Truth or Dare

My Heart Is The Worst Kind Of Weapon

The kids were going crazy. I was so proud of Fall Out Boy, they were getting big. They were just about to release their new album on a major label, they titled it From Under The Cork Tree. I swayed my body to the music. That was my man up there. I loved the way he screamed into the microphone, and the way he played his bass.

I felt a pull from behind on my arm, and a man yell into my ear "Hey! I'm Matt. What's your name?"

I knew how to handle myself in these situations, I basically grew up in mosh pits. "Hey, my name is Not Interested." I smiled politely and returned my eyes to the stage.

The drunken man became offended with me and pulled me close to him wrapping his arms tightly around my torso, "Come on baby, play nicely."

I squirmed trying to get away, "Get off of me you pig!" I was pushing against him.

I heard a gasp from the crowd as Pete threw his bass to the side as he yelled, "You fucker! Get off of my motherfucking girlfriend!" He jumped off stage and the whole band stopped playing. He made his way over to us and harshly pulled me from the drunk guys arms. I watched as Pete pulled his right arm back and quickly punched the guy in his face.

Patrick, Andy and Joe quickly came to Pete's aid to try and break up the fight. I knew security would be on their way soon.

After the band had apologized for having to cut the show short, I walked up to Pete in the green room. I threw my arms around his body and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. Luckily he wasn't hurt too badly. Just a few cut up knuckles.

"Thanks for saving me tonight."

His body tensed up, as he finally looked at me. He looked so angry, a Pete I barely saw. He soon grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the dimly lit back alley of the venue.

"So that's what you do when I'm on stage? You let random dudes touch you?" He spat bitterly at me.

I quickly retorted, "What are you talking about Pete? I couldn't get him off me. All I wanted-"

Pete cut me off "That's fucking bullshit Juliet, we both know that. I didn't realize all you wanted was a cheap fuck."

Okay, now it was my turn to retaliate. I was like a firecracker, set me off and watch me explode. "Just shut your mouth! Just hear me out, because you keep talking until I don't know what you're talking about."

Pete quickly rushed towards me and shoved me against the brick wall. He was gripping so tightly onto my wrists I wanted to cry.

"Don't EVER tell me to shut my mouth again!"

I struggled against him, "Pete you're hurting me." I complained.

Before I knew it a sharp, sudden slap hit my face. I was so shocked, I could cry, but I won't. I won't give him that satisfaction. He then pushes me down to the pavement. I feel road rash instantly fill my body.

Pete scooped my bloody body off the pavement. He cradled me and rocked back and forth as I whimper in pain.

"Shhh." Pete cooed into the shell of my ear, "I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Pete cried to me.

I feel my heart ache.


I loved Pete. There was no doubt about it. That's why I have been with him for four years. We were always so high on each other, on life. But of course we had our low times too. Like when Pete became so blue he tried to kill himself. I will never forget that night.

I had come home from my last shift at the shitty bar where I first met Pete. It had been about a year of us dating. I remember coming home, seeing a vase full of my favorite flowers and a crumpled note laying beside it.

"Hand over my heart, gun to my head
I swear to God I'm through with this
I am the worst liar I know"

I had run from room to room in our shitty apartment trying to find him. I had called everyone asking if they knew where he was. They didn't. In the parkade his car was missing. I will never forget that sick feeling that was stuck in my stomach, and the burning in my eyes.

I drove randomly around town for about ten minutes until I noticed a car in an empty drug store parking lot. It was the pharmacy Pete and I always went to. The lights in the car were on and I could see a looming figure.

I wasn't even thinking straight, I ran to the car like a maniac, and opened the door. Pete barely had his eyes open, he couldn't even keep himself sitting up.

"You idiot! What did you do!" I cried. I looked around and saw two empty bottles of his anxiety medication. He tried to over dose. "Stay with me Petey! Stay with me! You're my Peterpanda. Unstoppable. You can get through everything!" I yelled at him as I dialled 911.

The paramedics arrived soon to rush him off to the hospital.

I spent day and night praying to a 'God" I didn't even think existed. I visited him in the psych ward as much as possible. We wrote together. He got better.

I look back like this all the time, and I never quite figure out how our relationship became like it did.
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Quick update for y'all!