Status: In honor fo Jimmy, I will be updatiing this story very soon. I hope to find the notebook that I wrote the rest of it in.

Put Me in Coach

That Would Hurt

"That's the girl that attempted to make the world deaf with 'Walk' "

"Seriously?" I mean, really, could this day get any better?

"Yep, what were you so giddy about?" I looked at Brian.

"She's on the baseball team." Brian's jaw dropped. I walked over to her.

"Fancy seeing you again." She looked up. God, the eyes!

"Hey Zacky. Are you lucky enough to have study hall first too?"

"Yep. This is my friend Brian Haner."

"Oh, hi. I didn't see you in the try-outs." I automatically started laughing my ass off. "What did I say?" She asked innocently...and obviously confused.

"Brian...sports...funny!" I said in between fits of laughter. Brian smacked me in the back of the head.

"I'm more of a musician than an athlete."

"Oh really, wait, let me guess. Guitar?"

"How could you tell?" Brian asked, dumbfounded.

"Your attitude." Brian smiled at her and she smiled back. "That, and, I play too."We were both just standing there when the bell rang. Yeah, this day COULD get better. We had to hurry to find seats at a table, so we pancaked Tyler in the middle-Brian on her left, and I on her right. After roll,Mrs. Nazi...erm, I mean, Mrs. Katzi told us to sit down, shut up, and damn well not to breathe until the bell rang.

~Tyler POV~

I was sitting at the table with my head resting on my arms when I felt cold air on my left ear. I sat up and looked to my left to see Brian smiling at me. Then he slid me a piece of paper. I opened it up and read what was written inside("=brian, ~=tyler).

"Name?" I stole his pen and wrote my name inside. I watched out of the corner of my eye and saw him smile. He wrote something quickly ,then handed it back.

"You have a beautiful name Tyler Faith."

~Thank you~

"So, what kind of guitar do you have?"

~Gibson Les Paul and Dimebag Flying V~


~Yeah, they're like my babies.~ He looked at me and smirked before he wrote something back.

"I imagine a Flying V would hurt coming out." After I read that, I looked back up at him. I guess the faces that we made towards each other were funny because we both started laughing out loud.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, that's enough for today. The Moto X championships are on, so I gotsta check out.

ps:I still want to thank everyone. By now, you know who you are. I appreciate you all commenting. Let me know if you have any suggestion.
