Status: In honor fo Jimmy, I will be updatiing this story very soon. I hope to find the notebook that I wrote the rest of it in.

Put Me in Coach

Just Pitch The Damn Ball

I grabbed my glove and got in position. All of the guys were staring at me.

"Yes, I am aware that I don't have any pads on. Just pitch the damn ball. The next batter walked up, and I could have sworn I heard him say something along the lines of 'she's gonna get murdered'. I ignored it and waited for the pitch. Zack wound up. He must've thrown seven pitches right at the dude's head. When I caught the ball, I jogged back to the mound. "Don't let that fuckwad effect your pitching. The poor batter didn't do anything to you. Aim for his strike zone, not his head." I tossed him the ball and jogged back. The next pitch was a strike. I threw the ball back and gave an approving nod. The batter hit the next pitch and took off running. The freshman that was trying out for right field totally missed the ball, so we all had to scramble to get it back in the infield to get this guy out. The ball was thrown to Zack and he automatically threw it towards me. I had to jump at least a foot off the ground to catch it.

~Zack POV~

"Nice play guys. Baker, watch your throws."

"Yes coach."

"Alright, were officially done with try-outs. The final team will be posted at 4 PM, today after school."

"Yes!" Phil yelled, jumping up in the air.

"What in Sam hell are you so excited about?" Coach asked. Phil looked at Tyler and got the look in his eye of some crazy pedophile.

"It's shower time."

"Yeah, I don't think so. Tyler, I opened the girl's locker room for you."


"Thanks." She grabbed her stuff and started walking away.

"Hey Tyler! Wait up." She stopped and I jogged to catch up with her.

"Zack, right?"

"Yeah, but most of my friends call me Zacky."

"Are you saying I'm a friend?" She looked up at me, and itw as the first time I had seen her beautiful eyes.

"Maybe." I smiled back. "I just wanted to say congratulations on making the team."

"How do you know I made the team?"

"How could you not?" She blushed.


"You're welcome. We better go if we want to be ready in time for school to start."

"Bye." She smiled.

"Bye." I watched as she walked into her locker room. Once she dissapeared, I went into mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, might be a tad shorter, but more will come soon. I promise. You people should be saying thank you to chaotickitty6661 and Modern Myth for commenting in the first five minutes. More to come! ^_^