Sequel: The Storm.

Only Baby Scars

Chapter 6

Prom was a blast. Austin and I danced all night long, and ate good food. Watched his ex-girlfriend win prom queen. It was a night I will never forget, but now we're on our way to Alan's beach house. I'm not even tired, though I should be. My legs are resting on Austin's in the back seat of Phil's car. I'm changed into black shorts and a pink tank-top. Felicia is sitting up front. Alan took his own car with his date, Sarah, and Tino and his date, Ariana.

"Thank you for the amazing night." I whisper into Austin's ear.
"Anytime." He grins ear to ear and we're kissing again.

When we pull into his beach house, it's adorable. Like a Barbie play-house. Painted white, with light blue shutters, and a matching door. You can tell his family owned it. It was cute. The inside was huge. There's a living room, dining room, kitchen, room, and bathroom downstairs. The back door was a part of the dining room, and you can see out onto the deck, that had a hot tub, and a beautiful view of the ocean. I can only imagine how much this costs. The upstairs has 3 rooms, and a bathroom in one of the bedrooms, and one down the hall. Austin and I pick the room with the balcony.

"I can sacrifice that bathroom for this view." I say to him. It's dark looking out into the ocean. Except for the ivory moon shining onto the waters, and onto us. It looks huge tonight, I swear I can almost touch it. You can hear the waves crashing on the beach, and I feel Austin's hands wrapping around my waist, moving hair from my neck to kiss. The breeze blows salty hair our way and we're both entangled in each other once again.

"It's almost as beautiful as you." He says. "but not quite."

I turn to face him and let him drape more kisses down my neck, and back up to my lips. I wrap my legs around his tiny waist and he carries me over to the bed. Everything feels new with Austin. Every touch, every kiss, each one is never like the last. It's refreshing, it feels good... no great. He's pulling off his, and my shirt. Sliding his hands up my body slowly, pulling me on top of him. Kissing down the chain of the necklace he bought me. I'm feeling electric right now. Letting everything go. He pushes back on top of me, with more passion than I have ever felt from him...
The sun wakes me up the next morning, we're tangled in each others skin beneath the sheets. He's sleeping soundly, he's breathing slow, even. I think about last night, and I tingle all over. I kiss his forehead and slide out of bed to find clothes. I settle for a sleeveless blue and white striped dress and head to the bathroom down the hall. After showering in the warm water, I feel good. When I get back to the room, Austin switched positions, and is still sleeping. I quietly do my makeup and head downstairs.
I smell coffee, and something cooking. I walk in to see Felicia and Phil sitting at the table, with orange juice and eggs on their plates.
"Woah, someone is glowing." Felicia says with a grin. "That's cute."
"Yeah, it's not like we couldn't hear them two last night..." Phil says, and I feel my face flush red hot, I quickly turn to the fridge and grab some eggs and potatoes. I whip up some scrambled eggs, potatoes, and bacon for Austin and I. I pour coffee into two cups and head back upstairs with it on a tray. When I sit on the bed, Austin looks up surprised, and smiles.
"Hey baby." He grins and sits up yawning and stretching. I kiss his lips, and hand him his cup of coffee.
"Light and sweet." I say, and he takes a sip. He sets it on the table next to him. I hand him the plate of food.
"You didn't have to do this."
"I wanted to." and I did. I loved cooking for him, and giving him what he wants; what he deserves. There's a knock at the door and Felicia comes in with hands over her eyes.
"Please be decent!" She says, as she takes her hands off her eyes. "Cool." We all laugh. "Do you want to head to the shopping outlets in an hour?" she asks me. I look at Austin.
"Go ahead, I'll hang with the guys." He tells me.
"Yeah of course." I tell Felicia.
"Rad, I'll see in you in an hour, I've got to get ready.
Later in the day we all eat a big dinner together drinking wine, and enjoying each others company. Telling stories, and talking about life after high school. I can imagine myself with Austin for a while.
We all just hangout for the night, and the next morning we're all having a beach day, with a packed lunch, the boys surfing, the girls swimming. We even play a big game of volley ball. I'm wearing my favorite bathing suit, a green color with a white bow on top. When we're all laying together. When one of the girls from our school walks by.
"Hey we're having a party tonight. You can bring your friends." She says to Tino.
"What do you guys say?"
"Hell yeah!!" We all yell.
By nine we're all getting dresses to go out. I'm wearing a new black dress I just bought and strappy heels. I love getting dressed up, I think to myself. Austin comes into the room and spins me around.
"Gorgeous, doll." He says dipping me, and kissing me. I laugh a little and hold his hand, as we go down the stairs to wait for everyone else to get ready. We sit on the couch and when everyone is ready, we head out.
The party is already happening when we get there, people are everywhere inside and outside of the house. Austin and I decide not to drink for the night but we hangout with everyone else anyway. Unfortunately we run into Angela, who Alan is of course ogling over already.
A few hours into the party we're heading back. Alan is insanely drunk. Angela is on his harm. Felicia and Phil are drunk too, but they're better than Alan. Alan and Angela are arguing about something, but we can't really hear it, until we get into the house.
"I don't even like you Angel." he calls her by the wrong name, he's clearly to drunk to function.
"I know. You always loved Lea!" She says. "Lea, Lea, Lea." She says. Austin, Felicia, Phil, Tino, and I are watching this happen.
"Guys just chill." Austin says to Alan and her.
"She's right." Alan says, he looks like he's about to cry, and all eyes are on him. I see Austin's eyes now stuck on him.
"Excuse me?" Austin says to Alan.
"Yeah Austin, you knew I liked her. You came and took her right out of my life." he barely gets out these slurred words.
"Well maybe if you didn't choose Angela." He says.
"Angela?" He looks at her and to me and back to Austin. "You know the next night, I went to Lea's house you know." I know what he's about to say, and I rush over to him.
"Alan shut your mouth right now." I growl. "Don't bring up past mistakes." Austin's eyes go from Alan to me in that instant. "Austin, we'll talk about it later." I say.
"Why? Why not tell him now?" Alan says.
"Because you're drunk, and it's late." I see the clock says 3:45 in the morning.
"What's he talking about?" Austin asks in a low voice. All eyes are on me.
"Yeah tell him!" Alan says.
"I want to hear this too." Angela giggles. "She's a slut Austin your girlfriend is a dirty slut." I don't know what has gotten into me but I lunge at Angela.
"I AM SICK AND TIRED OF YOUR BULLSHIT." I say as I start punching. But Phil and Austin are dragging me off of her. I'm boiling over with anger.
"Get out now!" Austin is yelling at Angela. "Tell me what they're talking about..." He says to me.
"I HAD SEX. WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND." Alan blurts out. Austin whips his head to him so quickly.
"What?" He asked.
"I, Alan Rigby, Had sex... with your girlfriend." Austin is staring him down at this point. "She was good Austin..." In the blink of an eye Austin is rushing at Alan full speed. Phil and Tino grab Austin before he can get to him.
"Shut up!" I scream. "Shut up!" I want to kill Alan.
"It was fun!" Alan digs the blade deeper into Austin's heart. "I loved it, how about you Lea?"
"Shut the hell up!" I am more angry, and I look at Austin as he runs up the stairs and I run after him. "Austin, this happened before we went out. I meant to tell you... b-but it was so insignificant I forgot all about it." I say. "It was an accident."
"Bumping into someone is an accident, Stepping on your dogs paw is an accident, sex is not an accident." He says coldly. I go to touch him but he winces and turns away. "You had sex with one of my best friends and didn't even bother to tell me."
"Because it didn't mean anything." I say. "Austin you mean everything to me, after that happened, I realized what I wanted. It wasn't him. It was you. From that moment on." He lets me take his hand. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." I say.
"Just the way he said it... That made me so angry... I don't want to ever picture that again."
"Well don't... It will never happen." I say kissing his shoulder. He kisses my forehead and wraps his arms around me.


After all of this mess, I am feeling a little sick... My chest has been hurting all day. But right now, it feels as if I have really bad heartburn. I decide I need to lay down and I stand up but when I'm half way to the other side of the bed, everything is blurry. The last thing I see is Lea rushing to my side, and everything goes black.


"I think I need to lie down." He says standing up. I notice his face has turned pale.
"Austin?" I say... He's looking at me and his eyes roll back and he falls on the floor. "Austin!" I yell and I kneel next to him. He's laying on the floor and I'm screaming for Felicia or anyone. I grab my cell phone from the end table, and dial 9-1-1 and tell them I need an ambulance. He's ice cold, and I'm crying my eyes out. When Felicia runs in, I don't know what to do. I listen to make sure he's still breathing and check his pulse, which is down really low. "Don't do this to me..." I sob into him. I keep checking his pulse until the EMT's rush in. They push me out of the way, and put him on oxygen carrying him out of the room.
A few hours later.
We're all in the waiting room with Austin's dad and Felicia's parents. I can't stop crying because I have no clue what is going on. Felicia has his arms around me. The doctor comes out and we're all impatiently waiting to hear what has happened to him.
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Lea's beach look: