Status: Completed, but subject to editing again later on.

Am I a Dark Side?

Chapter 3: I Do My Research

Since I was out of jail, and no one had told me what I wasn’t allowed to do, I decided to take some of this into my own hands. I looked around to make sure no cop cars were around, and then sauntered outside. I sat down on my porch, and thought about this logically. Who was usually home around the time I came home from school? Who was close enough to have seen anything?

That’s it! The lady not directly across the way, but to the left of her could have seen. She was an older woman, about 90 years old, and was always home. I don’t know the last time she went out, but that could be good for me in this case. Now, to go and ask her some questions.

I doubled checked for police cars as I crossed the street, and pulled the knocker on her door back, and let it drop back on the door. There was a slight pause, before I heard tiny footsteps approaching the door. “Who is it?” an older, squeaky voice asked.

“You don’t usually talk to me, but my name is Melanie. I live almost directly across the street.” I was shaking with nerves, afraid that she wouldn’t let me in, or she would shoo me off the front porch.

“Oh. It’s you. Well, come on in and have some cookies, dearie.”

A fragile, tiny, older lady opened the door quickly, and allowed me to enter. I glanced around for a second, and as far as I could tell she liked her knickknacks and her pictures of her children. On every single wall at least 10 pictures and 5 knickknacks lined them. “Thank you for letting me in.”

The lady handed me a cookie, and looked into my eyes with an innocent look covering her face. “What are you doing here? You’re welcome anytime, of course, but you have never visited.”

I didn’t really know how to go about answering this sweet, old woman, so I blurted out, “I’m actually here to ask you a few questions about a court case I’m facing. You may have witnessed something at one of the days in question, and I wanted to see if you really had seen anything to do with it. But if you don’t want to answer them that’s fine, too.” I tried to sound as polite as could be because I truly did not want to offend her.

“Oh sweetie, go right ahead, and ask as many questions as you want.” This old woman was being so sweet to me that it was almost hard to process. I didn’t know if she had any motives or if it was just in her personality. But what motives could a 90-year-old have really?

“I was wondering if you’d seen anything suspicious around my house, a week ago Wednesday. Did you see something that looked like a man approaching my house?”

The older lady looked at me a little frightened. “I did see someone run up to the house, but I thought it was just one of your friends messing around. Is everything alright, sweetie?”

“I hope everything will be alright. I’m going to court for killing a man, but I did it in self-defense. That person you saw on my porch, what exactly did you see? Because the person you saw might have been the man that tried to rape me.”

“Oh dearie, I’m so sorry to hear that. Well, it seemed to be a man because of his broad shoulders, and I was him rush up to your door. I’m not sure of what happened in a few seconds that followed that because that darn yellow limousine passed by, like it does every day. The next thing I seen the door was open, and the man rushed inside,” the woman seemed sincere in her speech.

“Thank you so much. I’d hate to ask, but would you be willing to forget this conversation? The police are supposed to come around and interview everyone, I just had to know if someone could be a reliable person to testify,” I said about ready to leave.

“I can’t forget it, but I can deny talking to you, my dear. I hope the best for you and your case. Do you want another cookie to go?” This woman was so sweet, but I couldn’t bear to make myself accept her offer.

I looked around before exiting to check for cops once again. None were outside as far as I could see, so I walked back across my street to my house. Since the police had neglected to search my house for evidence either for or against me, I decided to do my own version of forensics. I ran in the house to grab my camera, and then ran back outside.

I figured the first thing that might have been off kilter would be the door frame, since he did force his way into my house. First, I looked for any claw marks on it, and then looked to see if it had been pried at. Of course it hadn’t. I check the inside of the door frame next, and still no sign of a struggle on either sides.

The last place I would have expected to be out of place was the door hinges, but they were. One of the door hinges was completely off the door, and the other was almost loose from the door. I snapped about 4 pictures of this evidence, and then walked up the stairs.

I tried to envision what had happened after that. When I was thinking, I happened to look down, and see the claw marks on the top of the stairs. I must have clawed it when Mr. Peters grabbed my foot and tried to take me down with him. If the police or courts wanted evidence of a struggle on my part, this would be perfect to prove it.

It was a shame I didn’t have school today to do any more investigation of my own. I’m sure my lawyer would do a good job at that though; he knows it would be my only out of this situation. I hoped that he really was going to be sincere and try to protect me. Time would only tell if I would be able to help others after me be found not guilty in the case of self-defense.