Status: Completed, but subject to editing again later on.

Am I a Dark Side?

Chapter 1: Who I Really Am

“Sweetheart, we’ve all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are. You choose to act on the dark inside of you, and this time I’m not bailing you out,” my mother scolded, as I just rolled my eyes and sighed.

When most parents say bailing out to their child, society assumes they mean just help them out of their situation. This most certainly was a situation, but my mom literately meant bailing out. This was the third time this month that I had been in a cold, dark, lonely jail cell. Only this time was a more severe case; rather than getting a D.U.I. and getting caught in a huge drug bust, I was being charged with murder.

My mom visited me often, but as soon as she heard my trial would be this coming weekend, she began scolding me. She would use “inspiring” quotes to knock me down a notch, and force me to look at what I had done. I was forced, at a mere age of 16, to look at all the bad I had done in my lifetime and be told by my own mother that I was a dark, violent person.

“Time’s up,” the guard told my mom. He didn’t really yell it, but he wasn’t exactly quiet about it either. This particular guard didn’t like me too well because his son was involved with one of my last crimes. The guard had no right to be prejudice towards me. I was into drugs at the time of the crime, but the school did a random search of lockers and I got caught. The principal had a talk with me, which mostly consisted of me being told to turn people in to deter strong punishment, so I turned in the guard’s son. It turned out that his son was a drug dealer, and liked to partake in many more illegal actions than I.

After that happened, I promised myself I would quit drugs. I followed through on that promise. I also made another promise to never come back to this terrible place, but that promise got broken rather quickly.

This time was different from the previous offences though. The other times, I had confessed to being guilty almost immediately. This time, I had not confessed because I hadn’t murdered anyone. Well, I had committed murder, but I was acting in self-defense. The police have no right to jail me for defending myself from another person. Since I had not confessed to being guilty, the court decided to put me on trial.

Going onto the stand would be nerve racking for me. You would think that since I am innocent that I have nothing to worry about, but I wasn’t like every other innocent person going on trial. Rather than being innocent until proven guilty in the courts eyes, I would be considered guilty until proven innocent because of my priors.

This wasn’t going to be easy to prove my innocence because I was actually starting to believe people. I was actually starting to believe all the people that said that I was acting on my dark side. All the people I really cared about were saying that I was a dark person because of this crime. A crime that I don’t think I should be punished for.