Truth or Dare

You Don't Even Know

I had woken up to everything I never wanted to happen. Ryan and Brendon brought me to the hospital, following my black out. Ryan had a fat, cut lip from Pete. I had a broken nose, which of course came with two black eyes. The paramedics told the doctors how this happened, and they gave me brochures on escaping domestic violence. The nurse continued to ask me to see the hospitals social worker but I refused. Luckily the boys vouched for me and said the situation was under control.

I couldn't believe how viral our story went just within 24 hours. The newspaper and gossip magazines were bashing Fall Out Boy and Pete, calling him a womaniser and an abuser. Our life was printed on page 21 and left out to dry. His fans retaliated saying that I was the problem, only being his girlfriend to make my band successful. I had read one fan girl say, "She deserved it.. Just look at her."

Pete had issued an apology on his website, and on the Entertainment Network. He cried saying he was in a bad place, but said it was no excuse to what had happened on that stage. Pete said he had lost the best thing in his life, the only woman he could ever truly love, and he was sorry to all the public he let down. I couldn't even watch the full interview, seeing how much pain he was in.

It wasn't only Pete's and my relationship that was affected though. He was Ryan's best friend, and the owner of the label Panic was signed to. I could see how much it was killing Ryan, and how much it scared the band. What was going to happen?

Ryan had made a statement saying the first few weeks of the new tour were being cancelled due to the current situation. He kept saying that he couldn't leave me alone here. He had now taken it upon himself to become my protector. It scared me that he was willing to put his life on hold to save mine.


I was sitting at the kitchen table bouncing my pen up and down. I had come up with a few lines for a new song.

I can’t stand to wave goodbye
Bite my tongue between the byes
I don’t wanna be your hero
Cause there’s nothing left to save
It’s harder to be the one who will stay

Ryan walked in from grocery shopping, he was soaking wet and holding two paper bags, "fuck it's cold out!"

All I could do was laugh at him. It was the first time in a few days I have actually been able to find joy in something.

He gave me a playful glare and came back at me with, "You know, you look so hot with that cast on your nose."

I threw my pen at him, "oh shut up you meanie!"

I loved when him and I just goofed off. Everything was so easy when he was around. I loved him, and it scared me because I felt like I might be falling in love with him.

I loved rain storm days like today. I had a man laying right beside me who didn't give a fuck about the outside world, just like me. Pete and I have been laying in bed naked all day. We made love and had tickle wars. He always won. We didn't need any other form of entertainment, just each other.

Pete sat up quickly with a spontaneous smile, he quickly threw on his boxers and threw me his shirt.

"Come with me!" He pulled me out of bed, "I'm going to make you lunch." He was suppressing a laugh. What was this boy up to?

We raced to the kitchen, there were still unpacked boxes everywhere, we had only moved in a week ago. I sat down at the kitchen island, smiling at him.

"What are you going to make me?"

He opened up the fridge, "Well," he said turning around with packages of fruit. "How about a fruit salad?" He threw a grape at me.

"Sounds good to me, chef" I smiled.

"You asked for it!" Pete laughed.

Suddenly he was throwing grapes, blueberries, orange slices and all of our fruit at me.

"Stop it!" I laugh and shield my body. I picked up what I could and threw it back at him.

We were picking up every little piece we could salvage. When I couldn't pick up anything more I decided to scream at the top of my lungs and run as fast as I could. I could hear Pete laughing and running behind me. He scooped me up as soon as he caught up with me, then threw me on the bed when we reached the bedroom.

His hands were reaching and tickling my sensitive sides. "Stop it!!" I try to roll over and push him off me, I could barely breathe.

"Not until you say how much you love me." Pete was laughing and hitting every sweet spot.

"P-Peter, I-I love you!" His tickling then turned to kisses, fluttering over my sticky body.

He pulled my shirt off as he kissed me passionately. I took off his boxers while kissing down his sticky chest. Pete pulled me close to him before he entered me.

"Baby girl, I'll love you forever."
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Thank you for all the love! You guys are so inspiring!
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