Truth or Dare

Eyes On You

Such a sunny beautiful day, spent happily in the arms of my lover. Someone I can totally see myself with for the rest of my life. We are sprawled out on a picnic blanket in our favorite private place. I loved the way how his deep hazel eyes gleamed in the sunlight. His tattoos ate up his tan skin, all expressions of who he was. I loved every part of this man.

Pete sighs and turns over to face me. "You are the most beautiful girl in the world, you know that right? You make my brain okay again."

I blush and swatted at his arm. "Stop telling me Lies Pete Wentz."

"Juliet Simms, I am offended you don't believe me." He scoops me up in his arms and brushes my bangs out of my face. "I love you." He tells me for the very first time, "Why can you read me like no one else?"

I sat up and cupped Pete's face in my hands, "I love you too Peter Panda. I was lost, but you saved me."

I loved how Pete and I could be so open to each other. We inspired one another in song lyrics. A lot of people don't understand us because we like to communicate in poetic one liners, but it made us unique. We were broken, both on a dead end streets, but we saved each other. He saved me.

"Pete?" I asked looking into his eyes, "Is it okay if we fall asleep under the stars tonight?"

He smiled and kissed my forehead, "Nothing in the world could be better."

We got cuddled into each other, our bodies perfectly moulded together, stealing each others body heat. He wrapped his arms tightly around my torso and started whispering, "Honey is for bees silly bear, besides, there's jelly beans everywhere. It's not what it seems in the land of dreams. Don't worry your head, just go to sleep."


I came home from band practice with a beautiful vase full of my favorite flowers, Gerber Daisies, and a note waiting for me.

[c]"Let's meet in the purgatory of my hips and get well
Hurry, hurry
You put my head in such a flurry, flurry
Oh freckle, freckle
What makes you so special?
What makes you so special?

Love, Your Peter Pan"

I smiled. He hasn't left anything romantic in the last nine months. That's when everything started going downhill. When love wasn't so easy.

A knock on the door and the barging in of my best friend, Ryan Ross interrupted my thoughts. I always melted into his scrawny body adorned with chocolate brown hair and eyes to match. He was my definition of a beautiful boy. There was no other word to describe him. Beautiful inside and out.

"Hey Juliet, am I interrupting?" He walks over and gives me a hug. He was wearing a deep purple V-neck t-shirt, and tight black jeans. I always wanted to borrow his clothes.

"Not at all RyRo. I just got back from practice." I smiled up to him.

"How is it going with your new band?" He looked me in the eyes, then trailed down to my cheek. He looked worried and confused. Shit. My bruise of honour. "What happened Jules?!" He reached out to touch my face.

I quickly pulled away and laughed. I turned towards my new flowers and remembered how much I loved Pete. "Oh it was nothing, I bent done and hit my face on the coffee table reaching for the remote control yesterday. No big deal." I turned to face him and smiled.

I could never tell Ryan the truth. I will never tell anyone the truth. It's not like he has ever seriously hurt me, it's not that big of a deal.

He walked over and put my face between both of his hands, "You would tell me if something was going on right?" He trailed off, "I know this isn't the first accident you've had like that."

"Of course I would tell you." I lied through my teeth. "You're my best friend. Of course I would."

"Because you can trust me with anything. You know I would help you out of any situation... Jules, I would risk everything and anything for you."

"Ryan!" I laugh, "You worry too much."

The front door opened again, this time it was Pete walking through. He eyed us both, then smiled. Instantly he walked over to me and placed a big kiss of my lips.

"Hey dude, I just came over to drop our new demo off. Let me know what you think of the sound okay?" Ryan handed a CD to Pete.

"Okay, I'll give it a listen to tonight. See you later." He quickly rushed Ryan out of the door.

He ran back to me and swooped me up into his arms, bridal style. He was smiling widely and started running me into the bedroom.

"Pete Wentz! Put me down!" I demand.

He laughed and threw me down onto the bed, "No! You are my love prisoner!" He leaned over me and crouched onto his knees. He started kissing me passionately.

I was his.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's a peak into their previous love life! Hope you enjoy the different times. I'm planning on using that a bit more =)
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