Sequel: The Storm.

Only Baby Scars

Chapter 1

I sat in my unfamiliar room. The fresh paint smell still lingered. I had to make this my own. This was my new room, my new house, not yet my home. It took me days to unpack all of my stuff. Endless band posters and clothes and other things I had collected over the years in brown boxes. My new room, painted green, my favorite color. I tried to make this one like my last room. I had just moved to this small California neighborhood, not to close but not to far from the bustling city of Los Angeles. My parents thought it would be a good idea to get away from New Jersey and start anew. So here we are.

I had my laptop on my bed playing music as I finished unpacking the few things I had left. I started my new high school tomorrow and who would have thought I would be starting senior year a new kid. I shake the thought out of my head as I look in the mirror. hanging from my closet door.

I would tell you what I look like, but that would end badly so I'll go with simple characteristics. I have brown hair that I like to dye black and sometimes red. But for now its brown. And light brown eyes with long eyelashes I have to curl or they just look sad. I'm short, about 5'2 and not to thin. not at all.

I look for something to wear for the first day of a new school. I'm going with a pair of black skinny jeans and a low cut black flowy shirt. Black, if you count that as a color, that is my second favorite. I think black is flattering. I was always told I wore to much black, but I didn't mind. I liked it. I just bought new Toms before I moved here so I was excited to try those on too. I loved the feel of new Toms.
"Hey honey, are you excited?" I hear my mom peaking threw my door as I set out the clothes on my desk chair. I shrug.

"I guess." I say flatly. "I mean I will have to see."

"Well I know you'll be great. You'll have a ton of friends I bet." She smiles a reassuring smile and leaves my room. I sigh and decide to lay down and try to get to sleep.

I tossed and turned all night. I was kind of nervous. A new school... it was huge when I went there to register. Would I get lost? Would I make new friends? Thoughts swirled in my head. Maybe I would meet a guy... no way. I laughed at the thought. I wasn't sure what to expect, or if I should expect anything at all, I was terrified. I felt like as soon as I dozed off, my alarm started ringing, but to no avail I jumped right out of bed.

I got ready quickly and easily. I put on a pair of black jeans, and a red and black top. I got on some black liquid eyeliner and my favorite, red lipstick. My hair cooperated and i was downstairs and ready to leave. I was to nervous to eat anything and I felt a little shaky getting into the car.

When we pull up to the school I see people walking around hugging their already close friends and talking to them. Walking in groups into the building and some staying outside. I slide out of the car saying goodbye to my dad and as he drives off I'm lost. I try to avoid the people staring me down as I go into the building. I try to scope out all of my classes or most of them and find my locker but its already pretty crowded. I do end up finding a few of my classes. I also find my locker straight across the hall from that class. I take out my schedule and try the combination on it. It doesn't open. I try a few times before I'm frustrated.

"Hey. You're a freshman?" A boys voice sounds next to me.

"Uh. No. I'm a senior."

"Oh. I was just asking because I've never seen you near my locker." He takes my schedule out of my hand. He's cute. He has orange hair and gorgeous hazel eyes and his nose pierced. I try to pay attention to his hands instead. He opens the locker door. "There you go." He slams it shut handing me my schedule back. "Now you try, turn it toward the right, left, then right again." I listen to his words and do what he says, my locker finally opens for me.

"Thank you!" I say relieved. "I just moved here." I add. He opens his locker and places his black backpack in it taking out a pen and slipping it into his back pocket.

"Nice." He smiles a really cute white toothed grin. "Where from?"

"New Jersey." His eyes grow wide.

"That's pretty far." He laughs. "Where are you headed? I know when I was new I got lost in two seconds." I hand him my schedule.
"Nice I'll see you in a few classes. But you're heading to Algebra two and that class is down the hall straight the last class on the left."
"Thank you." I say hoping to see him again.

I follow his directions, slowly because the hallways are crowded. Eventually I walk into the class and there's a few kids in there already. One girl and guy see me and turn to each other. I wonder what they're saying but I sit alone in the back. A bell rings and as soon as that happens more kids rush in. Everyone seems to know everyone already and I feel alone.

"Hey." I hear someone say. I didn't notice anyone sitting next to me but this girl was. She was gorgeous. I couldn't help but notice, as I timidly said, "Hi" back. She had brown eyes that were small but lined in black with gold eye shadows. She had curled black hair pushed to the side.

"Are you new? I've never seen you before... you're not a freshman are you? I don't think so. You look older. Where are you from?" She shoots all of this out quickly.

"I'm Lea. I'm from--" Another bell interrupts "New Jersey" I finish. I'm still a little shy when her mouth drops.

"That's far! I have family that lives there. It's nice to meet you. I'm Felicia. I've lived here all my life. This is my brother Austin." She says to the boy sitting in front of her. He turns around.

