We Come Out at Night

Streets and Black Dogs.

It was 6:45 a.m. when I woke up. I groaned sleepily and dragged my weary body out of my best friend's, Ema's, bed.

I was finally back home again form my freshman year at college, and I hadn't even made it home yet. There were two boxes full of stuff from my dorm. I didn't feel like taking it just now because I knew we'd have to carry it. I sold my car to pay for tuition.

I got off the bed and made my way to the living room. As I past the couch Ema stirred.

"Be careful, Trillian." She mumbled sleepily without opening her eyes . I smiled down at her. I knew she wouldn't remember this when she woke up.

"Bye, Ema."

I opened the front door and made my way down the driveway. The sun wasn't up yet but the night's clouds were turning a warm purple.

It was summer and the weather was hot and humid. But now it was perfect. My house was only a block away so I wouldn't have a long walk.

I was coming up on the house that me and Ema used to call the "vampire house." All the windows had bushes growing over them and the only time you'd see any activity at the house was at night. Lately it had had some reinvading. It had a brick fence around it and it appeared to have been built out taking up two lots.

As I came closer I noticed a huge black dog in the yard. It was pure black and had a ferocious anxiety about it. It looked over me with intense hostility.

I was usually good with dogs but you couldn’t pay me enough to approach this one. When I crossed the drive way nearer the dog I noticed a brown leather collar with silver buckle. The dog looked down the street and anxiously up the horizon.

What a paranoid dog, I thought. Right then I heard a screeching from a car, I looked over a saw a black corvette rounding the corner. As it passed by me I noticed the windows were so darkly tinted I couldn't see inside. The car pulled into the drive way where me and the black dog stood.

I watched the driver side car door open and a black cloaked figure appeared. The black dog looked over at me and its gold eyes flashed dangerously before it ran towards me and jumped. It latched onto my shoulder and I was on the ground. I felt the warm blood blossom all over the grass beside me. I just hoped that my bag would get too badly stained.

"Rena, stop!" some on commanded. The dog let go abruptly.

I heard some one's quick footsteps coming my way. I look up and saw the guy in the black cloak. I noticed he was really strong and built as he picked me up.

I got a glimpse of his face briefly. I wrapped the uninjured arm around his neck as he began to walk I realized he looked a lot like Synyster Gates from the one band….and that I hadn't managed to get my bag.

Then all consciousness faded away.
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Its a little slow at the beginning, i kno.