Sequel: The Storm.

Only Baby Scars

Chapter 9 - the end.


Not only was that the most incredible moment of my life, but I had my own surprise for the next time Lea was to hold Atticus. I planned on asking her to marry me. I was sure, that she was who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I saved up for this ring for a year. She has no idea.

I need to speak with her father. I need to find out if I have his blessing. On the drive there, my heart is pounding. My palms are sweating. I'm re-thinking doing this now. When I'm ringing the doorbell, I'm practicing what I'm going to say.

"Hello Austin, " Her mother answers the door.
"Can I come in? I need to talk to your husband."
"He's in the living room." She says moving out of the way, letting me into the house. I nervously walk to the den, where he's sitting and watching TV "H-Hi... I need to talk to you." I say and he mutes the television.

"Well... go on." I'm trembling and fidgeting my hands.
"Well... I-I wanted to ask your permission... or get your blessing... I want to marry Lea..." He looks shocked. "I-I am so sure, this is what I want."
"I think that's a wonderful idea... Since you got her pregnant first." Ouch...
"Yeah... I-I just wanted to get your blessing." I stand up ready to run...
"Austin. Don't break my daughter's heart." I hear him say just as I'm leaving. "Make her happy. Remind her that you love her every single day... tell her that she's beautiful, even when she looks a mess. Love her and that child with your whole heart." He says, not even facing me. "Remember those things, and remember that if Lea loves you, she loves you with her whole heart... she always will."
"T-Thank you sir." I say as I go out the door.

A few hours later, I'm at the hospital. Lea looks better than she has the past couple of days. Felicia, Tino, Phil, and even Alan are sitting around her bed... an audience, I think nervously. Alan is holding Atticus in his arms, cooing at him and lightly touching his face. I put the ring in a baby shoe box. I could feel my heart accelerating once again. I sit next to Lea after giving her a greeting kiss, and I kiss Atticus in Alan's arms. He offers him to me and I take him in my arms. Lea moves over and lets me sit next to her on the bed. She wraps her arm around me. I'm stalling like crazy.

"Hey little guy!" I say. "How's my little man doing?" I lightly touch his little soft cheeks and shower him with kisses. He starts crying and I hold him to my chest, and gently rock him.
"What's that?" Lea asks hinting to the box on the table by the bed we're both sitting here.
"Uh... Felicia, can you grab your camera? She's going to love these shoes, and I want to remember the look on her face forever." She gives me a confused look. "Phil can you hold him for a minute?" I hand Atticus to him as Felicia comes back with her camera.

"Action!" She giggles pressing play. I am shaking. I hand Lea the box, and she takes it, and begins to open it. Hidden at the bottom of the tissue box is a ring, that she picks up and looks at. She doesn't say anything she just looks at me. I get on my knee.

"Lea." She covers her mouth and looks at me with eyes full of tears. "You mean the entire world to me." Her hand trembles in my hand, the other stays over her mouth. "I would be completely honored to become your husband, if you would be my wife... will you marry me?" She's sobbing and without hesitation, she lets out a yes, and jumps into my arms. I look around and Felicia is crying and everyone else is smiling.

"Help me put it on." she sniffles, handing me the ring, to place on her finger. She looks at it on her hand and kisses me for a good minute.
Finally I was happy. I hope she was too.


I felt as if I could fly. Austin and I left the hospital the next day, with Atticus in my arms. We had a crib set up at Austin's house in his room. We had a lot of diapers and baby formula from my baby shower. When we're finally settled back at home, and Atticus is sleeping, I lay in bed with Austin. I smile and look at my ring, and face him to kiss his lips.

To say I was happy, was an understatement. I am not happy... But I am blissful, cheerful, elated, glad, merry, jubilant, joyful, and even thrilled, to be getting married to Austin.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is the last chapter, sorry I am not good with endings, i plan on a sequal, which will come.

Also, the ring set! :

Wedding planning, raising a kid, and a lot of bumps in the road.
Coming soon!