Truth or Dare

You're Crashing, But You're No Wave

Pen to the paper. I had so many thoughts and words running through my head that I couldn't put a sentence together. What kind of song writer was I? Write it down, then scrap it. Nothing was ever good enough for me. I couldn't help but feel discouraged and sigh loudly.

Pete came and wrapped his arms around me tightly. I could feel myself melt into his arms. It had been two weeks without incident. I could almost feel myself trusting him again. I was so glad that they were on a small break from touring. I was being selfish and wanted him to myself every minute of every day. Just like how we used to feel. Inseparable.

"What's wrong my baby girl?" Pete breathed down my neck.

I turned around to face him, his chocolate brown eyes were more piercing today from the eyeliner he was wearing. I gently pursed my lips to his. "I'm so uninspired. I'm supposed to be a god-damned song writer!" I sighed into his chest.

He chuckled my favorite little laugh, "baby, you can live with me in this house I've built out of writers blocks."

"I love you, Peterabbit." I kissed him on the nose.

"It's always true fucking love for you babe." He smiled and walked away.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I rolled my eyes, I didn't need these interruptions.

It's a beautiful day to lose your mind in the park. Take a walk with me. - RyRo

I smiled, perhaps that's exactly what I needed. Besides he was the best person to bounce words off of any ways. He could write circles around Pete and I all day.


The kids were all out playing with their worried mom's chasing after them. Oh to be young again and not give a fuck. I miss the days when the only hard decision was which ice cream flavour you wanted. I smelt the fresh air, the beautiful tree's were in blossom and the flowers were almost ready to open up. Between spring and summer, my favorite time of year. There was just something so romantic about it.

I saw my familiar stranger across the park, sitting on our favorite bench, covered by a giant spruce tree. I quickly made my way towards him and sat down. We didn't even need to acknowledge each other, all we wanted to do was enjoy the beauty in each others presence.

"Juliet," he said suddenly, "I know what he does to you." He turned to me and burned his eyes into my soul.

"I really don't know what you're talking about." I felt my face heat up as I looked away from him.

"I know he hits you. I know he hurts you." He said softly.

"It's not like that... He means well, really." I start, "I know he's not a monster."

He sighs, "Don't get me wrong, I love Pete. I owe everything to him. I am where I am today because of him. But," He is trying to calm his angry voice down, "What he does to you is not okay."

I knew it was an abusive relationship, and I knew I was one of the females I said I would never be. But what do you do in this situation? I can blame it on his stress all I want. Or I can tell myself it's me, I should stop egging him on. Or I can keep bullshitting myself and say he's going to change. But whichever excuse I am using, I'm sticking to it. I love him, and I won't abandon him.

I let Ryan hold me for hours as I cried to him explaining everything. How four years have been perfect up until nine months ago. Ryan just let me vent, and feel loved, and I was finally inspired.

It was dark out now, and I knew I had to get home to spill my new inspiration. We said our goodbye's and hugged.


The house smelt terrible. Of spilled booze and some kind of smoke. What was Pete getting himself into when I'm not around? I hesitantly walked into the living room where I could see he was sitting. He looked cold hearted and angry. He was a monster. He nonchalantly looked up at me and gave me a demeaning smirk.

"You reek of another man." He spits out and stands up.

"Pete, I was with Ryan at the park bouncing ideas off of each other." I tried to remain calm.

"Don't fucking lie to me." He yelled and charged at me.

I instantly cry, "Pete, Petey! Please just listen to me." He is holding onto my shoulders, looking like a mad man.

He raises his hand to my face, "Now I will teach you a lesson for keeping secrets from me."

His initial blow is not that hard. I think he is too drunk to have coordination. I can feel myself getting worked up. As usual, a time-bomb ready to explode "I don't want to know you anymore! The color of you're lips is red. And I swear I never wear lipstick."

He came at me full force. I clawed and scratched at him to get off, we were now tangled on the floor, while he threw in rights and lefts. I could taste blood on the tip of my tongue. I was tired, I couldn't fight any more. He gave me one last solid punch to the stomach and got up.

I stayed on the ground fighting for air, watching my blood drip on our carpet, until it all went black.
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Show me some love <3