We Come Out at Night

Trashed, Scattered, and Straight Up Confused.

Brian's POV

Lynn Saintcrow worked as an accountant in one of the major industries in Bossier City. Mostly in banks and things like that.

There was a lot under her name that covered the fact she was a bounty-hunting witch.

After the news Jimmy had told me, the only remaining mystery behind Saintcrow was the fact why she kept Jimmy's father alive for so long.

That question was soon to be answered.

I pulled into the empty parking lot behind the Chyse bank. Only one car besides my own shared the lot. A dark blue eclipse was parked closest to the back exit.

I looked up the tall building. I saw one window that held a warm yellow light.


I stalked towards the building making sure I wasn't seen or heard. I reached the brick wall and with a flush of Power I was scaling the stone.

Spider Man could kiss my ass.

About four stories up I was outside of the aluminated window. I climbed to the dark neighboring window and slid my hands over the locks.

They relaxed with a soft click and I pushed the glass open, and I climbed into a horribly normal office.

Oak desk and pleather couches. Yuck.

I wanted none of it. I made my way silently to the office door that was also locked, but it didn't take much before it yeilded to me.

Sometimes it was fun being a vampire. I couldn't help the joy of doing something destructive, but with a cause, my friends.

The hallway held no charachter either. The carpet was a forest green and paintings on the walls intended to fool clients to trust the unworthy. Like children bouncing on a spider's web.

I paused in front of Lynn Saintcrow's office door. I had no idea what to expect.

So far she hadn't openly attacked me. Another thing I had to consider was that she was also known for killing with incredible stealth.

I sucked in a breath and closed my eyes. I tapped deep within my inner well. The dark silver abyss that held my ability of being a vampire.

The part of me that I tried so hard to keep hidden.

The raw uncontolled Power that I had learned to use came bubbling up to the surface of my skin. It burned me from the lack of being used, so I had no idea what was about to happen.

My heart convulsed a thousand times more than normal rushing the unpredictable molecules to every part of my body.

I was suddenly very thankful I had just fed from Mea. Otherwise there would be no way I could do this.

I broke through Lynn's phsychic barriers. They weren't used to having this kind of power to block.

Saintcrow was getting sloppy.

I opened my eyes and found myself in her office.she sat at an oak desk shuffling papers. She looked up at me with mild surprise.

"I expected you to be here earlier, Mr. Haner." Lynn said, like I was a small child late for my detention.

So she had known I was coming. Damn. I was really counting on side tracking her from killing me by surprising her.

I pushed the though aside andlooked at her. She resemnled her daughter, Trillian. Ther eyes were both the warm brown color. Lynn's were a lttle darker than Trillian's, though.

Lynn's skin was darker, too. Lynn was african American. Seeing that Trillian was only half and I could remember how her golden caremel skin glowed. I found myself missing her.

"I have other things to do." I answered her appearing to be only half interested. "I just was you to tell me-"

"You want to know about your friend, Jimmy Sullivan's father." Lynn interrupted. "Yes," Lynn sighed. "I knew it was only a matter of time."

"Yeah." I said, thoroughly surprised, but I tried hard not to show it. "How did you now that's why I came here?"

"You have my daughter, Mr. Haner. I love Trillian. I am willing to exchange whereabouts of one of my prey to you for her."

"I'm not going to make any deals with you, witch." I hissed. I knew way better than to do that.

Lynn's eyes flashed dangerously, and I thought I was done for.

"I don't need to strike a bargain with a lost vampire to get my daughter back."

That's just what you tried to do. I thought angrily.

"I'm much stronger than that." she continued. I couldn't help but have a come back for that one.

"What about your flimsy shields, witch? They seemed easy enough to shatter." I answered.

Lynn laughed. "Those barriers, Mr. Haner, are meant to be be broken. They show me what kind of creature I am dealing with and its power before actually facing it."

Well, shit. I screwed up. I smoothed out my facial features to a mask. The tension in the room sparked. We seemed to have come to a dead end in our argument, but if I wanted to, It could go on.

Lynn sighed. The wariness in the woman blew to the surface with her breath.

"Sit, Mr. Haner." Lynn gestured to the seat across from her on the otherside of the desk.

I stood there frozen. I questioned whether I should trust her. Was she the evil witch we had made her out to be because she killed Rev's dad? Or was she just a worried mother that wanted her daughter back?

Whatever the case, if she was capable of killing a demon, then she was a defenite threat.

"Come, Mr. Haner. I will not hurt you. Not tonight." Lynn said making an impatient motions with her hand.

I repressed the shiver that threatened at the base of my spine and sat down.

"Now," Lynn began. "Let me tell you of of Trillian's and Trina's father. And of couse, Mr. Sullivan's as well."

What the fuck?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah Ha!

I'm trying to update this thing every other day to make up for the 3-month gap.

pleasssse gimme comments, they makes me smile. And let me know that i'm writing for someone!