Status: Join me for this crazy ride, won't you?

Things Aren't Always What They Seem



It was the night before the draft and Jon was excited out of his mind. When the sun rose in the morning he knew he'd hear his name called into the big leagues. He had butterflies and anxiety and every emotion he'd ever felt running through him. It was a life-changing event and he couldn't believe he'd actually gotten to this point after all the hard work and commitment he put into his sport.

He was with his family who were going to be accompanying him, but Charlotte was there in Canada as well. There was no way he was going to experience one of the most important days of his life without the most important girl in his life by his side.

He went to grab a glass of water because he couldn't sleep-- he had so much on his mind and he didn't know how to handle some of the things going through his brain. Charlotte was on the forefront of his mind and as he sat with his head in his hand by the counter in the dark-- the only light coming from that of the refridgerator-- he felt his stomach tighten at the possibility of losing his best friend. This would be the best day for him professionally, but it had the potential to ruin his friendship with Charlotte by pulling him away from her so they'd never see each other again.

"Too excited to sleep?" Jon whipped his head around and popped his eyes open when he heard his mom approach from behind him. He didn't think anyone else was awake and he certainly wasn't expecting anyone in that moment.

Jon glanced at her before turning his gaze back down to the counter and gave a little nod. "I guess you could say that."

She walked over and gave Jon a hug. "I am so proud of you son. Tomorrow is a big day-- you should get some sleep."

"Yeah," he answered quietly.

"What's wrong baby?" his mom asked again with concern. "You don't seem as excited as you should be."

"I am excited, it's not that mom."

"Well what is it then?"

"I-- It's..." he stuttered out trying to find the right words, trying to explain what was bothering him without giving it away at the same time. "It's nothing."

"I think you're lying."

"It's just...everything will change. I know it's a good change, but what about my friends and those I've gotten to know," his explanation was a copout but no one said he had to name names. "What if I move away and never seem again?"

"I see," his mom gave a little knowing nod.

"I just don't want to lose my friends because I accomplished my dreams."

" mean Charlotte." She wasn't asking, she was stating it clear as day because she knew that was who Jon was talking about. He didn't care about anyone else the way he cared about her.

Jon swallowed and took in a deep breath before letting out a breath and giving a little nod. "Yeah."

"Why so worried? She's been a great friend to you," she said, which Jon already knew. "I'm sure she will support you no matter what."

"It's not that."

"It's the leaving part," she finished for him and he gave another little nod. "Well, you guys are had to expect one of you to leave the other eventually. She'll go to college, you'll go to the NHL. You won't have her by your side every single step of the way. You've gone through being apart before and you're still friends, I'm sure you will survive it again."

"But she's my best friend, mom. I want to have her with me."

"Jon," she said his name softly as she ran her hand in circles on his back. "If I didn't know any better I'd think you were dating-- but the thing is, I do know better--"

"That's not the point mom," he said cutting her off not wanting a reminder that he wasn't with the girl he loved more than anything. "She's my best friend. It's not easy to leave that behind."

"Sweetie, I know she's your best friend. I love Charlotte. She's been a wonderful friend to you, a good influence. I couldn't be happier that she's the one you've chosen to spend all your time with. I just think, as your mother, I have to say that she's...I think she means a little more to you than just being your best friend."

Jon felt the lump in his throat and his heart start pounding. "No," he started to shake his head. "She's just..." but he couldn't find the words to correct her. His mom was right and he didn't have the strength to debate her. The truth was, she was right about one other thing too-- they were kids. He'd rather be her friend and have her with him every step of the way than risk losing her altogether.

"It's going to be okay. You two will find a way to be friends and be in each other's lives if you want it to be that way. It won't be the same, you won't see her often-- it's not like she can pack up her life and move with you-- but you can visit each other as much as you want to."

Jon slowly raised his head and his mom could see the wheels spinning. "What? I know that look. What are you thinking?"

"That's it mom."

"Oh no. What is?"

"She can move with me."

"Jon, be realistic. You can't do that to her. You both have your entire lives ahead of you--"

"Mom!" he cut her off again. "I don't want to live my entire life just visiting if we happen to be in the area and eventually become strangers. I'm gonna ask her to move with me and I think she might. She's my best friend and I could take care of her. It'd be perfect. She could go to college by me."

"I think it's a sweet idea but, maybe a little unrealistic that you expect her to sacrifice her life to drop everything and follow you to pursue your dreams. I know you love her and she's your best friend Jon but you need to be fair to her. You can't put that on a girl. She's not even your girlfriend and even then..."

"I'm gonna marry her," he said under his breath as he ran his hand through his hair.

"What'd you say?"

Jon looked up at her. "Nothing," he answered as he shook his head and brushed it off.

"You're gonna ask her to move with you aren't you? No matter what I say."

"Yeah," he nodded his response with his mind already made up. "I think it was the best idea you ever had mom," he said as he glanced at her and flashed her a crooked smile.

She let out a sigh and shook her head. "I hope it works out the way you want it to. I'm glad you found someone you care about so much," she said with a little laugh as she gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Good night. Get some sleep," she yelled in a loud whisper as she headed back to bed.

"Night mom."


The draft was over. Jon had spent the day celebrating with his family and Charlotte by his side. When his name was announced as a selection by the Chicago Blackhawks so many emotions overcame him as he realized his dreams had come true. He grabbed Charlotte and hugged her as he heard her congratulate him over and over in his ear. She kept repeating how proud of him she was and it meant the world to him that she was there and saying these things-- she didn't realize how much of a calming effect she had over him. He tried to stay by her as much as he could throughout the day but he had a lot on his plate, and being the awesome friend that she was, she understood and never once complained.

When nighttime rolled around and Jon finally had free time he whipped out his phone and immediately dialed Charlotte, who was waiting back at her room for him so they could go celebrate before they prepared to take their flight back the next morning.

"Hey Char," Jon greeted her with a smile. His head was spinning, his mind still wrapping around the huge events of the day.

"Hey superstar," she said excited at the sound of his voice. "I was beginning to think you forgot about me! How was your day? What'd you have to do? What are we doing tonight to celebrate-- I can't wait to see you!" her words fell out of her mouth in rapid succession as she couldn't wait to catch up with him and talk about the events of the day.

Jon swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to settle his brain--it was still running wild from the busy and exciting day he'd had and the people he'd spent time with. "Well, actually about that. Char, some of the guys want to go out and celebrate-- a kind of last hurrah so to speak since we're all drafted and everything is about to change in our lives." He didn't know every guy but he did know some and only they could understand what each other was going through.

"Oh," she said through the phone. "Well that's...that's really nice. Sounds fun, you should definitely go."

"I didn't think you'd mind. I'm sure you wouldn't want to go with us and hear about the draft even more and... you know how a bunch of us guys are when we go out."

"No, yeah, I totally get it," Charlotte said trying to mask her disappointment. She'd never want Jon to know how much his words hurt her. It was his day, his night, and she just wanted him to be happy. "Have a good time tonight-- I'll just see you in the morning when we catch our flight. Or I'll take a cab to the airport if you're gonna stay. It's your day Jon-- go have fun. You deserve it. I want you to have a blast and celebrate your success."

"You're the best," Jon breathed out with a huge smile. She was so understanding and supportive that he was more excited to go out with the guys than he was before. "I'll call you in the morning."

"No problem, have a good night. Hey," she pulled him back in with her words. She just wanted to tell him how she felt if she wasn't going to get to tell him in person. "I'm really proud of you--really Jon. I'm just so proud of you. This is the start of something new, your entire life is different now. It's such an accomplishment and I just want you to know that I really am just so proud," her words were heartfelt and so sincere as she said them through her cell and they resonated with his heart.

"Thanks Char," Jon breathed out as he hadn't yet really absorbed everything she had said and he unintentionally pushed her off the phone. "See you tomorrow."

