Truth or Dare

20 Dollar Nose Bleed

I sat in Ryan's living room next to the window, overlooking our small town. His place in Chicago wasn't anything special, just a home away from home, really. The only thing that made it look lived in was the stacks of notebooks everywhere. And a few of his favorite guitars leaned against the wall as well.

I let out a small sigh remembering how Pete and I got so excited when we finally saved up enough to buy a home together. It wasn't the perfect home, but we made it how we wanted it. I'm not sure what you could even classify our style as. I had always wanted a country inspired kitchen, so that's what he made sure I got. Every other room is a mess of bright colors and modern furniture. It was ours.

I drifted in and out of thoughts of Pete. Everything I thought about led straight back towards him. He was always in my mind. I wasn't sure which pain was worse, the pain of being away from Pete, or the physical pain Pete caused me. Pete has always just been a pain in my ass.

I heard my phone ding, signalling a new text message.

I miss you. I'm sorry. Peter Panda loves you.

I sighed and shut off my phone. It has been four days away from him, and I'm still just as confused as ever.

Ryan set down a cup of tea in front of me and snaked his arm around my shoulders. I could feel his eyes pierce into my thoughts. He had been such a gentleman the entire time. He let me have his bed, and he took the couch. When he would hear me cry in the middle of the night, he would come in and just hold me until I fell asleep again. I swear he was losing his mind trying to keep me sane.

"Have you eaten today?" Ryan asked me.

I shook my head, while biting my lip. I knew he was going to be upset with me. But I couldn't help it, I had no appetite at all.

Ryan sighed, "Well at least drink your tea, you need something in your stomach."

I wasn't sure what came over me when I spurted out, "why are you so amazing?"

He laughed and pulled me into a hug and stroked my hair. He was so simple compared to Pete. He was beautiful, and poetic, and thought his actions through very thoroughly. And Pete is so brash, and doesn't think anything through.

I laughed remembering when we first met, "God, I remember thinking Pete was such an idiot to fly down to Nevada to listen to some kid that randomly messaged him. That was until he came back with a few of your demo's."

"Do you remember the first time we met?" Ryan smiled.

"Pete had the label fly you down here, we met at the studio." I smiled, "you were so shy, and so polite. I remember you came up and shook my hand." I blushed thinking about it, "I knew you were something special."

A knock on the door pulled Ryan and I apart. He opened the door, it was Pete of course.

He smiled at both of us, and walked in, "Hey, I just wanted to see how you were doing Juliet." He looked down at his feet, and came to sit next to me. "You've had me worried, not answering my calls."

"Sorry, I've been writing and thinking.."

"Don't apologize to me." Pete said quietly. "It's the last thing I deserve."

Ryan interjected, "Are you coming to our show tonight?" He had already started getting ready. He had better make up skills then I did. The things that boy could do with eyeliner blew my mind.

"Yea, I think Patrick, Joe and Andy are going to come as well." He started to make his way towards the door. "Are you going to go Jules?"

"Yea Pete. I'll see you there."


I was sitting with Ryan in the green room backstage. I was taking in the scene, Brendon was throwing skittles at everyone, while Spencer drummed his hands on his knees, and Jon talked about how sweaty he always got before he went on stage.

I hugged all the boys as they were being queued to go on stage. I made my way to the side of the stage, all the kids were pumped up and ready to hear Panic! At The Disco. They were still new to the scene, so they were just playing smaller shows and opening up for other bands. But they already had die hard fans. I was bummed thinking that they left in a few days to go on their tour. But of course, I was happy for them.

I was having fun, singing and dancing along. I felt care free and alive again, for the first time in a long time. I wasn't thinking of Pete, I was thinking about how talented these boys were.

I smelled a heavy stench of alcohol being breathed my way, then my familiar love was by my side. You could just tell he was fucked up, this was the time I was scared of him the most.

He grabbed me around my waist, "Hey babe, want to get a drink?" I could feel him smile against my ear.

"I can't. I'm on pain medication." I slightly pushed him off of me, and focused on the stage. They were playing Camisado, so I decided to sing along again. Anything to ignore who was wasted by my side.

Pete grew frustrated by this. He got on stage and grabbed the microphone from Brendon, the music stopped playing. He walked up to Ryan and put an arm around his shoulder.

"I would just like to say, my best friend here, Ryan Ross, is fucking my girlfriend. You know, Juliet Simms from Automatic Loveletter." You could barely understand him he was so drunk.

I couldn't believe what was happening. I ran up onto the stage just as Pete threw a punch at Ryan. The crowd was in chaos.

"Get off of him you monster!" I jumped onto his back, wailing at him with my one good arm.

He shook me off and pushed me against an amp, "This is the last time I will ever hurt you, I promise." He screamed into the mike, and with that he threw one solid punch at my nose, and I blacked out.
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Thank you to everyone who comments and who has subscribed! I can't tell you how much it means to me <3