Status: In honor fo Jimmy, I will be updatiing this story very soon. I hope to find the notebook that I wrote the rest of it in.

Put Me in Coach

Aw Shucks!

"Haner, Miller, one more outburst and it's detention for both of you!" Mrs.Katzi hissed.

"Yes ma'am." We both answered. We both kept snickering for the rest of class.

"What was that all about?" Zacky asked once class was over. I handed him the note that Brian and I were laughing about. A few seconds later, he started laughing. The only thing that came out of his mouth was an 'ow'.

"Where's your next class?" Brian asked as we started walking down the hall.


"Aw, shucks!" Brian said. "That's what we have too."

"OH GOODIE!!" I yelled with fake excitement. We all walked down to the gym and separated so we could get changed into the clothes we brought. When I walked outside, I saw Brian shank Zacky.

"Pick up your shorts Baker! Coach would be ashamed!" Brian laughed and gave me a high five. Zacky pulled his shorts back up and punched Brian in the arm. We walked into the gym after their little scuffle, laughing. Since today was the first day of school, we pretty much have a free day. All of the guys were playing a pick up game of basketball, while the girls were huddled in a corner talking. I looked at Zacky and Brian.

"Oh, I am so not doing nothing (double negative intended)!"

"You can play with us." Zacky offered.

"Thank god!" We all walked over and joined the game. Most of the dudes didn't want to pass me the ball, so, for the first five minutes of class, I just stood there. I was minding my own business when some dude yelled at me. I looked up and a cute guy with a pierced lip passed me the ball...and sent all of the rest of the dudes charging at me.

"Shit!" I had to get around three guys to get to the basket. I went around my back to get by the first guy, between my legs to get around the second, and pulled back for a fade away jumper that went in.

"Damn Tyler!" Brian squeeled. I just laughed. The game kept going. In the end, we won by like ten points. Right before I was walking back into the locker room, the guy with the pierced lip came up to me.

"Hey, you're pretty good." and you're pretty hot.

"Thanks." He held out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Matt." I shook his hand.

"Tyler." He laughed.

"Yeah, I figured as much when Brian squeeled like a little pig." I laughed. "Hey, what class do you have?"

"Um, I think I have journalism."

"Cool, I have that too. I can walk you if you want."

"That'd be cool. Thanks."

"Alright. Meet you out here in five?" I nodded and we both went into the locker room. I quickly got changed and grabbed my stuff and walked back into the gym. Matt was already standing outside. He smiled and held out his arm.

"Shall we?" I laughed and linked arms with him. As we walked through the halls, we talked and laughed. I learned from him that he, Zacky, Brian, and two other dudes were in a band called Avenged Sevenfold. When we got into class, we all started talking like we had been friends forever. It was kind of cool.

"Alright guys, I want you to all have a writing piece of some sort by next Monday." Mr. Watson said.

"What?!" Half of the class whined.

"I wanna see what you already know. I guess you could call it a pretest."

"Are there parameters as to the subject?" I asked.

"Well, for one," He looked down to his class list, "Tyler?" I nodded. "Thank you for being so receptive to the idea. And secondly, to answer your question, no, it can be about anything."

"Okay, thanks."

"You're welcome. Now, you have the rest of class to chat amongst yourselves and brainstorm ideas."

"Damn!" Matt cursed loudly.


"When in the hell am I going to be able to do this? I have football practice everyday this week, and we have a gig on Saturday." My face lit up. "What are you so happy about?" I patted his shoulder.

"I think I just found my subject."

"Great." He rest his head on his arms. I rubbed small circles on his back.

"Why can't you be in a band? Then, I could do a review on your band." I laughed softly.

"Sorry, but if it makes you feel better, I could help you come up with an idea."

"Aw, how swe... I know!"


"A human interest piece, duh!"

"Oh yeah, on who?"

"I don't know yet." I smiled.

"Well, let me know when you do."

"Will do." He smiled back, then the bell rang.

"See you guys tomorrow." Mr. Watson said as we all left the classroom.
♠ ♠ ♠
See, I told you I would update. Another part of the reason why I didn't get this one updated was that, when I tried to sneak and do it, my computer was being fucktard and wouldn't work, so it seems like the whole world was against my updating. Oh well, I showed them!

Comments are still fun.
