Status: In honor fo Jimmy, I will be updatiing this story very soon. I hope to find the notebook that I wrote the rest of it in.

Put Me in Coach

Holy ***

"I'm sorry. I'd understand if you hate me." Brian kissed the top of my head.

"I don't hate you at all. Tyler, I'm here if you need me." Now, just hearing that and, going off of what just took place, one would think he was talking about...well, THAT. However, I could see it in his eyes that he wasn't being an immature horn dog, but a serious and concerned friend.

"Thank you Brian." He lifted my chin gently and pressed his lips to mine softly.

"You're welcome Tyler. Remember what I told you, okay?" I gave him another peck on the lips.


"Now, about those guitars." I laughed and sat up. I grabbed my shirt off the floor and put it back on. He went to reach for his, but I grabbed it first. "Hey!" He whined. "That's not fair. If I can't have my shirt back, then neither can you." I kissed his chest, his neck, then his lips.

"I think you look better without it." I whispered and kissed his jaw.

"'re a tease." Brian said shakily, the he looked at me with his big brown eyes.

"Oh alright." I took my shirt off once again, leaving me in my pants and a sports bra. "Better?" He kissed my hip.

"Much." I laughed, then got off of him. He grabbed my hand while I was leading him down to the basement. Once we got down there, he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Holy fuck!" He yelled, looking at all of the walls.

"What?" I asked. He started looking around like he was a kid in a candy store.

"They are all so beautiful." He said, still looking at them all. THen he turned and looked at me. "Play me something." I nodded and picked up my dad's acoustic guitar. I started playing Shinedown's cover of Simple Man. I guess I got too into it, because I started singing. When I was done, I looked at Brian to see what he thought. He had a tear in his eye.

"Brian?" he got up and walked over to me. I was sitting on a bar stool, so I was level with him. Before I could even set my guitar down, he cupped my face in his hands and pressed his lips to mine.

"Bri, why are you crying?" I asked his as he rested his forehead on mine.

"That was amazing." I smiled.


"No, really." I looked down. He kissed my temple, then wrapped his arms around me. "I should probably get home now." He said in a sad voice.

"Alright, I'll drive you." I put my shirt back on. Brian left his off because, according to him, once you unleash the beast, you can't put it back in it's cage. I, of course, was laughing all the way up the stairs. He was following behind me, with me wrapped tightly in his arms, placing kisses in random spots of my neck. As we walked through the kitched, the evil meanhag (spelling intentional) came out of the woodwork from somewhere.

"Get out of my house you whore." She yelled. She apparently had a liquid dinner, and as a result was now drunk off her ass.

"Don't worry, I'm going." Brian and I walked out of the house, hand in hand.

"I hope she drowns in vomit." I said once I got in the car.

"Now now deary, that's not cool."

"I know, but I can't help it sometimes."

"I understand...but you know what is cool?"

"What?" He smirked.

"I get to choose the song." I laughed as he picked up my iPod. "Now, don't pull out of this driveway until we are actually listening to a song." I nodded and waited for him to choose a song. By the time we got to his house, we had listened to Sixx: AM, Linkin Park, Metallica, and Alvin & The Chimpmunks...yeah, I don't know either.

"You can come in if you want." He smiled.

"I wish I could, but I have to do something."

"Alright," He leaned over an gently kissed my lips. "Bye."

"Bye." I made sure he got into his house, then drove off. I had to find a place to stay for tonight, because I sure as hell wasn't going to stay at my house.
♠ ♠ ♠
yes people, the long awaited NEW chapter! I apologize for the wait. With school finals coming soon, and my dad being home more than usual, I didn't get much leisure time on the lovely contraption we like to call a computer. Let me know what you think. Right now, the whole 'who she ends up with' thing is still undecided. There have been about three answers, and, as my luck would have it, they are all different, so I still need your input.


ps:I had to find something to do with my time. I don't have that much house work to do, and I lost my voice, completely, so I can't talk on the phone. You keep the comments coming, and I'll do the same with chapters!
