed his forhead"Our love with always be with u Harry" I said and before we left I walked to Hermione"You really are the brightest witch of ur Lily was hers"I said hugging her goodbye"Well goodbye" Sirius said"Bye loves"I said smiling as Sirius helped me on Buckbeek and he got on and soon we flew off"Mr.Black we have a lot of catching up to do"I said as I turned around,facing him smiling"Oh really Miss Reinhardt and whats that?"Sirius said.I kissed him deeply.He kissed me back gently biting on my bottom lip"Now now.Save that for home"I said giggling.He smiled kissing back"Oh yes.I left a present for Harry at Hogwarts"I said smiling"What did u do?"Sirius asked as he kissed my neck.I groaned"I...ah!I bought him a new broom stick.I bought him a firebolt.Its the fastest broom in the world"I said as he kissed my cleavage"Sirius!"I said giggling"Im sorry I cant keep my hands to myself...oh um.Firebolt?I think he'll love it"Sirius said smiling"I should hope so.I spent a pretty penny on it"I said smiling as I hugged Sirius"I think it was worth it...being with u again I could care less if I spent the rest of my money on it"I said"All of it?Jessica-""Relax.There was a seprate bank account 1 I got for my teacher's salary & the other was going into ur bank.Nobody knew who was sending the money but they put it in ur volt isnt that funny?"I asked giggling.He smirked shaking his head"Halarious darling"He said.I giggle more as we kissed again,happily....I finally got my lover back. <3333
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no, i wont be making it afterwards.
I went out fighting with Sirius in the 5th movie, Bellatrix killed Sirius and out of rage, I tried to kill her, in the end Lucias killed me with Avada Kadabra and I fell back into the last words when I saw Harry's tear stained face was ' win, for your parents and us' and then i dissappeared into the next life<3
heavenn (or whatever u believe in)