"Sup!" He says. And wow. He's gorgeous. He has brown eyes and dark hair too. Its styled so nicely. His smile is bright and breathtaking, I'm almost speechless. He's is so ridiculously good looking. I take a gulp.

"Hi." I smile hoping my face isn't turning red.

"So I can take you around and you can sit with me at lunch! ... well us!" She says about her and Austin and I feel a smile spread again.
"Sounds good." I nod. The teacher begins talking and I try my hardest to pay attention but I'm stuck on the back of Austin's head. I can't help but be. He has such a charming smile and I'm stuck on it.

I go to the rest of my classes. Felicia happens to be in almost all of them. My science, computer , and psychology classes. By fifth period I know no one but its select choir, one thing I am very confident in. Select choir is a singing group and we all have to audition. I had to audition the day I registered for classes. I was also in select choir at my old school. This class had always been my favorite because I was always good at it I never doubted myself and of course no homework.

I noticed one kid with bright blue eyes and brown hair that I think was looking at me... but couldn't be... a girl was wrapped around his fingers and sitting close to him. I fixed my hair because maybe that was the problem. After a few minutes the teacher began talking and he stopped looking, thankfully.

On to the next class was art right before lunch. There was square tables and Alan I sat at the one where kids weren't already gathered. I was looking at my agenda and scribbling little hearts and music notes around when I look up Alan is walking into the room.
"We meet again." He says sitting at my table. Another girl starts calling his name. "Yeah?" He asks her. The blonde with blue eyes is the perfect barbie doll type. Matching outfit and all... I roll my eyes thinking about it.

"Come sit with us!" She says.

"I'm going to sit with my new friend, Angela." He nods towards me and sits next to me. I see her glare but instantly ignore it.

"How's today treating you?"

"It's okay... new. Different. Frustrating." I try to sum it up but I'm instantly stopped when Austin walks in. That smile can't be towards me. I know its not once Alan nods to him and he sits down in front of us.

"I see you're not sitting with your ex." He says to Alan looking at her and back to him.

"Why would I?" He asks.

"I don't know." Austin laughs. "Her death glare is penetrating Lea here." I feel my face flush and Alan laugh too.

"Don't worry about it." He says to me. That class period couldn't end faster. The teacher talked the whole time, about working hard on projects and having them in on time. I zoned out when the bell finally rung.

"Lunch time!" Alan smiled and waits for me to grab my things. I walked next to him down the hallway. People have been staring at me all day, but this time I didn't mind. We get into the busy lunch room, that is buzzing with kids already when we walk in. Felicia's eyes widen as she runs up to us.

"Oh! Thank god Alan showed you the way." She said. "This way. Our table awaits." I follow Alan, Austin, and Felicia to a table at the far end of the lunchroom by some windows. This place is pretty big. We all sit and I just look around at all the kids running around the lunch room talking to friends, buying snacks, and picking out tables.

I notice two more people joining our table, a kid with long hair brown eyes and a great smile has three bags of chips he's nibbling into.
"This is Phil." Felicia introduces him. "And Tino." she says to the other guy with medium length hair and dark eyes. He also has a bag of chips in his hands. They both nod to me. I smile politely.

"Now that's Shayley." She nods toward the blue eyed boy from choir. "And his girlfriend Janelle." I nod trying to remember everyone. "This is our whole table." She smiles. A girl with long dark hair comes and sits on Austin's lap. I feel a tinge of jealousy. They kiss, and I look away. "Oh and Christina.. Austin's girlfriend." Something tells me she doesn't like her. "So tell us. What brings you here?"

"I lived in New Jersey and now I live here." I shrug. "I don't know my mom wanted something new.. different." I say.

"That's cool, and put your number in my phone before I forget." she hands me her cell phone and I type it in. "So where do you live?" She asks.

"Uhm. Sebring ave."

"Oh cool, we live on second street..." She tells me and then remembers I just moved here. "It's right around the block." She laughs. I do too.

"I live on sebring!" Alan says smiling.

"Cool, you can walk me home then." I say.

"Sounds good." He giggles.

The rest of the time, I feel Alan watching me the whole time. And Austin doesn't seem to be paying attention him and Christina are to busy being all mushy.

"I have to take you to our mall later and around or something."

"I'm in." Alan immediately says. Felicia laughs and nods.

"Alright and you Austin?" she asks.

"Uh.... I'll pass, I'm going to be going to Chrissy's." He says looking for a moment.

"Tino? Phil?"

"Yeah we'll come." Phil answers for the both of them.

"I'm excited." I say smiling just as the bell rings.

The last two classes I'm with Alan and Austin in History, and Austin, Alan and Felicia in English. When the bell finally rang for us to leave I couldn't wait to get out of there.

