Sequel: The Storm.

Only Baby Scars

Chapter 2

The next day of school went by faster than the day before. Alan walked me home again. This time Felicia comes with us to help me get ready and to calm my nerves.

"You're still coming to the date right?" He asks as Felicia heads up to my front door.
"Yeah of course." I say and he lights up and heads home without a goodbye. I show Felicia in, and give her a mini tour. Living room, Kitchen, Dining room, my mom's room, my brother's room, bathroom, and finally my room. Nothing to see really, boxes still weren't unpacked in some parts of the house.
"So, guess what I did." Felicia says changing the song on my laptop and turning to face me sitting on my bed.
"I talked to phil. and non-chalantly asked him to hangout tonight." She said.
"What!? So excited for you." We both are excited for tonight and by the time six rolls around I'm getting ready for myfirst date.

I curl my hair and make my makeup simple and put on my new blue lace dress. I'm so excited and scared. I move to a new place and get to go on a date. I couldn't wait to go and when the time came I felt my heart beating out of my chest. The door rings and I shake looking at Felicia.

"I don't know about this anymore." I say to her.
"Please. It's any other time hanging out with a guy." She rolls her eyes laughing. "It will be fine." I take a breath and finally answer the door.
Alan smiled and pulls out an awesome bouqet of flowers. It's really gorgeous and I love flowers so I light up and take them.
"Uh.. do you want to come in? I'll find something to put these in... or you can wait here."
"I can come in." He says shrugging. I hand Felicia my sleepover bag and she gives me a thumbs up and heads out to her house.
"Don't worry my mom isn't home." I say heading to the kitchen. I find a vase and fill it with cold water setting it on thekitchen counter. "Shall we?" I say to him pointing towards the door. He nods getting up.
"Uh this is my car." He says to the black car sitting outside.
"You have a car?" I ask.

"Yeah, I don't drive it to school because I like to save gas. When it rains I do." He says and he opens the passenger door for me. I hope I hope I'm not turning red because I feel my face getting warm. He's so sweet.

We pull up to a resteraunt and we go inside but we're led outside to a table by this little lake thing. It's pretty and our menu's are handed to us and we tell our waitress our drink choices. I take a diet pepsi, my favorite drink and he picks the same thing.
During dinner we just make small talk, our favorite music choices, our favorite colors, and shows and songs. He's funny. I laugh a lot at his jokes and just at the things he says. The conversation is flowing well, like water and all of my worries are non-existant. We end up leaving but it's not time to go home yet, we drive for a little more time this time and end up at a board walk.

I smell the salty air and it almost feels like home. The pacific ocean was now the salty ocean I smelled. It made me miss the atlantic, just a little. I feel Alan holding onto my hand after getting out of the car, I don't pull away. It feels great to walk along with him around crowds of people. Kids, old people, other couples, skateboarders all passed by. We make our way to the beach after buying ice crean cones. I hold my shoes in one hand and the ice cream in another. We find a place to sit closer to the water, and stare out into the vast darkness.

"So tell me. Are you having a good night?" He asks between licks of ice cream.
"Yeah, it's really great. Thanks a lot." I smile.
"Anytime really, I thought I'd bore you to death at dinner."
"Oh no. I love listening. It doesn't hurt that you're funny either."
"Really? You think I'm funny?" He giggles. I nod and laugh too.
"So now what?" I ask wondering what comes next.
"Well..." He says "You have some ice cream on your face here..." He puts his hands to my face and I flush with embarassment
"Really?!" I ask frantically.
"No." He whispers as he leans his lips in to mine. I put my hands through his hair and let my arms rest around his neck.
"Wow." I say when he pulls away.
"Is that... good wow?" I laugh
"It's just.. you made me freak out." I laugh and lean in for another kiss.

