Status: Complete

Love and Death

Chapter 3

So one of the days Light came over to visit the twins to console them, mainly Bill because Tom doesn’t like this kinda thing to properly get to him, so much that it stops him from concentrating on every day life. But Bill on the other hand, he’s partly in shock and mourning over his two lost band mates and partly living in fear that either he or Tom will be next. Which was Raito’s plan, essentially.
“Hi guys, how are you coping?”
“Well that’s a bit of a stupid question isn’t it, Light? Our band mates are gone, and I wanna catch the bastard that killed them. How do you think we’re coping?” Bill snapped.
“Oh… my bad. I’ll just go.” Light said as he made to leave.
“Hold on a sec, can I have a word…?” Tom asked as he followed Light, and he said to Bill “I’ll be right back, promise.” Bill gave a solitary nod of approval.
Tom walked Light home… kind of, and this is how their little ‘word’ went:
“Light, I’m not gunna bother beating around the bush, OK? So just be honest, do you know who killed Gustav and Georg?”
“No, I have no idea. Do you know?”
“Well it’s not for certain but I have an idea who might have done it.”
“And who might this suspect be?”
“You.” Tom said without hesitation.
Light pretended to be shocked when really he was thinking something along the lines of ‘Well aren’t you the clever little detective boy?’
“I’m right, aren’t I?”
“Tom, what makes you think it was me who killed them? What evidence do you have to prove it was me, if it were?”
“That is for me to know, and for you to find out.” Tom said with a smirk on his face, and he headed back to the hotel room he shared with his twin brother.
Light just stood there, and thought up a way of killing Tom, and getting rid of said evidence, if it really existed.


On his way back, Tom’s phone rang, and the first thing he heard on answering was:
“It’s ready.”
“Sweet, when can I pick it up?”
“I can meet you now if you like.”
“Sure, but Bill has to come with, he’s frightened for our lives at the moment, and I can’t leave him alone.”
“Not a problem, where and when?”
Tom arranged a last-minute rendez-vous with his amigo.
“I’ll see you then, Tom.”
“Later.” He hung up and entered his hotel room only to get glomped by his little brother.
“Hey Bill, we gotta pop out for a bit.”
“Where to?”
“Well I gotta pick something up from a friend, and I’ll show you when we get in.”
“Right now?”
“Yes, right now. He doesn’t like waiting, so let’s go.” Tom grabbed Bill’s coat for him and they headed out to meet this secret friend of Tom’s.

15 minutes later Bill and Tom reached their destination, which was a local cafe. They stepped in and went for the seats right in the corner, where they can’t really be heard, and that happened to be occupied by a rather androgynous looking male.
“Aah, Tom. It’s been a while…”
“Andreas, my man, how’s it goin?” Tom pulled his androgynous friend in for a hug. Bill recognised him, but he couldn’t put his finger on where from.
“Oh, how inconsiderate of me! I’d better introduce myself. Hi Bill, I’m Andreas.”
“Nice to meet you Andreas. I have the feeling I know you already…”
“Oh, that’s normal. People have asked for my autograph before now.”
“You never told me that before, Andreas. But anyway, do you have it with you?”
“Aah yes, let me grab it…” Andreas reached into his bag and took out something that looked like a DVD case to hand to Tom.
“Andreas, you’re a star. Thank you! Now how much do I owe you?”
“Nothing, it was my pleasure. I really hope this guy gets stopped one way or another. I’ve been following him for quite a while with my trusty camcorder, and he has no idea. You might even see how Gustav and Georg died on this DVD.”
“So there’s no doubt that we can nail this guy?”
“No doubt at all.”
Bill looked increasingly ready to snog this Andreas guy, for one because he found him attractive - but this is not the time for slashy moments right now - and for two he was increasingly eternally grateful to him for helping the twins find out who the killer was.

Tom and Bill got back to their hotel room, Bill being part excited to find out who the killer was, part dreading watching the footage of the G’s dying. Tom knew exactly how Bill felt, and he just wanted to make sure his suspicions were rightly placed in Light, so he placed the DVD into his portable DVD player and away it went. Tom and Bill watched with intent as the footage clearly showed Light with a drunken Georg and convincing the other guys to go off and get help. The twins immediately felt a massive surge of guilt for allowing Light to “take care” of Georg, so to speak. So much so, they were both fighting tears; Bill was mainly disgusted in himself, and Tom was vowing to get revenge. He was going to track down Light and kill him. He didn’t care if it meant he would get the death sentence, it’s what he deserved for killing the G’s. The next footage showed Light in a car. This was a split screen view; one was Light driving, the other was Gustav struggling to get out of his bondage. The twins were almost mesmerised as they watched a replay of Light driving his car into the river, intending to leave Gustav in there. One screen showed Light making his great escape, and the other still showed Gustav trying to break free. Their hearts were slowly but surely breaking more and more as they watched Gustav fight for his life and all of a sudden the footage on both screens went dead… Tom and Bill presumed - correctly, I might add - that the cameras got water logged as the car sank deeper and deeper into that river by Shinagawa. So they’ll never know if Gustav managed to get out of the car.


That night, Tom reassured Bill that he’ll be fine as he went out at night to track down Light, as he had a feeling of safety knowing Andreas was gunna be around to record footage and then get in touch with his boss who’s also been investigating the deaths of the members of Tokio Hotel. And then, Light will be caught red-handed, and he will get the death sentence for his crimes. Even though it would feel like injustice to Bill if he couldn’t kill Light himself.

So Tom was walking down a very well-lit street and he came across a hostile being with a mask on, who was threatening to kill him in Japanese. It was Light, and Tom knew it was him because he knew Light’s voice when he heard it, so he couldn’t even disguise himself by speaking Japanese when threatening to kill him. The masked Light pushed Tom into the nearest alley - Yeah, I know, it’s cliché but killers never have been the most creative beings since Beyond Birthday, have they? - and he’d had Tom pinned to a wall ready to beat the crap out of him. However he really was not expecting Tom to fight back. The first thing Tom did was pull off Light’s mask.
“I knew it was you all along.”
“Oh yeah? And I suppose you have the sufficient evidence?”
“Oh I believe I do.” As Tom was explaining his masterplan to Light, his masterplan to get a secret spy to record the footage of Light killing the G Boys, he was delivering another blow to his foe, whether it be a kick, a punch, whatever. So by the time Tom had finished with him, Light was curled up on the floor. Tom knelt down and said:
“We’ve got you cornered, mate. How are you expecting to worm your way out of this then, huh? Look over there.” Tom pointed to his trusty spy with a camcorder, and Light looked in that direction.
“You fucking asshole!!” Tom ignored Light’s insult as he made to go back to the hotel room. He mustered up all his strength to get back on his feet, grabbed a butterfly knife out of his pocket and as soon as he regained his balance he ran to Tom to stab him up good and proper, y’know, like any thug would. But he still wasn’t quite quick enough because Tom quickly turned around, his own butterfly knife in hand, and made a wide slash at him. He managed to strike Light’s cheek, which he found a lucky shot, actually. He wasn’t expecting to wound the bastard, he mainly did it for self defense.
“You wanna try that again, bitch?” Tom asked, tauntingly.
Light said nothing, he just launched himself at Tom again, and rugby tackled him to the wall and had another go at beating him to death. Once again, Tom fought back with all the power he could muster. He was proving to be a really tough match for Light, not that he was complaining. He liked a bit of a challenge. He gets bored easily, after all he is highly intelligent so all his school/college work is a doddle, naturally.

After what seemed like hours of fighting, they were both exhausted from the sheer amount of dodging they collectively did, obviously with the odd occasion where one of them wouldn’t be fast enough and end up taking a blow. They were both lying there, gasping for breath and Tom made the fatal mistake of closing his eyes. light, as observant as he was, took this chance to sneak his butterfly knife out and finally finish him off. Without hesitation he lunged the blade into Tom’s heart and left him for dead. With the little energy he had remaining he made his escape, but not before throwing something else that was sharp, pointy and metal at the camcorder that was recording the footage of the entire fight and with a stroke of luck it hit the actual screen of the camcorder.


The following morning a very worried Bill got a visitor, who came bearing bad news.
“Bill…” Andreas could barely say his name without fighting a losing battle with tears. This automatically set Bill off, much to the heartbreak of Andreas. Bill collapsed into his arms and they both wept until they’d run out of tears to cry.
”What happened?” Bill finally asked after an eternity of silence as Andreas handed him a nice steaming mug of hot chocolate.
“He got into a fight with Light, it lasted a long time, and they seemed to give up, y’know, having run out of energy. Then, Light snuck his butterfly knife out, crept up to Tom and, uh…” Andreas once again tried to fight an outflow of tears, “Tom got stabbed, right in the heart. I have the footage, once again and I will hand everything over to my boss who is a well-known detective, a master at cracking cases. Even though this one will be a doddle for him because the evidence is so obviously there, and he made no effort in hiding his identity, Light did.”
“I will get him back; I will kill him, and then this family. He’s taken mine away, I will take his.” Bill vowed. As soon as he’d said this a mysterious notebook had fallen to the floor. Bill looked at it apprehensively, as if to say ‘where the hell did this come from?’ and he hesitated to pick it up, despite his overwhelming curiosity. So he picked it up anyway, and he heard an evil sounding voice greet him, saying:
“Howdy partner. Say, you look a lil bit like me with those feathers. Do I know you?”
“Uhm… uhm… uhm…. no?”
The creature laughed. Bill handed the bizarre notebook to Andreas so he could see what was frightening Bill.
“Say, you two look kinda frightened. Don’t be; I will not kill you. I will however, help you learn to use that there notebook I dropped down here. So basically this is how it works. Open the notebook…. write someone’s name down, anyone’s name, but it cannot be an alias, it must be the person’s true name… done it? Good. Now, in 40 second’s time that person whose name you wrote down will be dead.”
“WHAT?! … You mean, I can kill someone doing just THAT? …”
“Well, um. Yeah. Howd’ya think we Shinigami manage to live so long?”
Bill stopped to think for a moment. “OK, you’ve totally lost me now.”
The Shinigami explained in detail how he uses the notebook to keep himself alive, what goes on in the Shinigami Realm, the joys of having the eyes of a Shinigami, and he was even decent enough to introduce himself.
“Oh by the way, the name’s Ryuk.”
“Ryuk… Nice to meet you.” Bill said with an evil grin.
We can all guess why Bill grinned this evil grin, right? Yeah. This is how he planned to kill Light and his family. Now all he needed to do was find out their names and write down their deaths into the Death Note. Muahahahahahaha.


One glorious day, Bill was engrossed in reading his new book - the rules of how to use the Death Note - and he was almost halfway through the rules when he heard a knock on his hotel room door. ”Hmm, I wonder who this could be,” Bill thought out loud. He hid his new book in the drawer of his bedside table and went to answer the door.
“Hey Bill.”
“Light, what brings you here of all places?”
“I’m here to pay my last respects to all three of your band members, after all the funeral is next week and this may be the last chance I have to see you. I bet you’re busy packing?”
“Um, yeah. At the same time trying not to break down over the fact that they all died within a week of each other… How do you expect any one person to cope with that, Light? How would you cope if it were your own family?”
“Well I would feel the same way of course - ooh, speaking of my family, I was wondering if you’d like to stay with us for your last few days here…? I don’t want you to be all alone in such a huge hotel room.”
“Thanks for your concern, but I think I’ll manage… although, I always have wanted to meet your family.”
“Uh, OK. If you’re sure. So I’ll pick you up for dinner tonight, at… say about 6:30, yeah?”
“Perfect. I’ll see you then. Bye!”
“Bye Bill.” And Light left. Bill closed the hotel room door with a huge evil grin on his face. The first thing he did was get his new book out of his bedside drawer, as well as a piece of scrap because he knew he had to write down details of Light’s death, but to be timed wasn’t good for him, so he wrote it down on plain paper before re-writing it into the Death Note. After all, once it’s written, there’s no going back.

*that evening*

“Bill, are you ready?”
“Yeah, just a sec!” Bill was in his bedroom, all ready to go, and just writing down Light’s death into his new book.
“C’mon Bill, we’re gunna be late- Woah, Bill!” Light was stunned at Bill’s attire, not to mention his hair. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think that Bill was a female.
“Come on, stop staring at me and let’s go.”
“Yes sir… but do you not care what people say about you?”
“Hell no, I’ve been turning heads for years now. It’s normal for me.” And the two of them made to leave for Light’s house.
“Mom, Dad, Sayu!!” Light called. In a flash his mother and daughter entered the hallway, closely followed by his Dad.
“Hey Bill! I’m Light’s little sister Sayu, nice to meet you! I’m such a huge fan, I’m really sad about the guys…” Sayu gave Bill a sympathetic hug. He hugged her back thinking ‘I can’t kill her, knowing she’s a fan, someone will have to go in her place’. After all, he was still determined to kill three people the same way his band mates died.

So Bill was having dinner with the Yagami family and Light’s parents actually made the effort to speak English to Bill, bless them, and they were asking him questions about his personal life; like his family - touchy subject, as Tom had only died the previous week - and all sorts of stuff. And then came the subject of his late band mates and how he was coping with it.
“I’ll be honest, Mrs Yagami-“
“OK, Sachiko, I’ve always wanted to visit Tokio, and it truly sucks that my dream suddenly became my worst nightmare. Sometimes I wonder if it was all just a dream. It certainly feels that way.”
“Bill, you do know that the Japanese police is on the case, we will find out who killed your band mates. And you will get the appropriate justice for it. I promise.”
“Thank you Mr Yagami-“
“Well, um, thank you Soichiro, I really appreciate it.” As he said this Bill looked at the clock and thought ‘any moment now…’ and almost immediately afterwards, he heard Light gasping for breath.
“Oh my God! Light, are you OK?” Bill said, almost panicking.
“Dad, Light’s choking!!” Sayu screamed. Soichiro made to do the Heimlich Manoeuvre on his son but it was hopeless.
“He’s dead.” Soichiro sadly announced. Sachiko, Sayu and Bill all began to mourn the Yagami family’s loss… even though really, it was Bill that killed him. Now, it turns out that Bill was just as good as acting as our Light. And he was due to return to Germany in a few days for his band mates’ joint funeral, and then he could wreak havoc.

“Now Bill, you have a safe flight home, OK?” a teary-eyed Sachiko said to Bill.
“I will, I promise.” Bill reassured his adopted Japanese mother.
“Auf Wiedersehen, Bill!” Sayu called.
Bill gave a big wave goodbye to the Yagami family and made to board his plane.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bwahahahahaha. One last bit, OK?