
Smart and beautiful

I sat in my bio class staring at the girl across the room. There was just something about her that made me stare. It wasn't just because she was beautiful, there was something more to her.
I looked up to see my Bio teacher was assigning partners for something. I looked at the board to see I was partnered with the girl I kept staring at. I felt my heart beat pick up a little as the professor told us to sit by our partner.
I walked over and sat next to her. I looked over at me and she gave me a smile. I felt my heart speed up once again.
"So I'm Minnie Darien," she smiled.
"I know," I felt like a complete moron for saying I know. She probably thought I was a stalker or something.
"That's cute, what's your name?"
"Miles Duncan."
"Well Miles I think we should get to work."
I was amazed at how smart she was. I was pretty sure she was smarter than me, and I had a three point nine grade average. When the final bell rang Minnie grabbed my arm to stop me from leaving.
"Would you like to grab some coffee after school? I get out at three," she asked giving me a smile.
"That would be nice my last class of the day is also at three."
"Alright then meet me at the Starbucks on the corner of Newman after class," Minnie said before walking in the opposite direction.
My last class seemed to drag on. I guess it was because I was anxious to have coffee with Minnie. I had a desire to know as much as possible about the girl that I had been staring at every day. When the professor finally dismissed us I grabbed my book and took off out of the class room. I walked as quickly as possible trying to make sure I got to Starbucks before Minnie. When I walked inside Starbucks I found Minnie talking to some blond guy while she had her drink in her hand. By the blond guys body language I could tell he was as fascinated by Minnie as I.
I took a deep breath before walking towards Minnie and the guy. When she saw me she gave me a smile. I couldn’t tell what she was saying to the blond guy, but I was pretty sure she was telling him she had to go.
She walked over to me with a huge smile on her face. “Are you ready to study?”
“Yep just let me order a drink,” I said as I nodded my head.
We sat down as soon as I got my iced coffee. She pulled her laptop out of her purse and started to type something. I watch her as she stared at her laptop for about five minutes typing away.
“So what are you writing?”
“I’m writing an email to my dad.”
“Oh, so who was the blond guy?”
“You are sure full of question,” she smiled as she shut her laptop.
“Just curious.”
“Nothing wrong with a little curiosity, his name was Mark, he was my editor on the school newspaper last year,” she ran her fingers through her brunette hair.
“Oh he seemed like he was really into you,” I said before taking a drink.
“He just looked at me like you and many other guys look at me.” She caught me off guard by telling me she knew that I stared at her. “Hey no need to freak out I’m used to guys staring at me.”
“Why do they stare at you?” I knew the reason I stared at her, I just want to know what she thought.
"Well the reason they stare is because I’m not your average pretty girl.” The more that Minnie talked the more interested I became in what she had to say.
“What do you mean by that?”
“It's just that most really good-looking people are stupid, so I exceed expectations"
“I would agree with you on that. I knew you were smart from the beginning I just didn’t know how smart.”
“I like the fact that I exceed expectations.” She smiled.
“You are so much more than just your looks,” I felt like I was telling her something that she had heard many time, but I felt like I had to tell her anyway.
“I know, if I had to only be pretty or just smart I would pick being smart.”
“I’m surprised.” I wasn’t lying I really was surprised, the majority of the world would probably pick being pretty over being smart. I was learning very quickly she was so much more than I ever thought she was.
“I like shocking people,” she smirked as she wrote something down on her napkin.
She stood up and placed the napkin down in front of me, I looked down to see her number written down with a heart next to her name.
“You should text me,” was all she said before walking away.
After that day I did text her and we hung out quite often and became very close. I would even consider Minnie to be one of my best friends. The first day that I really talked to her in the coffee shop, I learned that if people put other people into categories there are always going to be certain people that will always exceed expectations, and Minnie exceed many expectations.
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So I wrote this from Miles point of view, I never really write from a guys prospective so this was interesting. I hope everyone liked this. I'm sorry if there a million errors.