Status: active

Flowers for Violet

17 year old violet hates her life. Itsnot the typical "I'm a teenage girl and I should always get my" angst,in fact she stopped caring about herself long ago,now she only cares about the well-being of her 6 year old sister shila. Why? You may ask,because when violet was 15 her dad walked oh for no reason other than muttering "I cant take this anymore". Ever since then her mom got into heavy drinking and drug use. One night she left to see her dealer and never came back. So Violet took over the role of mother and enrolled shila in school,she frantically searched for jobs and scraped together the little money she did earn for clothes,tuition, food, and ect. Some may call Violet emo because of all the black she wears but shes not,its just all she can afford. Everythings been going fine until a social workers appears at their door taking shila from violets care. Now violets frantically trying to fight for her sister back.

  1. a note
  2. memory lane
    Violets p.o.v