When Alan is tackled to the ground. It's Austin him and Alan are dying of laughter and I'm watching as they both stand up laughing.
"Sorry." Austin says dusting off.
"We're having a bonfire down the beach, if you want to come?" He says to Alan "Felicia will be there." He says to me. I nod and Alan looks to me.
"Sounds good." Alan says. He runs back to were he left our shoes on the beach.
"You look nice." Austin says.
"Thank you." I say lowly not looking at him. Alan is back and we're heading towards the bonfire.
"Where's Chrissy?" Alan asks alan when we're close.
"Well, lets just say I'm single." He says bending down at a cooler and grabbing a beer.
"What?" Alan looks surprised.
"We'll talk later.." He says before Alan can object he walks away. Alan watches and then goes after him. I'm left alone for a moment when Felicia taps me on the shoulder. A sigh of relief. I follow her to where she was sitting on the beach.
"How was the date?" Felicia asks as quietly as possible.
"It was nice... I got a kiss." I smile and shut my eyes for a minute thinking about it. "When are we heading back to your house?"
"In a little. Austin's looking for a rebound." She nods to him talking to a girl with blonde hair. "He doesn't even like blondes." She rolls her eyes. I look over and look for Alan. I see him in the corner talking to someone. Oh... Angela. She's all over him. He's pushing away but it's not working. I jump up and my protective instincts are taking over.
"Hi Alan... is there a problem?" I wrap my arm around his waist.
"No I was just leaving." He glares at her. She hasn't said a word. She's glaring at me. It feels like lazers shooting through my skin. A death glare.
"You... can have him." She says and now I can tell that she was drunk. "You're a downgrade anyway. Disgusting." Ouch, I shrug that off, and go to walk away.
"Come on Alan." I say.
"Don't say that to her." He doesn't even address me he just speaks to her. "You're not worth even a minute 0f anyone's time." He grabs my hand and pulls me away. I'm instantly yanked back by my hair. Without thinking I throw a punch, it ends up in her in the face, and she falls to the sand. I'm shocked at myself and I feel my eyes widen and my mouth dropped open. I feel everyone crowding around me. Felicia is in hysterics laughing at the sight.

"You'll pay for this!" She screaches and her friends help her up.
"Come on Lea, she deserved it." Felicia pulls me away. I don't even know where Alan went. I just folled Felicia to Phils car with her. I'm still in shock and my heart is racing. My knuckles hurt pretty bad.

"That was insane." Felicia says coming out into her room. I'm sitting on her king size bed. "Like wow. I wanted to do that for years." She sits with me. I'm quiet. I'm thinking about Alan, where did he go? He hasn't even texted me or anything.
"Yeah I just reacted." I laugh.
"What's wrong?" She asks. "I can tell."
"It's just Alan hasn't called... or texted and he pretty much disapeared."
"Yeah well... Forget him... Why'd he leave you and then go talk to her?" She sighs.
"I'm going to go get changed... get off my makeup. Where's the bathroom?"
"All the way down the hall, the door to your..." she puts her hands out in front of her and makes 'L's with her fingers... "Left." I walk down the hallway and she was wrong about the door to the left. I walk right into to Austin in his boxers coming out of his room.
"Excuse me...." I say and turn right around and find the actual bathroom. I look into the mirror and my face is bright red. I wipe off my makeup and tie up my hair into a bun, I change into shorts and a tank top. I come out and Austin is waiting for me.
"What happened there?" He's grinning.
"Felicia said door to her left..." I say gulping. Why am I so nervous.
"Makes sense." He grins. "Nice punch tonight."
"Thanks... I really didn't mean to."
"Ah... don't tell people that, make them think you're cool and tough." I giggle.
"Alright." I nod. "Uhm. I better get to sleep or something."
"Boring." He teases. "Have fun." He smiles and goes into the bathroom. I feel like I can't stop smiling. I get back to Felicia's room.
"Wow, don't blind me with that smile..." She has a movie picked out and lays back on her bed. "Listen if I fall asleep you're more than welcome to the kitchen for a snack or drink or whatver." She yawns. I nod, and lay back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Date outfit: