Status: Active.



"Ready to go?" I asked when I saw Andy, holding a cup out to him. He seemed much more content this morning, and I couldn't help but feel proud that I was the reason. Because I was the one to send Kat home.

"Yeah," He smiled and took his coffee, following me out to the car, "Where are we going today?" He asked once we slid into the car waiting for us.

"Houston, Texas," I replied and he groaned. It was at least an hour away, plus an added thirty minutes with traffic.

"You look nice today, by the way," He added as he took a sip from his coffee. I wore a pair of red jeans, a black top with some sort of skull design, and Dee had added some big curls in my hair.

"Thanks," I mumbled and looked out the window, "Are you sad Kat's gone?" I asked and he shrugged.

"She's been bugging me a lot lately. It was actually kind of a blessing in a way, because she's not here to nag me," He said, "She has this weird thing about me not loving her enough lately," He shook his head.

"You guys just need time," I told him.

"I guess. We'll see what happens when you and CC make it to two years," He joked and I laughed.

"We'll see. We're not too serious," I stated and he nodded.

"That's smart. You've seen him tour and you're with him all the time. It's good that you guys are going slow," He said, "Sometimes I think me and Kat rushed into things. And now all she wants to do is rush. I'm really freaking out," He laughed, "She keeps bringing up marriage. I just can't do that right now in my life, you know?"

I nodded, "I get you," I replied.

"Anyways. How did you and CC end up together?" He asked, "I mean, just last week you were telling me you didn't see him that way."

I shrugged, "I don't know. We kind of just started talking this tour. I guess it was kind of after I changed my look up a bit," I confessed. An emotion flashed across his face, and his lips fell to a frown, "What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's nothing," He said.

"You can tell me. I won't get offended," I stated, but I was kind of scared of what he was thinking.

He sighed and looked over to me, "I just... I don't think he should have waited until you changed the way you look, you know? He should have showed interest before. You're still the same Kennedy, regardless."

"Yeah but," I sighed, "No one noticed me before," I said softly.

"We noticed you, Kennedy. Why would you think that?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know. I'm kind of Kat's polar opposite, if you haven't noticed. Guys don't come up to me and compliment me or tell me I'm pretty. Not before, at least."

"Well, I think you've always been pretty," He smiled and I blushed, looking away, "And you have a beautiful voice," He added.

My heart stopped, I froze in place. Did he really hear me singing? "Oh?"

"I was smoking a cigarette when I heard you. Your window to the bus was open. I didn't know you could sing or play guitar," He said.

"I don't really tell a lot of people," I said softly, pulling at the threads of my shirt.

"I like the way you sing," He complimented, "You're voice is so pure. Like there's nothing wrong with it," He smiled. "Maybe I should be the one driving you to an interview," He joked.

"Oh no," I said quickly and he raised an eyebrow, "I can't sing in front of that many people. There's no way. I can't even sing in front of one person, let alone a whole arena. I don't know how you do it," I explained.

"But you sang in front of me," He argued.

"No I didn't. Had I known you were eavesdropping, then I would have stopped," I confessed and he once again frowned.

"You shouldn't be afraid," He assured.


"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Ashley asked and Dee sent a glare towards him. "I mean, these letters are between her and Andy," He said slowly.

"I just want to see what she's writing. Maybe we can send our own letters to convince him that Kat doesn't love him," She said and he rolled his eyes, "Stop complaining and look through those letters. There has to be some new ones around here somewhere."

Ashley sighed, "These are all past letters, Dee. Maybe she hasn't written one yet," He complained.

Dee shuffled through opened envelopes and different pieces of paper before she came across two separate pieces of paper. She read through both, sitting on Kennedy's bed. Her eyes scanned the lyrics to 'Gravity', before looking at the other letter.

"Anyone in here?" A voice called.

"Shit!" Ashley yelled and leapt out of the bed. Dee instinctively shoved a paper back into the notebook, and the other into the envelope before following her boyfriend out to the living area.

"Gross, were you guys doing anything in here?" Jake groaned, guitar in hand.

"We were until you showed up. What do you want?" Ashley demanded.

"I just dropped Kat off at the airport. I was looking for you guys because everyone's rooms are empty," He explained.

Dee stepped forward, an eyebrow raised, "Why did you take her to the airport? I thought Andy got her a driver," She stated. Ashley put a hand on her wrist, silently telling her to back off.

"Because she asked me too," Jake replied simply.

"Bet that's not all she asked," Dee challenged and Jake took a step back.

"What are you getting at?" He asked.

"I think you know," Dee took a step forward.

"I don't," He replied.

"Did you sleep with her again?" Dee asked and Jake shook his head quickly.

"No! I swear!" Jake held his hands up defensively, "She asked me to take her to the airport. She was crying because Andy didn't say goodbye this morning. She came on to me, but I stopped her," He explained.

"Oh really? Did you actually stop her or are you lying?" Dee pointed an accusing finger at him.

"When Kat and I hooked up I was drunk. I didn't even know it was Kat until the next morning. When she came onto me today I told her no. She was furious. I told her I couldn't hurt Andy and that he was my best friend," He said.

"He's telling the truth, Babe. Let it go," Ashley said from behind Dee.

Dee sighed turning to him, "What a fucking bitch," She shook her head.

"Tell me about it," Jake sighed and Dee sent him a glare.


"I can't get these fucking buttons," Andy muttered. I stepped forward, smacking his hands away, and he chuckled. I took the intricate buttons into my hands, beginning to button up the jacket the photographer had provided. I tried to just look at my fingers, and not at his bare chest inches from me.

I could hear him breathing, evenly as ever, as I buttoned one after the other. He was calm, but warm. I could feel the heat of his skin warming my cheeks. By the time I reached the last button, I was practically shaking. Still, I managed without earning a comment from him and he thanked me.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked as someone entered the room, ready to start on Andy's hair.

"Sure," I stated as I went over my checklist.

"Why are you so shy?" He asked. I looked up at him. His face was calm and curious. He actually showed interest in me. His blue eyes were wide, waiting.

I shrugged. "Uh. I don't know. I've never been really outgoing," I stated and he raised an eyebrow.

"But why?"

"I was teased a lot," I said softly. I looked away from him, back down at my clipboard, "It started in elementary school. I kind of dressed like a boy, but only because my mom wasn't around much. I got teased a lot. In middle school it got worse. I would get made fun of for having marks on my skin. They would think I was trying to kill myself. They didn't really leave me alone until high school."

"Why were there marks on your skin?" He asked.

I didn't know what to say back, but luckily someone had entered the room, stating that we were ready to begin. I smiled and lead Andy out to the main warehouse, lights and screens set up. He took his position, standing strongly with a deep scowl. A determined look in his blue eyes. That look he always got when he was performing, or explaining something about the band.

I didn't think anyone could be so perfect.