Charlotte was taken aback when he abruptly hung up on her but she understood how excited he was. She couldn't hold it against him but she was left alone. She'd traveled all the way to Canada to be with him for the draft and now she was on her own. She put on a pair of yoga pants and one of Jon's shirts before ordering some food and curling up on the couch to spend her night with the tv. It took her some time to figure out what she wanted to eat and when she finally heard the knock on her room door she jumped up to open it. She was starving by this point so the delivery was welcome.

She flung the door open and almost fell backwards when she saw Jon standing in front of her, not her food like she was expecting. "What are you doing here? I thought you were out with the other guys," she asked with an unmistakeable smile. Just seeing him there was enough to make her happy.

Jon looked at her with his adorable crooked smile and gave a little shrug. "I don't know. I just felt wrong being out with the other guys and not with you."

"You didn't have to do that," she pleaded not wanting him to give up his night for her. "I didn't ask you to do that, I want you to have a good time with your other friends. You deserve it."

"I know," he said as he stepped inside her room. "But when I was out with them I kept thinking about what you said."

"Which was?"

"You said you wanted me to be happy-- which I am. But the entire time I was with them it didn't take me long to realize that I'm happiest with you."

Charlotte wanted to leap in his arms and kiss him. He had no idea how much he made her melt-- she was putty at his feet, but instead she gave him an innocent hug to keep her feelings at bay and not betray them. "You didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to. Besides, I need to talk to you about something."

"What?" she asked with her brow wrinkled as she looked at him trying to figure out what he wanted to say.

"Come with me," he said as he took her hand and led her to the couch. "Sit," he instructed and she did. She could feel her nerves getting the best of her because she had no idea what he was up to. "I want to ask you something I kind of, well, I don't really have a right to ask. And my mom thinks it's crazy, but I'm asking anyway and I hope you don't get mad at me."


"With me getting drafted and you about to start college things are going to be a little different and I don't know about you, but I don't like the idea of it."

"Okay..." she answered again listening intently still not sure where he was going with this.

"I want you to move with me. I want you to go to college where I live and I want you and I to live in the same city. You can get an apartment right by me--I'll take care of you I promise, I just want you to come. It sounds selfish but you know just as well as I do that, sucks without your best friend."

Charlotte looked up at him with tears welling in her eyes, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah," Jon answered. "I'm always serious."

She gave the smallest, quickest little nod. "Yes," Charlotte stammered out not even thinking twice. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at him with the purest, most genuine smile. "I think that's a fantastic idea." It was clear by the look on her face how much it meant to her for him to ask.

"You're not mad? It's not don't think I'm asking you to give up anything right, or plan your life around me?" Jon needed to hear her say it so that he could put himself at rest, so he knew for sure that the reasonable doubts his mom had planted in him meant nothing. He knew his mother didn't say the things she said to make him feel badly about wanting to ask Charlotte to move, but she needed him to be realistic and he needed to think it through. The last thing he wanted was to think that Charlotte would end up resenting him, though he'd thought about it all night and that day and he knew this was the right move.

"No," she blurted out. "I'm not mad, I didn't take it that way at all. You don't even know how much that means to me for you to ask. I was afraid of growing up without you. I'm glad that's not gonna happen now. I mean, I can go to college anywhere, I can get a degree anywhere. I can't be with you anywhere," after realizing how that came out she quickly stumbled over her words to correct herself. "I mean, you know what I mean," she said with a nervous laugh.

"So you'll do it? You'll go to college by me and we'll do it together."

Charlotte studied his face and saw how serious he was-- she knew he meant what he was asking but it still hadn't completely set in. She leapt off the couch and jumped into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. "We're in it together," she confirmed as she looked down into his hauntingly beautiful eyes. She could feel her heart pounding and feel his arms holding her to him which felt so right. Just as she thought he might actually kiss her they both jumped, startled as they heard a knock at her door.

Her food had arrived.

***Present Day***

Jon barely let Charlotte out of his sight during their rehearsal dinner. He kept finding reasons to touch her or sneak in kisses. It was obvious he was smitten-- he always had been with her, but now that he was finally getting everything he every wanted, his overwhelming happiness was on display. There was a time not that long ago he thought he'd have to endure a rehearsal dinner with Charlotte, only he wouldn't be the groom, and it killed him to think about.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Charlotte flirted as she leaned in a brushed her nose against his. The night was coming to a close and it was time for them to separate until they met at the altar. "I can't wait to marry you."

Jon smiled hearing those words and nuzzled his nose back gently against hers. "I know the feeling."

"Well I better get going or I won't leave you tonight. I don't know how much sleep I'll be able to get I'm too excited!"

"I don't want to spend the night apart either. I love you, I'll be waiting at that altar tomorrow for you to get to me. Give me a kiss, and make it a good one because it's gotta hold me over until tomorrow," he said softly as he held her close to him.

"You better make it a good one," she teased right back. "It's the last single kiss I'll ever get."

Jon's lips curled up into a smile as he pressed them against hers. "I love you Charlotte," he whispered still not pulling his lips totally away from her own. "I love you so damn much."

"I love you too," she responded equally as sincere before she literally pulled herself away from Jon. It was going to be one of the longest nights she'd ever have to suffer through.

Jon went back to his place and thought about how long a road it was to get to this point. He thought back to that innocent night when he was sixteen-- how he'd accepted an invite to a party and had no idea he'd end up meeting the girl of his dreams. Marriage was the furthest thing from his mind at that point in time but then she showed up and changed his life forever. He thought about how much he loved her from the very beginning and always knew deep in his heart he'd be marrying her one day. He reflected on how it felt to almost lose her so many times whether it be by fate, or stupidity or fear-- he couldn't decide if his actions towards her over the years were worse, or the accident that changed both their lives forever; the accident that could have ended hers and ruined his. He'd had so many moments over the years that were wasted, he'd almost lost her more times than he would like to count. She was right there in front of him for eight--almost nine--years and it took him so long to get to her. He didn't want to waste any more time. He grabbed his keys and hastily rushed out of his place to get to hers. It was supposed to be their last night apart but he didn't want to spend any more nights apart after all the ones they'd already lost out on.

Jon let himself in her apartment and found it so weird how different it looked with moving boxes everywhere and the place mostly packed up. He quietly walked down the hallway to her room where he found her sitting on the bed looking through old photo albums. She jumped a little when she saw him and looked up, but smiled when she realized who it was. He walked over and sat down next to her and couldn't help thinking how cute she looked in her pajamas. "Whatcha looking at?" he asked as he gave her a little nudge.

"Pictures of us through the years," she said sweetly as she turned the page and didn't look up at him, she kept her focus solely on the album and the pictures that graced it's pages. "What are you doing here anyway? It's against the rules you know," she said with a playful smile. He could immediately tell she had no qualms about him being there whatsoever.

"I was home, following the rules, and I couldn't help thinking about all the time I wasted not being with you, not being as happy as I could have been, not spending the nights with you I should have, and I realized I didn't want to spend another one apart," he confessed before giving her a light kiss on the lips.

She smiled with her eyes closed and stayed like that a few seconds after he pulled away. When she finally opened her eyes and met eyes with Jon she inhaled deeply and nuzzled into him. They were in the process of closing on a new house and it would be ready for them to move into once they were back from their honeymoon. "It felt weird knowing this was the last night I'd be in this apartment alone, to be honest with you. I spent so many nights crying myself to sleep in this apartment wishing you felt the same way about me and not knowing you already did. I don't want to go to bed without you next to me anymore."

"Well I guess we'll both get what we need then." Jon scooted back on the bed and got under the covers, motioning for her to do the same. He knew they only way they'd get any sleep was if they were together.

"No funny business," she warned. "We're just sleeping next to each other. Save the rest for tomorrow."

"Baby I don't need to do anything but feel you next to me. I'll be gone before you wake up so we can get back to following the rules. Deal?"

Charlotte smiled and climbed backed until she was under the covers with him and securely in his arms. "Deal."

They knew they needed sleep and it didn't take long for them to fall into a peaceful slumber in each others arms. When Charlotte woke up Jon was no where to be seen, but there was a bouquet of roses on her side table with a note next to it: Happy Wedding Day my beautiful bride. I can't wait to see you walking towards me down that aisle. I've waited for this day since we were kids and I love you more than you could possibly know.

Charlotte held the note close to her heart and felt the butterflies fly freely through her body. She was so in love with him she had to pinch herself to make sure that it was actually their wedding day. She had a lot to do in order to get ready but that sweet gesture from Jon made her wish she could run down that aisle that very second.

Everything was as it needed to be, Charlotte was in her dress, her hair and makeup were done, and she heard the music begin to play that signaled it was her turn to walk down the aisle. She took her father's arm, along with a deep breath, and stepped out into view. She immediately looked to see Jon's reaction to seeing her for the first time as his bride. His jaw fell open and his eyes were sparkling as they were deadlocked on her. She could see the tears threatening to fall down his face as she looked at him and felt the tears begin to run down her cheeks. When she finally got to him it felt like the longest journey of her life had finally come to a completion. He took her hands in his and from that moment on all she noticed was him.

When it was time to say their vows Jon took her ring in his fingers and looked at her-- he wanted to write their own opposed to saying the traditional ones. "Charlotte. There aren't enough words, or enough time in the day to tell you how much I love you. You're everything I've every wanted or needed in another person. You were my best friend for so long, and I loved you every second of the time that I've known you, I just couldn't say it. I wanted to, almost did so many times over the years. That's the funny thing about time though, you don't realize how much has gone by until it's almost too late. I let my fears get in the way of my happiness and around the time I got that dreaded phone call-- that still gives me nightmares by the way-- that you had been in a life-changing car accident, I realized I was done wasting time. You are everything to me, always have been. I'm so lucky that today my best friend is standing here agreeing to be my wife. I promise I'll always love you, cherish you, honor you. I'll take care of you and put nothing above you. I promise not to waste our time and make every day we're together worth living. You have my word I'll be true, I won't ever do anything to jeopardize what we have. I love you and as long as you're the one I wake up to every morning, I know that no matter what comes our way, I'll be the happiest man alive."

Charlotte was overcome with tears and love for the man standing in front of her pledging so many beautiful things to her. She took a few moments to absorb his words and compose herself before she held up his ring and began to promise him her end of the deal. "Jon you're the most amazing man I've ever known. Your love and loyalty to me over the years has consistently blown me away. I never thought that at sixteen I'd meet the guy who would change my life, but you changed it the moment you walked into it. I love you for so many reasons. You've been my best and truest friend for so long. I trust you, I cherish you, I adore you. I promise to support you, love you and stand by you every moment of every day. I'll never give up on you or us. I promise never to go to bed angry, to always talk everything out, and to encourage you when you need it-- and even when you don't. You're everything to me and always will be. I love you."

When they slid each other's bands on their fingers and were announced husband and wife they couldn't kiss each other fast enough. Jon held her to him and kissed her like the sun wouldn't shine the next day. He cradled her face in his hands and pressed the bridge of his nose to hers, "I love you."

"I love you," she answered back relishing in the moment. She was finally his wife and her heart was soaring. The cheers and hollers from their families and friends made it all the more special.

Between greeting guests, taking pictures, and trying to steal a bite to eat Jon realized how fast the day was actually going. When people said that their wedding day would go by in a flash and feel like a blur, they weren't kidding. Jon went over to talk to Charlotte's dad-- he had her hand in his to go with him but when he looked he realized that she was no longer by his side. Charlotte was over talking to Jon's mother by herself.

