Status: In honor fo Jimmy, I will be updatiing this story very soon. I hope to find the notebook that I wrote the rest of it in.

Put Me in Coach

Thank You Mrs.Taylor

Still Matt's POV

"Come on guys. We have just enough time to get to school." Johnny said.

"Hey Matt, can I catch a ride with you? My car's at Leana's."

"Yeah sure." We all got in our respective cars and drove to school.


"What's wrong Ty?"

"I left my bag in my car."

"Do you need it?" She thought about it for a moment.

"No, I guess not." We all parked and ran in school. Tyler had to go to the cafeteria, so I hugged her quickly, then she scurried away. When I got to computer class, I walked right up to Mrs. Taylor.

"Mrs. Taylor, I have a problem."

"What's up Matt?"

"My friend left their bat bag at their house and didn't have time to get it. You know how the coach gets about stuff like that."

"Does this friend live close to here?"

"Yes ma'am."

"As long as you can get there and back in less than 20 minutes, you can go."

"I can. Thanks Taylor."

"You're welcome. Now scram." I ran back out to my car and drove to Leana's house, praying that Tyler had left her doors unlocked. Luckily enough, she did, so I grabbed her bag, leaving behind her bookbag, because it was only the second day of school- she didn't really need it anyway. I tossed her bag in my trunk and drove back to school, with five whole minutes to spare.

"Mission accomplished?" Mrs. Taylor asked when I walked back in.

"Mission accomplished." I sat down at my desk and logged on, only to find I had message.

Christalive- Did you notice how pissed Zacky was this morning?

Sanders101- Yeah. What was that all about?

Christalive- I don't know, but I doubt he got that mad over a shirt.

Sanders101- I don't know either.

Christalive- I gotta go. Teach is yelling at me.
Christalive had signed off

I laughed quietly to myself and went back to work.

~Tyler POV~

I was sitting in study hall, about to piss myself because Zacky said that if you forget your stuff, Coach Hall makes you run the whole practicee in whatever you wore to school. I am so not an indurance runner, hence playing baseball instead of running track. That and the fact, who wants to run in a mini skirt in front of a bunch of horny teenagers and balding men? I decided I would try and get my mind off of that by writing Brian a note.

Hey Bri,
Sorry I got you in trouble with your girlfriend.

I watched as he took out a pen and wrote a reply.

It was partly my fault. I kept it going.

I promise it will never happen again.

Ok. Love ya buddy.

Love you too! ^_^

He laughed silently, then I layed my head down and slept for the rest of the class. I was awakened by the loud ass bell ringing in my ear. I gathered all my stuff and walked with Brian and Zacky. We all got changed and sat on the bleachers, waiting for the gym teacher to tell us to do.

"Alright, today we are starting our basketball unit. There will be one girl on every team." All of the girls looked bored as he started telling us the teams. "Second to last, we have Tyler M, Jason, Kyle, and Matt S." Matt and I looked at each other and smiled. We were playing team 4 which consisted of Brian, Jacob, Vince, and one of the whiniest girls I have ever seen.

"Hey, why don't we just stand here and not do anything?" Kylie suggested.

"okay." I fake smiled at her, then as soon as the game started, I joined in, earning a disgusted 'ugh!' from Kylie. We ended up winning by ten. Matt gave me a hug after.

"Ew Matt, you're all sweaty!" He laughed.

"Ew babe, you're all sweaty!" I laughed as well, then we headed to the locker rooms. Just like yesterday, he was outside, waiting for me.

"Journalism!" I cheered happily, skipping along next to him. He laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
yay! another update! I know it look a little while, but it's here. You know the drill. Comments=love, which = update!
