Status: In honor fo Jimmy, I will be updatiing this story very soon. I hope to find the notebook that I wrote the rest of it in.

Put Me in Coach

No Problem

"Well, Brian asked me for a ride home, and I said yes, but I had to do something first. So, we go into my house, and I figure I could show him my guitars while we were in there. I told my dad the good news, and he was happy, but he had to leave for work. Well, then my stepmom came out of the kitchen and said I was a fucking dyke for playing baseball instead of softball, like all the other girls." I had started to cry. I hated when I cried, because I felt so vulnerable. Matt leaned up against the stair railing and then pulled me into his lap.

"Then what happened?"

"We kept arguing about it, and I snapped. She told me to prove it, so I did the only thing I could think of."

"Brian?" Matt asked with a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Yeah. We didn't go all the way or anything, but it was close." I was sobbing now.

"How close?"

"I was undoing his belt buckle." He shifted uncomfortably.

"Oh, that close."

"Yeah." I looked down, ashamed of myself.

"Tyler, are you okay?"

"I feel like such a bad person. I used him because I couldn't handle something."

"You aren't a bad person, Ty. You were just upset. I'm sure he'll understand."

"He said he does."

"Well then, believe him. Get over this because you are the only one who sees it like that." I looked up at him. "Okay, other people might see it like that, but they don't count." I smiled.

"Thanks Matt."

"No problem." He pulled me into him, tighter, if even possible. Then we got up and walked back inside.

"God! They're doing it like they do on the discovery channel!"

"Oh Jesus! That was an unwanted mental image!" Matt said, covering his eyes. I laughed. "Do you want to go to my house and hang out? Maybe watch a movie?"


"Alright then, let's go." We walked out to his car and were about to get in when some maniac pulled up behind us.

'Stay the fuck away from my boyfriend, you fucking homewrecker!" This chick, that, given recent events, must've been Brian's girlfriend, yelled.

"Michelle, she's had a rough day, and you don't even know the half of it, so just butt out, okay?" Matt said, defending me. I had started to cry again. I've been doing that a lot lately. She looked at me one last time.

"Stay the fuck away from Brian." She got back in her car and took off down the street.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! I'm getting more comments. Thank you to all who have commented. You are the ones that keep this story going. I'm not an uptight butthole. All it takes is one comment for another chapter...however more is always nice ^_^

Thank you once again.