"Charlotte," Jon's mom sighed out as she looked at Charlotte proudly and couldn't get over how beautiful she looked in her white gown. "You look so incredibly lovely."

"Thank you," Charlotte responded softly. It meant a lot for her to hear.

"I just wanted to take a minute alone with you-- I know you're busy and you have a lot of people to get to yet, but I wanted to steal a minute with my new daughter-in-law. I'm so happy you two finally got your acts together and made this official." Hearing those words made Charlotte's heart melt, but she wasn't done yet. "My son has been frustratingly in love with you, I'm pretty sure since the night you two met. It actually took me a while to believe you weren't dating but he insisted you weren't. He talked about you so much, but I think...I think I knew it was something real, something serious the night before he got drafted. He was so worried about losing you. He thinks to this day, so don't tell him, but he thinks I didn't hear something he told me that night all those years ago."

"What's that?" Charlotte asked dying to know what Jon said when they were eighteen and his future was right there in his grasp.

"He was going on about how he didn't want to lose you, he wanted you to move wherever he went, and I told him it was a lot to ask of you because you weren't even dating. Without hesitation he looked down and sighed out under his breath that he was going to marry you. He thinks I didn't hear that and I never said anything, but for my eighteen year old son, on the eve of his draft, to be so obviously in love with you...more concerned about you, I knew he was right. I hoped he was anyway. You're the girl for him and I'm just so happy you're in the family," she got out as she began to cry. She hugged Charlotte to her tightly before letting go. "Thank you for loving my son so much. Now go enjoy your wedding."

Charlotte nodded through tears and went to find Jon. What she'd just heard meant more to her than anyone could know, but it was for her. It was something she wanted to keep for herself. She wouldn't tell Jon because there was no need. Her only regret was that she wished she would have seen it sooner, because all those years they wasted should have been spent with each other.

She came up behind Jon and slid her arms around his waist. "Hey," she breathed out causing him to turn around.

"Well there you are Mrs. Toews. What were you talking to my mom about?" he asked as he slipped his arms around her waist and held her close to him. He didn't want to go longer than he had to without touching her.

"Nothing," she answered with a little head shake before she reached up and caught him off guard with a sweet lingering kiss.

"What was that for?" he asked happily not in the least taken aback. Truthfully he couldn't wait to leave the reception and get her out of that gorgeous fairy tale dress.

"I just love you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me and even though you showed me so many times over the years how much you loved me...I wish I would have realized it sooner."

Jon smiled before leaning down to kiss her again. "All that doesn't really matter now. You're in a beautiful white dress looking like the princess you are and I'm right here with you. We just made the biggest promise you can ever make to another person-- I'm yours now and you're mine. We have our entire lives together. All I know is that you're the only girl I ever could see myself marrying and I'm a blessed man that I have you here in front of me as not only my best friend, but as my wife."

Charlotte wrapped her arms around his neck and felt him squeeze her to him a little tighter, his hands resting at her hips. She pressed her lips against his and slid her left hand down to his cheek where she cradled his face before she broke their kiss and rested her her chin in the crook of his neck, taking him in an embrace. "Thank you," she whispered in his ear as they held each other, neither one wanting to ever let go.

"Dance with me?" he asked as he heard a slow song start.

"Of course," she gushed out as he took her by the hand and led her to the dance floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really hope this came out as well as I wanted it to, and I really hope you liked it.
There will be probably one more chapter, an epilogue, to tie up some loose ends. I'm really sad this story is coming to a close because I fell so in love with it...and I hope you did too.

I know the weekends are the worst to post because people are busy and don't comment, but I hope you do. Thanks for sticking with this story and for motivating me to write it so quickly. I won't take long to update it, so please leave a comment if you liked it. (Or even if you didn't)
thanks again.

Side note: I've been thinking about writing my next story about a married couple going through rough times-- I won't give the entire summary here, but I don't know who I want to write it about! I think the concept I have in my mind could be fun but I have no clue which lucky hockey player I want it to be about! Any ideas?