I go to my locker grabbing my light jacket and Alan sticks his notebook and pen away, and then he leads me out the building. I follow him timidly at first and our walk starts off quiet and awkward.

"So did you have a good first day?" He asks.

"Yeah, it was nice. Better than I thought." I smile. "How was your first day... of the same school?"

"It was the same." He laughs. "It gets boring, same people, same faces... I love my friends but the people that aren't my friends are annoying." He sticks out his tongue and cringes. I giggle.

"Yeah I guess you're right. I'd feel the same way if I was at my same school right now. "

"So what about your friends from home?"

"Well I had like... two friends." I confess. "Everyone else hated me, or I hated them."

"Well what about those two friends... A boyfriend?"

"No." I laugh again at him thinking that that would happen. "Like that would happen." I mutter.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks.

"Well... look at me... I've never been on a date... and why am I talking about this again..."

"Sorry... I'll take you on a date." He says. It's quiet for a moment and I've stopped walking.

"You?" I ask. This can't even be possible. His ex-girlfriend is a barbie. She's perfect I'm me. And he is adorable. "I mean that as, are you trying to play a joke?"

"No I mean, every girl deserves to go on a date... I want to take you on one... Tomorrow night."

"If you're not joking..." I say. "Can I see your phone?" I ask. He takes it out of his pant pocket. "I'm putting my number in here. You can take me on this date Alan... but don't do this and then decide I'm to much baggage or something okay?" I say.

"Why would I think that."

"I just have to much to me. I'm complicated. Okay? I just don't want you to think I'm crazy or something, you're a nice guy."

"I wouldn't think that." He says. "Let me take you on this date, and let me be the judge of that. okay?"

"Okay." I say. "Here's my house... See you later?" I ask.

"Yeah." He smiles. "It was nice talking to you."

"You too." I say smiling and walking into my house. My mom stops me at the door.

"Who's that boy? He's cute!!!" She says.

"Mom. Shh." I shake my head laughing and walking into the house, pushing past her heading to my room.

I lay on my bed and take in the day. What a long day for being a half day of school. Maybe it was the new school, new surrounding, new people, but I felt pretty good. I felt pretty excited to go on my first date too. I ended up falling asleep but being startled by a phone call waking me up out of my dream. It's Felicia.

"We're outside!" She says into the phone.
"Are you okay?" She sounds concerned.
"Yeah, I just took a nap." I yawn. "I'm coming out."
"Alright!" She sounds happy again. I smile clicking end and running to the bathroom and fixing my smudged makeup. I run down my stairs.

"I'm going to the mall with some friends!" I call to my mom.
"Have fun!" She calls from the kitchen as I open the door. Alan, Felicia, Phil, and Tino. I join them all and my new mall is soon to be discovered.

We all fit snugly into Phil's car and when we pull up to the mall its bigger than the one in my old town. I follow Phil, Alan, and Tino head toward the food court. "Catch you in a little bit!" Alan calls before Felicia and I walk away.

"So. I need to find an outfit for tomorrow." I say excited. "Alan asked me on a date." Felicia stops in her tracks.
"Wow. He hasn't gone out with anyone since Angela..." She has this huge grin on her face. "He most really like you!"
"I don't know... " I sigh. "He seems really sweet... nice." I find my lips smiling too.
"He really is! He's been Austin's best friend for a really long time, and from what I've known he's one of the sweetest guys at school."
"So tell me Felicia... who is the guy for you?" She turns pink.

"I have no luck with guys... I've never had a boyfriend but I might like someone a bit." She is smiling yet again. She turns around and I can see Phil, Alan, and Tino all sitting at a table eating sushi. I see Phil look up and smile at her, look at me and put his head down. Alan is smiles and continues eating.

"He likes you to..." I say. "Phil. Right? Did you see that smile. It has to be him... is it?" She blushes again and we go into a store.
"Maybe." She giggles. "I mean. He'd never even like me anyway." She doesn't look at me this time she's focused on a rack of clothes.
"Oh how do you know that?" I begin looking too. "Do you guys talk?" I pull out a shirt I see and like.
"Well yeah. A lot." She's grinning again handing me a shirt. "I mean not about relationships.."
"Wow. Why don't you bring it up?" I ask.

"He'll never. He's been with plenty of girls. Whatever." She shrugs. "Try those." She changes the subject and I sigh walking to the dressing room. I feel as if Felicia and I have been friends for a while.
By the end of the day I end up buying two shirts and a dress. I figure I'll wear the dress since its easier than finding a whole outfit. She invited me to sleepover after the date and I agreed. By the time I got home I was exhausted. I took a hot shower and fell asleep right after.
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Constructive criticism welcome. This is for fun, none of this is true events.

First day of school outfit: